Your monthly gasoline bill: $368

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gas prices, income, spending

Round-trip airfare from New York to Los Angeles. More than a dozen dinners for two at Applebee’s. Two 16 GB iPod nanos.

These are just a few of the things you could have bought if you weren’t spending $368.09 a month on gasoline.

That’s the average amount American households spent on gas in April, according to an exclusive analysis of data by the Oil Price Information Service for CNNMoney.

The study, which compared average gas prices with median incomes nationwide, also showed that U.S. households spent nearly 9% of their total income on gas last month.

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This week, for the first time ever, it cost me over $50 to fill up my wife’s Toyota. Sad.

JohnG. Not to worry. Cain’s analysis last night.’when the speculators up become speculators down’ (visualize hand signals) WE’LL BE O.K.

@rich wheeler:

I’m just glad I have a Toyota that gets much better gas mileage than domestics. And no. It’s not a Prius.

Our condo complex has only one electrical meter for all garages.
Therefore no freezers, or other high drawing appliances are allowed to be plugged in any of them.
So………… of the renters shows up with a plug-in car.
Not unless he runs a LOOOOONG extension cord to his own electricity.
Well, once he had to pay for it on his own bill, guess what?
He sold it.

I love my Mini Cooper.
At 4 years old it still gets 40 on the freeways and 30 in town.
Down from its 44/34 when it was brand new.