Senator McConnell fought the good fight when he kept the Senate from taking up the nomination of Merrick Garland to fill the Supreme Court vacancy when Justice Scalia died. He ignored the slings and arrows of leftist talk. We don’t often see that from GOP leaders.
As William Jacobson notes in this Legal Insurrection post, Garland is now Biden’s attorney general and is gleefully taking on the role of Grand Inquisitor as the feds open their offensive against “domestic terrorism.”
Garland was supposedly a “moderate” pick for the Court, but he seems indistinguishable from all the other zealots around Biden who are intent on using federal power to crush all opposition. He says, “We must not only bring our federal resources to bear; we must adopt a broader, societal response to tackle the problem’s deeper roots.”
To “progressives,” the problem is that some Americans don’t want their omnipotent government. They’d like to tackle that.
Jacobson concludes, “It’s pretty clear what is going on here. Team Obama, which weaponized the IRS against political enemies, is running the show, and the guy they wanted on the Supreme Court now is leading the charge at DOJ.
I didn’t know anything about Garland but I knew if Obama picked him, he was bad for America. Obama made nothing BUT bad personnel choices and I knew that “moderate” crap was just that… crap. Obama would have never nominated anyone that wasn’t a liberal zealot.
Now he is a willing co-conspirator in turning the US into a police state.
Yup! we definitely dodged a MAJOR bullet there. Garland would have been a worse disaster than even Kagan and Sotomayor – and that’s SAYING something!