Zimmerman Verdict Reached: NOT GUILTY

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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:

A verdict has been returned in Florida v. Zimmerman. At present the parties are being called back into session, after which the jury will be brought into the courtroom to read the verdict.
The verdict form is here.

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I honestly cannot believe the reactions to this verdict…people still want to believe this whole sad story is all about race…and refuse to look at the whole picture and the facts and only the facts…the law is not subjective…as some would like it to be…

In light of this whole sad story there have also been other sad stories directly related to this incident…and shooting and subsequent trial…

There have been other ‘murders’ around the country specifically related to so called ‘justice for Trayvon’ that never should have happened, and these same stories have never even hit the media nationally or truthfully…I would never have known about them… I learned about them because they were posted here on FA within a comment…

…those ‘murders’ are ones truly related to Race… but because they don’t ‘fit’ an agenda (pick one), we will never hear about them… will we?

Others have lost their livelihood over this trial…over the truth…over following the law and the facts…

The travesty in all this is that we have adults, who are suppose to have wisdom, education, who should be independent thinkers who hold high positions in places with a very large audience…and what they say resonates with those who they put into a box…and keep them there until they need to ‘use’ them again…for their own gain…

Curt, thanks for publishing my stuff in the past. My budget is so tight for the last 4 years as to not have $ donate, but I can. offer articles. They might bring traffic and $. My next:

Not understanding Rachel Jenteel or race baiters.

Now that the George Zimmerman trial has delivered a “not guilty” verdict I would like to have a little response time to some really stupid race hustlers, Rachel Samara of Global Grind and Shereen Marisol Meraji. I am not going to include any links for this drivel since only by any increase to their traffic helps these deranged hucksters of race to continue to prey on white guilt.

The reason you think us unenlightened “crazy ass crackas” have not been impressed by Jenteel’s culture and “English as a second language” upbringing is because you see it as too nuanced for us rednecks to see the beautiful flower beneath a hardened core due to white racism..

That’s just retarded sir. This young lady is exhibit A of what happens to people living in the utopian plantation of “hope and change.” This young lady, due to no fault of her own, has been given every opportunity provided by massive government taxation to improve her lot in life. Obviously, no matter how much money this government has extracted from its productive, and spent on Rachel will help this young woman understand cursive.

What real rational Americans of any color see in Rachel Jenteel is a young lady raised on government dependence that will never have an opportunity to be anything but dependent on that government. She is what the Obama campaign of 2012 called the “Life of Julia.,” only this is the reality version. This is the only future for any that believes the government can control equal outcome for all.

Special Bonus Rant

This is a list of groups that the US Department of Justice , NSA, FBI, Florida National Guard, Florida Sheriffs, and Florida Police Assoc. did not spend taxpayer’s money making video’s asking their members not to riot.

• 186 separate Ku Klux Klan (KKK) groups with 52 websites
• 196 neo-Nazi groups with 89 websites
• 111 white nationalist groups with 190 websites
• 98 white power skinhead groups with 25 websites
• 39 Christian Identity groups with 37 websites
• 93 neo-Confederate groups with 25 websites
• 10,394 tea party groups with millions of websites
• 18 true the vote groups with thousands of websites
• “crazy ass crackas”
• White Hispanic with one member
Most of the groups above are listed as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s top 10 hate groups.

Where’s was Travon’s right to protect himself under stand your ground laws as he was being stalked, attacked and killed by a wanna-be cop loser? This verdict says one thing; Floriduh.

Sigh, some will not be happy until a race war erupts, and with their hyperbole are fanning the flames to turn this into one:

Teen threatens ‘mass homicide’ on Twitter if George Zimmerman is acquitted

A Zion, Illinois teen known was slapped with felony charges after allegedly saying he’d ’cause a mass homicide’ at his high school should George Zimmerman be acquitted.

At a “Justice for Trayvon” rally in Portland, Oregon Saturday evening, several speakers reacted to the acquittal of George Zimmerman by calling for violence, including the specific targeting of police.

According to video of the event provided by the “Laughing at Liberals” channel on YouTube, one demonstrator declared: “In my mind, every f***ing cop is a f***ing target.”

CNN Fans the Flames of Zimmerman Verdict

Melissa Harris-Perry: Verdict Means It’s OK To Kill Innocent Black Children

New Black Panther Vows: ‘Black Man Will Exact Justice On Zimmerman’

AP Reporter on Zimmerman Verdict: ‘So We Can All Kill Teenagers Now?’

Protesters of Zimmerman acquittal march in Calif.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Protesters angered by the acquittal of George Zimmerman held largely peaceful demonstrations in three California cities, but broke windows and started small street fires Oakland, police said.

‘The system has failed’: Hundreds demonstrators voice their disappointment and anger over not guilty verdict in George Zimmerman trial

And the MSM will continue to give the race-baiters a stump to further this unrest all for sensationalism and ratings market share.

@This one: You do not have the right to assault and batter a community watchman, or anyone, because they followed you and asked what you are doing. You DO have the right to shoot someone with your legally-carried firearm if they are threatening your life physically (In Florida). This never should have gone to trial and you know it.

A travesty of justice. Z won’t win the civil case and he will have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Too bad thousands of kids will have to do the same, now.

More of this disgusting behavior:

Zimmerman Verdict: Tweets from Obama’s Post-Racial America

Tavis Smiley: Zimmerman Verdict Shows U.S. ‘Contempt’ for Black Men

Tavis-Smiley ignores the contempt for black men held by other black men who are killing others of their race in “gun free” Chicago.

Sharpton Calls Zimmerman Decision an ‘Atrocity’

Raw: Crowd Calls for Nationwide Protest over Zimmerman Verdict

Acts of Violence Mar Oakland Zimmerman Protest

Jesse Jackson: ‘The Jury, No Black and No Men, Was Always Suspect’

Clearly, Jackson infuses the female jury as being both racist and sexist in their verdict.

The New Black Panther Party is in Sanford, Florida organizing rallies and gatherings to be held after the jury reaches a verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.

The Washington Times noted the group has tweeted, “New Black Panther Party will not give you specific details on anything other than to say we have rallies and street maneuvers planned.” The group has even tweeted about a planned Sept. 7 rally for Trayvon Martin: “We can’t and WON’T try to control the general dissatisfied population. For sure we are ORGANIZING.”

“If Zimmerman is acquitted there is likely to be unrest all over America. It will be way beyond the capacity of the NBPP,” the group tweeted. “From what we are hearing there is a HIGH chance of rebellion across the nation if Zimmerman is acquitted on all charges.”

See who are calling for racial vigilantism now? Will they use burning crosses? Stay tuned.

Martin Family Lawyer: Black Males Being Convicted With No Evidence All Over America

CNN Legal Analyst: Zimmerman Acquittal Means We Must Talk About Race

What we must talk about on a national basis is why the race-baiters try to infuse everything with racial undertones where none exist, and why when this results in riots and destruction these race-baiters are not held personally and financially liable in class action for their racist rabble rousing. Meanwhile:

LAPD Declares Citywide Tactical Alert Over Zimmerman Protests

Four More Murdered in Chicago in 24 hours: No Threat of Riots

Justice for Darryl:

On Thursday, July 11, police discovered the rotting body of 17-year-old Darryl Green, a black child from the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago…

…President Obama has not commented on Green’s death. Neither have any other politicians, including local Congressmen Danny Davis and Bobby Rush, or Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Neither has anyone at MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, or throughout the Hollywood community.

The verdict of the court is not a vindication of all of the goofy ideas that a lot people hold about the facts of the case itself—although I’m pretty sure it will be taken that way by them.

It certainly isn’t an endorsement of George Zimmerman’s behavior.

@This One:

Z won’t win the civil case…

Actually Zimmerman could also win the civil suit. Wrongful Death requires proof of negligence, Self-defense is not negligent, nor is it negligent on Zimmerman’s part for Trayvon to have physically attacked him. Any lawless vigilante who kills Zimmerman will have committed first degree murder.

Too bad thousands of kids will have to do the same, now.

You mean like they have to in “gun free zones” like Chicago, Watts, and other urban blight areas where “gangstas” kill children of their own race with impunity?

@This one: Where’s was Travon’s right to protect himself under stand your ground laws as he was being stalked, attacked and killed by a wanna-be cop loser? This verdict says one thing; Floriduh.

This one, apparently you missed much of the trial including Rachel’s testimony and the closing arguments.
Rachel was on the phone with Trayvon.
She said he said he was at his ”father fiance house” back door at one point.
BUT then came the four minutes between where George Zimmerman had no idea where Trayvon was til when Trayvon came at Zimmerman and punched him in the face.

Why couldn’t the CHILD have gone inside his father finace house and got an adult to go out to confront the guy he suspected of whatever?
We’ll never know.
Because Trayvon decided to pick another fight with someone.
Recall his own Tweets about punching another guy in the face and being upset that the guy didn’t bleed enough.


Few as goofy as the political-based ignorance of the evidence you have presented in your lynch-mob mentality perversion of the facts, coupled with your complete lack of understanding of how the justice system was designed to work, (ignoring the requirements of “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” “Reasonable Doubt” and the Prosecution having to prove their accusations).


Refer back to #8.

I’ve got nothing more to add on the topic.


Then we are agreed on your goofiness. Glad we have that settled.

I prefer to rely on the truth of the evidence and the law to base my opinion, rather than emotional manipulations of media sensationalism and racial hatred-mongers.

@This One: So Martin who was not charged for stealing jewelry and doing drugs in school and was on a 2 week suspension from school for drugs has the right to beat up a neighborhood watch person when ever he feels like it? It this your story or position?

If Zimmerman had not been exonerated, no non-black person would ever feel confident in protecting themselves with a firearm ever again.

Ann Coulter posted an incident here

There is, however, at least one case of a black homeowner fatally shooting a white troublemaker. He was not charged with murder.

In 2006, the ironically named John White was sound asleep at his nice Long Island home when his teenage son woke him to say there was a mob of white kids shouting epithets in front of the house. The family was in no imminent danger. They could have called 911 and remained safely behind locked doors.

But White grabbed a loaded Beretta and headed out to the end of the driveway to confront the mob. A scuffle ensued and White ended up shooting one of the kids in the face, killing him.

White was charged and convicted only of illegal weapons possession — this was New York, after all — and involuntary manslaughter. He was sentenced to 20 months-to-four years in prison, but after serving five months was pardoned by Gov. David Paterson.

With all due compassion for the kid who was killed, the public was overwhelmingly on the father’s side — a fact still evident in Internet postings about the case. The kids were punks menacing a law-abiding homeowner. Even the prosecutor complained only that Paterson hadn’t called the victim’s family first. The local NAACP had campaigned aggressively on White’s behalf. There were no threats to riot in case of an acquittal.

The centerpiece of White’s self-defense argument was his recollection of his grandfather’s stories about the Ku Klux Klan. George Zimmerman’s memory of young black males committing crimes at Twin Lakes is somewhat more recent.

John White wasn’t jumped, knocked to the ground, repeatedly punched, and his skull knocked against the ground. He wasn’t even touched, though he claimed the white teen was lunging at him. Talk about no reason to “follow,” there was no reason for him to leave the safety of his locked home. White’s son knew the kids by name. They could have waited for the cops.

So, yes, this case probably would be very different if Zimmerman and Martin’s races were reversed. It is only when the victim is black that we must have a show trial, a million-dollar reward paid to the victim’s parents and the threat of riots.

Did you take the side of the white kid who was killed or did you just ignore it like all of you lefties!

@This one: Who jumped who? Who threatened to kill who? Who tried to take the gun away? Martin!! Who’s an idiot, you are!! Who was innocent and found NOT guilty in a court of law? Zimmerman!! My side was the side of justice and justice has been served!! What side where you on??

@Greg: Greg, was Zimmerman innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Was he found innocent in a court of law?? Your stupidity and ignorance continues!!

@Ditto: Ditto, Greg is hopeless but nice try!!