Don’t ask questions if you really don’t want to hear the answers. After the vote on Nancy Pelosi’s “All Hate Matters” bill, otherwise known as the Ilhan Omar Protection Resolution, Democrats and the media focused not on Pelosi’s cave on Omar and anti-Semitism but on 23 House Republicans who didn’t play along with it. Rep. Lee Zeldin refused to stand silent as Democrats tried desperately to change the subject and the media desperately tried to lend a hand.
In a fiery three-minute floor speech, Zeldin made sure everyone knew his thoughts on the “Spineless, Watered-Down Resolution Filled With Moral Equivalency and Motivated by Double Standards,” as he titled it in a press release. If Republicans had the guts to name names with Rep. Steve King for his one transgression, why don’t Democrats have the intestinal fortitude to do the same with Omar on her third transgression in two months?
Note well that Zeldin, one of two Jewish members of the Republican caucus, takes the step of naming Omar in his speech to underscore his point:
If a Republican Member was pushing the anti-Semitism that Rep. Omar keeps peddling, this resolution would name names, and be solely, emphatically focused on anti-Semitism and that member would be removed from their committee assignments. The double standard motivating this decision by the Speaker and the moral equivalency filling this watered down text is spineless and disgusting.
Don’t hold back, Lee … tell us how you really feel. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), another nay vote, issued a statement that echoed Zeldin’s points:
“Today’s resolution vote was a sham put forward by Democrats to avoid condemning one of their own and denouncing vile anti-Semitism.
“While I stand whole heartedly against discrimination outlined in this resolution, the language before the House today did not address the issue that is front and center.
“Rep. Omar’s comments were wrong and she has proven multiple times that she embodies a vile, hate-filled, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel bigotry. She deserves to be rebuked, by name, and removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee so that there is no mistake about the values and priorities that the House stands for.
“For Democratic leadership to kowtow to their radical members and refuse to offer legislative language that criticizes Rep. Omar’s statements in the strongest possible manner confirms what we already knew: that their party is controlled by far-left extremists who can’t even muster the courage to stand up to blatant anti-Semitism.
“This is a sad day for the House and Democrats’ lack of action is fully responsible for bringing us to this unfortunate moment.”
Zeldin’s point about the resolution being “spineless” hits closest to the overall lesson from this episode, which is this: Nancy Pelosi’s power has entirely evaporated. Had Pelosi acted like a real caucus leader with authority, she would have immediately booted Omar from her seat on Foreign Relations and demanded a full apology, with a censuring resolution a consequence for lack of compliance. That is precisely what Kevin McCarthy did with Rep. Steve King after his white-supremacy comments despite having struggled to get his position as caucus leader just a few months ago.
So, Republicans, what have you learned?
One thing we learned is the Democrats have established new levels of gutlessness. But for Democrats, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamaphobia and anti-Semitism does not exist in Congress. Yet, when one of their members issues statement after statement expressing her anti-Semitism, anti-Israel and pro-radical Islam bias, the Democrats fold up and pretend that no one knew ALL was bad and that their members needed to be reminded not to say such things out loud… that is reserved to stoke their contributors in private into digging deep and funding their assault on a free America.
I said it in another thread Old worn out hound cant hunt, the newbies have her on a leash. She will be content to lay in the sun on the porch and eat scraps the younger dogs leave behind.
The younger billionaire socialist one world order slimes will be training younger radicals to replace the dying democrats and put them in a home.
Has anyone really seen RBG really? They say she is at work but no one has photographed the hearse pulling into the SCOTUS parking area, her rise from the casket and jog in.
“Has anyone really seen RBG really? They say she is at work but no one has photographed the hearse pulling into the SCOTUS parking area, her rise from the casket and jog in.”
How sick and stupid can you be? You give Deplorable Me a run for his money. This website is a cesspool of hate and you two comment on every post. Dr. John must be very proud. Have you two no decency at all?
@Gary Miller: I would like proof she is capable of making her own decisions else be replaced. Let her live out what ever time she has left without the entire left pressuring her to get her ass back to work. For christmas sake shes in her 80s cant she retire and enjoy her her family and relaxation? Have you no mercy?
How much decency does it take to murder children of a botched late term abortion? Not enough democrat votes for helping them.
So making fun of an old liberal ya so horrible.
@Gary Miller:
Not nearly as sick and stupid as you liberals, promoting beheading, stabbing, shooting and assassinating the President of the United States, the rape of his wife and children or making death threats against innocent children because of their caps. You liberals show boundless sickness, depravity and barbarity. So, step off your little high horse, scooter. Those you support and defend are utter garbage. No decent person is on the side of Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, Schiff, Occasional-Kotex, Omar or Tlaib. And, what IS the status of that liberal gargoyle?
@Deplorable Me: She was spotted at DIA
@kitt: I want to see her filing for her retirement. She should be recusing herself from anything related in any way to Trump.