You Know, This Guy Actually Scares the Heck Out of Me

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by Athena Thorne

Most of us here at PJ Media opted to hang out online, drink, and point and laugh at “President” Biden’s State of the Union speech on Thursday. But mine, at least, was nervous laughter. The truth is that this guy is the most terrifying American politician I’ve ever seen — well, him and the team that operates him and runs the administration apparatus.

Joe Biden has always been a nasty bully. He’s the abusive dad who laughs at you and belittles you, then turns around and kicks you down a flight of stairs. I almost never watch political speeches, mainly because they bore me — who wants to sit and pay attention to an hour-long commercial, most of which is infuriating lies? But in Biden’s case, I don’t watch because his speeches are truly frightening, and I hate feeling frightened.

He calls people like me the enemy of my own, beloved country. He clubs us over the head with labels like “threat to our sacred democracy.” I’m a “right-wing extremist,” a “white supremacist,” a “domestic terrorist.” Setting aside how deeply, deeply offensive his abusive name-calling is, it’s also really scary.

This guy is the president. He calls the shots. Or, more accurately, he acts as the mouthpiece for those calling the shots. This is the face and the voice they want us to see. This is whom they’ve chosen to convey their policies and plans to We the People:

The behind-the-scenes actors and their figurehead not only hate us, they really will come after us, with all the power and money of the state. They bury us under lawfare suits. They shoot us dead. They lock us up in their dungeons. Sometimes the realization hits me at random times that the United States now holds political prisoners. I could weep for my country. (And yes, I post this clip sometimes. Sorry to repeat myself, but this is literally me these days.)

There’s also another facet to the Team Biden menace. Thomas Jefferson wrote, “It is the old practice of despots to use a part of the people to keep the rest in order, and those who have once got an ascendency and possessed themselves of all the resources of the nation, their revenues and offices, have immense means for retaining their advantages.” In the U.S., these are the protestors who menace judges and conservative leaders. They’re the shop owners, restauranteurs, and corporate policy setters who enforce injections, DEI, and ESG. They’re the de-bankers and de-platformers. They’re the bloody, fiery, armed lunatic rioters who can be deployed on a dime to pressure any upstart, big or small. Even a former president. They are as terrifying as their forebears, the Red Guard, the Bolsheviks, and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

True story: I hesitated before I started working at PJ Media out of fear. Would my family suffer endless tax audits from now on? Would my children be rejected from colleges and universities? Would we be boxed out of opportunity? Would the FBI come knocking some oh-dark-thirty? Since signing on to PJ, I’ve occasionally turned down tips or sat on stories until someone else breaks them because I fear the repercussions I could face.

So, that’s basically it: no news to break, just a column to say I’m scared. Biden, his handlers, and his followers scare me. Yes, I still believe we can dig out of this hole: If Trump wins in November, and if he has a team of serious, clear-headed leaders to wring the poison out of our government and stop paying foreign nationals to be here, we can begin to turn it around.

This Lent, I’m praying for peace, truth, and Godliness to come back to America.


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So dose Der Fehrer Biden want to use the FBI like his own SS Guard like we see with Soros and Bragg and the M.S. Media bottom feeders

So much of his campaign speech not the State of the Union, its the Fate of the Union.
No diplomacy for peace ie more money to wash in Ukraine, The term fair share is recycled ie less money for hiring and research and investors, higher involvement with support for Hamas. FFS they cant protect the shipping with a multi-national effort, there are currently 44 active-duty four-star officers in the uniformed services of the United States, WW2 we had 6, look at the bling on them today they never won a war. With Biden as CCI and they dont seem to fear a nuclear strike. Psychos.
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Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

It had to be a campaign speech. biden could not give a state of the union assessment because the state of our union is disastrous.

Shouldn’t the networks owe Trump equal time?

Republicans killed the Fairness Doctrine, so no.

Wrong again as usual.
Fairness Doctrine is different from the Equal Time rule, which is still in force and requires equal time be given to legally qualified political candidates.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Oppps, kitt; maybe Michael the Groomer should have done a little research before he let his typing fingers overload his ass.

What the f**k does the “Fairness Doctrine” have to do with air time? And anything the left labels “Fairness Doctrine” you can guarantee is designed to destroy any semblance of fairness.

Trump already gets more air time with all the “we got him now” lawfare.

We always hear rumors of Trump ranting and raving in private, yet we can watch Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden do it publicly numerous times, as well as the reports of him doing it behind the scenes. He is unhinged and under control of Obama, a despot that wanted family and neighbors to snitch off anyone they hear not fully supporting the leftist ideals. Democrats are fascists that want a socialist totalitarian police state. They are dangerous to the American people.

Biden’s speech outranks any of those parodies of Hitler’s rants. And it is far more deranged and threatening.

Trump causes chaos?

Netanyahu says Israel will defy Biden’s ‘red line’ on Rafah

But the world has no respect for pudding brain biden. They laugh at us daily. The world leaders know biden is not going to win in November and they are getting prepared for the return of a sheriff that will take no shit from them.

I can’t wait to see the terrorist-supporting riots in Chicago this summer. The left eating itself.

Every war should be fought to win and as quickly as possible, to end the carnage.