In campaign remarks yesterday at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago, Illinois, President Barack Obama praised his adopted city, where he lived before becoming president of the United States. “Chicago is an example of what makes this country great,” Obama said. His audience applauded.
President Obama’s proof for his assertion? The donors in the room, who had given to his reelection campaign. “Witness this room,” Obama said. And he elaborated: “[W]e’ve got everything we need to make things work here in America. We still have the best workers in the world. (Applause.) We’ve still got the best entrepreneurs in the world. We’ve got the best colleges, the best universities, the best scientists, the best researchers. We’re a young nation, and we’ve got the greatest diversity of talent and ingenuity from every corner of the globe.”
But what President Obama did not address is Chicago’s homicide rate, one of the highest in the nation.
“[M]ore Chicago residents — 228 — have been killed so far this year in the city than the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan – 144 — over the same period,” the Huffington Post noted in June.
“The war zone-like statistics are not new. As WBEZ reports, while some 2,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gun fire in Chicago during that time, based on Department of Defense and FBI data. Chicago’s murder rate is also currently quadruple that of New York and double Los Angeles’ rate.”
The Chicago Tribune has a murder tracker.
It is updated nearly daily, as more murders occur.
Look under the HOMICIDES heading.
Could it be that Chicago has more residents than there are US troop in Afghanistan, all it’s statistics would be higher then…so that the comparative statistics used here don’t really add up, not at all?
There is something close to 3 million in Chicago, and at the most 100,000 troops in Afghanistan…..I mean, why would you use those as figures, especially taking them from the Huffington Post, in your great noble quest for conservative truth?
And why damn a whole city because your hate for Obama. There are lots of Republicans living in Chicago, maybe they help make Chicago great? Not to you. You hate that town, it’s some sort of fill in for Obama, and logic and reason and proportion have no place in your pure hate.
Chicago is a beautiful city, lots to offer. Great people, food, scenery, art, etc. Too many murders, but only a psyco-path would see that as the great defining feature.
Brian Miller
what kind of comment are you always doing,
you sound like a creepy crawler on the FLOPPING ACES FLOOR,
Obviously, Dr. John has never spent any quality time in Chicago.
By the way, I keep wondering when FA will begin blaming Obama for the increase in gasoline prices again?
@Liberal1 (objectivity): I’ve spent a great deal of time in Chicago, but it is the murder capital of the US right now thanks to liberals.
Iraqi deaths from violence 2003–2011
Analysis and overview from Iraq Body Count (IBC)
First published 2 Jan 2012
On average US-led coalition forces caused the deaths of 1,645 civilian on average per year during the Iraq War.
If one eliminates those Iraqi civilians kill during the heaviest fighting during the invasion before May 1, 2003;
14,811 – 7,427 = 7,384
One finds that on average US-led coalition forces caused the deaths of 852 civilian on average per year during the Iraq War from May 1, 2003 to December 31, 2011.
At this rate the murder rate in Chicago this year will be around 550 civilians.
Population of Iraq 31,129,225 (July 2012 est.) source CIA World Facts Book
Population of Chicago 2,707,120 – Jul 2011Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Chicagoains during “peacetime” kill civilians at 4 times the as did US-led coalition forces in Iraq during the entire war; and at 8 times the rate during the Iraq War from May 1, 2003 to December 31, 2011!
Funny no one said Chicago wasn’t a nice city [minus the 100 of dead corpses of course]….and the “people” who have nothing better to do then to kill someone over what???
I just viewed, on the site NanG linked to….a mob of 10-15 young black kids beating, then stabbing another black guy…and apparently this occurred on a street where there ARE Nice Restaurants and theaters, I believe they mentioned it was boystown ….hmm..
No matter how ‘nice’ Chicago is…with this kind of crap going on I’d say you are taking your life into your hands by going to even the ‘nicest’ part(s) of the city…great way to draw in tourism and locals…and commerce…You go Chicago!!!! You go emanuel!!!
Chicago – Murder capital of the USofA!!
I’m curious about this svengali hold Obama has on Brian Miller….??
I never defend Obama, never voted for him, but sticking to reality gets to you guys. I never bring up Obama until one of you obsessed brings it up. You nuts are obsessed and project your fantasy on everyone else. That’s my point here, you are projecting your hate on the entire city of Chicago. You brought up Obama here, and you don’t even realize it’s you, not me. I like Chicago, didn’t you read my post? Are you ignorant? What is it?
Take Obama out of Chicago and it’s STILL the murder capital of the USA – Obama just happens to live there there is nothing wrong with the author mentioning that Obama calls Chicago his adoptive home!! That is no secret.
Mr Obama made plenty of platitudes regarding Chicago: “But what President Obama did not address is Chicago’s homicide rate, one of the highest in the nation.”
What is this rant below all about?? When the main point of the article was about the MURDER in Chicago??
“And why damn a whole city because your “hate for Obama”. There are lots of Republicans living in Chicago, maybe they help make Chicago great? Not to you. You hate that town, it’s some sort of fill in for Obama, and logic and reason and proportion have no place in your pure hate”
Sounds like you are defending him to me….
Oh, and Brian…. it’s hard to ‘hate’ someone when you really don’t know them…you may hate what they do….their behavior….their policies…their lying…their divisiveness…their anti- Americanism…their preying on the ignorant…the empty suit they wear….the direction into socialism in which empty suit leader is taking our country… other then being a complete incompetent as a Leader of the Free World, he ‘could’ be a nice guy away from the office….but none of us really think so….he has proven that to us already.
@Brian Miller: I do not hate Obama, just the Chicago way of doing things. “The end justifies the means” for those who parctice Chicago style politics. Fast and furious is a good example of this. It didn’t matter how many people were killed with the guns the ATF and the other organizations headed by the Justice Department. Actually, killing little brown people would help to bring the cause to the fore front. It likely would still not have been discovered if Terry had not been killed.
@Brian Miller:
No, you are and have been projecting onto us you troll. Part of the projection cycle is to accuse others of what you are guilty of because you cannot except such thoughts or feelings coming from yourself, then attacking those people…just like you have done.
Really, you are here to make yourself feel better by spewing your rage towards those that dare to point out the gaping holes in your belief system. The obvious cognitive dissonance on display in your beliefs is part of what drives you to behave the way you do. Basically, leftists like yourself are narcissists. The existence of people like us who inject reality into your fantasy world is intolerable. You see, if we are right, than you are not the wonderful person who possesses special insight. In that case you are not the intellectual or moral superior you desperately need to believe you are.
As a result, we see your endless narcisisstic rage. You get off on trying to antagonize and abuse those you brand as inferior, stupid, and evil. Yet you tell yourself that we are the hateful ones. This is how you can behave the way you do yet reassure yourself of how wonderful you are.
Your kind also suffers from pathological denial of reality. We saw that on the Sikh thread. You are not capable of facing reality and the trend for mentally ill individuals like yourself, is to sink more deeply into that denial. You really need professional help, but I doubt it would do you any good.
@Hard Right: It is not nice to pick on the mentally deranged!
Nor very challenging.
That will be my only post to the troll as it’s clear he’s just another liberal fascist type who needs to abuse others to feel good about himself. Sad really.
@Brian Miller: @FAITH7:
That Pres. Obama emerged onto the American political scene from Chicago is not irrelevant to our understanding of Chicago or for that matter Pres. Obama.
Recall that Pres. Obama started off as a community organizer in Chicago having been mentored by the disciples of Marxist Saul Alinsky whose own organized crime connection helped shape his coercive protection racket like tactic and his contemptuous predatory views of law abiding working class and middle class America.
Recall that Pres. Obama was so quick to unnecessarily insert himself into a quite rare “Stand-your-ground” self defense shooting where the decease, a likely felon, Trayvon Martin, looked just like Obama’s son if Obama had a son. The armed watchmen and shooter was supposed to have been some sort of Cracker.
Recall that Pres. Obama was so quick to unnecessarily criticize a white working-class Cambridge Police Officer James Crowley who arrested a notorious radical racialist black activist, Harvard professor, his old pal the powerful and privileged knucklehead, Henry Louis Gates.
Yet the Black Chicago Underclass makes Chicago several times more dangerous for civilians than the US military was in Iraq! And Pres. Obama is silent. Not for him to light up his teleprompter, ascend his bully pulpit and insert himself into this horror!
No Pres. Obama, his wife and his closest Black adviser, Valarie Jarret, have long financially profited from a symbiotic relationship between the wealthiest left-wing white Chicago Progressives, the dysfunctional black Chicago Underclass and Chicago style corruption. This is a corrupt symbiotic relationship we would do well to study and to expose.
@Hard Right:
“The existence of people like us who inject reality into your fantasy world is intolerable.”
So why am I here with the big guns of the conservative intellect, if I can’t stand to see you all? Intolerable? Yet here I am, seems tolerable. But I love reading your nonsense. Maybe you can’t tolerate me…. Your analysis, as usual, just don’t make sense, Mr.Projection.
Narcissim on display, tell us more about yourself Hard Right-
“Hard Right says: “No, you are and have been projecting onto us you troll. Part of the projection cycle is to accuse others of what you are guilty of because you cannot except such thoughts or feelings coming from yourself, then attacking those people�just like you have done.
Really, you are here to make yourself feel better by spewing your rage towards those that dare to point out the gaping holes in your belief system. The obvious cognitive dissonance on display in your beliefs is part of what drives you to behave the way you do. Basically, leftists like yourself are narcissists. The existence of people like us who inject reality into your fantasy world is intolerable. You see, if we are right, than you are not the wonderful person who possesses special insight. In that case you are not the intellectual or moral superior you desperately need to believe you are.
As a result, we see your endless narcisisstic rage. You get off on trying to antagonize and abuse those you brand as inferior, stupid, and evil. Yet you tell yourself that we are the hateful ones. This is how you can behave the way you do yet reassure yourself of how wonderful you are.
Your kind also suffers from pathological denial of reality. We saw that on the Sikh thread. You are not capable of facing reality and the trend for mentally ill individuals like yourself, is to sink more deeply into that denial. You really need professional help, but I doubt it would do you any good. “
“I do not hate Obama, just the Chicago way of doing things.”
Typical Chicago style politics……blah blah blah
And for the Chicago voter who thinks GOP politicians are few and far between, here’s a look at five of the state’s most visible Republican playmakers on in Illinois and Washington, D.C.
Sen. Mark Kirk: Before winning the senate seat in a special election in 2010, Kirk had been a congressman in Illinois’ 10th District for a decade.
Rep. Aaron Schock: He represents the 18th District in Congress, he’s a snappy dresser and, according to his website, at 30, he’s the youngest member of Congress.
Judy Baar Topinka: She’s the state comptroller now, but Topinka also ran—unsuccessfully—for governor against Rod Blagojevich, who recently was found guilty on corruption charges.
Rep. Joe Walsh: A Tea Party member, Walsh represents the 8th District in Congress and has recently made headlines after legal disputes with his ex-wife over child custody payments.
Dan Rutherford: Currently the Illinois State Treasurer, he was a state representative for almost a decade and later a state senator until his 2010 election to his present post.
Here are the 2008 election results for Chicago. Roughly 85% for Obama/Biden and 14% for McCain/Palin. Sounds like Republicans killing Republicans and not Democrats killing Democrats.
I believe Chicago has some of the most strict gun laws in the country, does it not? Maybe they should pass a few more gun control laws.
Chicago area has most corruption convictions in nation, UIC study says,0,1024358.story
I will never set foot in Chicago or NYC, any city that tells me I dont have the right to carry my legally aquired concealed weapon with the CCDW I already have is nothing but a Socialist Haven forTryanny. Nor will I allow myself to be a victim so the elite in these cities, Liberal, live in their gated communities and tell the rest of the residents they are basically on their own. The Gangs and minority youth that know they have protected status are flexing their muscle and showing they can take over the city anytime they want.