ORLANDO, Fla. — A court employee who retrieved photos and deleted text messages from Trayvon Martin’s cellphone has been placed on administrative leave after an attorney testified that prosecutors didn’t properly turn over the evidence to the defense, an attorney said Wednesday.
Former prosecutor Wesley White said he was ethically obligated to reveal that Fourth Judicial Circuit Information Technology Director Ben Kruidbos retrieved the data that weren’t turned over.
Kruidbos was placed on leave shortly after White testified during a hearing in George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder case on Tuesday. White said Kruidbos was interviewed by state attorney investigators twice before the action was taken.
White said he wasn’t surprised of possible evidence violations by Zimmerman prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda.
“I was saddened by it, but I’m not surprised,” he said.
White first learned about the evidence through Kruidbos more than a month ago, he said.
Phone and email messages left at the office of Fourth Judicial Circuit State Attorney Angela Corey were not immediately returned.
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I don’t think Z has a chance at a fair trial.
@Old Guy: Especially not when the prosecutor is tampering or omitting evidence. Sad that the prosecutor is not going to be on trial for malfeasance.
I do hope something ‘turns’ for the better for Mr Zimmerman…
Sadly, there are many times when you can’t get a citizens ‘help’ with crime in a community…Mr Z volunteered for the Job and look where it got him…
Side Track-
I had made a phone call to the police for some suspicious activities in my neighborhood….the dispatcher wanted to know what they were wearing, what location [where were they] and oh, what were they [White, Black, Hispanic, Asian….?]…Oh and I don’t live in Florida…
Can anyone see the MSM reporting “Spin” when they doctored the dispatcher and Mr Z’s communication in the audio on the
“News”“racially charged propagandized” dispatch video…some serious deranged minds in the MSM for sure… and there is no shame. frightening…This happens everyday in court systems. Rarely does anything happen. In this case they are going after the wrong person. The Prosecutor is responsible for everything done on their behalf. In this case it goes all the way to Corey’s office. She is guilty of Prosecurial Misconduct. She knows she has a worthless trumped up case and is playing games with the evidence. Just like Holder is playing games with the DOJ. BO is totally responsible no matter how they “spin it”.
The Judge is on board here. You can see it in the pretrial decisions. Gov. Scott and AG Biondi are fully involved also. They will spare no expense to cover everyone’s a$$!
The rulings lately against the defense are stunning. Trayvon will be painted as the choir boy that he is not. It is unfortunate that Trayvon is dead, but I think he played a major par in his own demise.
HELL if they don’t see it they are on the dole of the prosecuter,
TRAYVON was sitting on GEORGE ZIMMERMAN’s stomack cutting his airflow and smashing his head on the concrete, ZIMMERMAN waited till he was loosing his conscience to remember his gun at the same time TRAYVON notice it, so ZIMMERMAN shot is a life saving shot in extremis,
no doubt about it.
TRAYVON was a young punk looking suspicious in other people window, that is suspicious when there was so many break in by those black little criminals getting away with it,
TRAYVON was caught doing what the thiefs does, he got angry and told him HE WILL KILL HIM,
how many time do one say it before you defend yourself.
Agree will all the above.. this case would never have gone forwards, were it not for AL SHARPTON playing the RACE CARD…..
Why isn’t AL in JAIL…. his only CLAIM TO FAME…. was a FRAUD!!the FAKED Tawana Brawley “rape” by “white guys” that NEVER HAPPENED……. how much $$$ and TIME of the NYPD did he cost/waste with THAT LIE ?????? Yet the LIBERALS look up to him, as a “great guy”…..
I realized this AM that the only picture they ever show of Trayvon is the 12 year old choir boy photo. One time the Orlando paper printed a current picture of him as he was at the time of his shooting. He was no choir boy, he was scary. I do have sympathy for GZ, there will be no fair trial.
and someone mentioned about his gaining weight he gain 125 pounds,
and the jury could think that he could have defend himself,
but before he was not as big, and not in good defense shape as the TRAYVON shape,
and knowledge of MARTIAL ARTS, he used it on ZIMMERMAN by sitting on his stomack cutting his air flow,
while BANGING his head on the CONCRETE, on and on.
you would think somebody would try to help while he was yelling for help,
that community where scared and left him down, after he help them as a community guard.
it make me go back to the POST from SEAN about FELONS deserve a second chance,
many said they had a questionable prosecutor, and they are label for actions minor,
like being with the person doing wrong and where indicted and lost their whole life not able to find a job
desperate and looking at a future un existant for them and those who paid their times unable
to take back their lives which is on a stand still for many years after,
I began to suspect the PROSECUTOR in some instance, after MARISSA was imprison by CORY,
for what?
she had 2 children and pregnant attack by a violent husband, she took the gun in her car and shot over his head on the wall, she was arrested and while we where debating GEORGE ZIMMERMAN INNOCENCE
her story came out from friends of her outside, while she still was in prison for many years praying ,
SHOT on the wall,TO DEFEND HERSELF AND HER PREGNANCY, from a beast husband,
poor MARISSA, where is she now, she must still be there,
THAT COREY and prosecutor what ‘s his name CRUMP, are there for the money,
and there might be more , because 88 thousand and counting felons is Anormal in AMERICA,and
something very wrong is being done to our young people, in the last years so to make them felon for ridiculous petty crimes, it’s like the ABORTIONS OF AMERICAN BABY it’s strange and weird, it bring questions to one’s mind, it’s a way to exterminate a CULTURE is in it ?
look at ZIMMERMAN innocent, by the POLICE STANDARD being still waiting for the conclusion of his
shot to save his life by his attacker mad for having been spot before he would have commit a crime as it sound like it,
he told him ; I am going to kill you, he is an athlete practicing the marshal art, a sport man
knowing how to cut the airflow to his target,while banging his head on the concrete,
he yelled for help, but no one came to help, he waited till he was loosing his consciousness,
and shot at a close range of inches, a desperate act to survive.that’s necessary is in it?