WTF?–California State Universities No Longer Accepting California Students

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King Shamus @ The Conservatory:

Welcome To The Golden State—Of Absurdity.

The Cal State University system has now announced that most campuses won’t be accepting any new students for the spring. And only non-California or international students for graduate programs. Because money.

Cal State leaders have told the university’s 23 campuses they will not be allowed to admit California graduate students for the spring term, which starts in January. Budget cuts made the system in the coming spring term unable to afford residents’ heavily discounted education, campus leaders were told. 

But nonresident students — who pay considerably higher fees — remain welcome, at least at some campuses, and that has become an issue leading some rebellious graduate schools to turn away the non-Californians — and the financial windfall they would bring in.

So a state university system has decided to exclude the very students it was created to support. What exactly are California taxpayers getting for their taxes that go to the CSU system then?

I snagged this from Maetenloch’s awesome Overnight Thread at Ace’s place.  Read the rest.  Now.

If you’re like me, you’ll have to read the article a few times just let the epic doucherocketry sink in.  Then you’ll dig deeper, hoping it somehow gets better.  It doesn’t.  It gets worsererer.

Facing uncertain budget prospects, California State University officials announced plans to freeze enrollment next spring at most campuses and to wait-list all applicants the following fall pending the outcome of a proposed tax initiative on the November ballot.

The university is moving to reduce enrollment to deal with $750 million in funding cuts already made in the 2011-12 fiscal year and position itself for at least an additional $200-million cut next year if the tax proposal fails.

The move is a high-stakes gambit that could deny tens of thousands of students access to the state’s largest public university system; it also pressures voters to support the tax increase. That proposal, backed by Gov. Jerry Brown, is intended to avoid so-called trigger cuts that will dramatically affect the state’s public colleges and universities.

Shorter Jerry Brown:  “Hey California, nice state colleges you’ve got there.  Would be a shame if anything happened to them.”

Amazing, really.

Ya know how in a lot of movies, there’s always somebody who says, “We don’t negotiate with terrorists!”?

Well, if the people on California have any brains, that’s just what they’ll say to their hostage-taking governor.

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Well, now it’s on!
Union supporter against union member!
(Just Kidding!)

“We either take both kinds of students or none,” one professor said.

OOOOOOooooooo!!!! Scary!

“It’s appalling, and I would never, ever go along with” excluding resident students, said Maria Nieto, a Cal State East Bay biology professor who coordinates her department’s graduate studies. “To say, `You can accept these students at the exclusion of California students,’ goes against the mission of CSU.”

I bet she DOES go along with it.

Cal State Long Beach, which typically enrolls about 1,500 students each spring but this spring CSULB plans to admit about only 90 students who are either veterans or are enrolled in special nursing and education programs.
The campus also plans to enroll about 50 nonresident students.

“It’s right at the head of campus priorities to pick up additional revenues,” said Bill Nance, San Jose State’s vice president for student affairs. “We agree, it’s not fair to Californians.”

My city, our local big college campus.
They STILL bug me every year for more money!
I graduated in 1971.
1,400 more young people on the streets looking for money instead of in school.

These quotes come from an awfully inappropriately titled article:
CSU plan to reject locals is protested
Nary a true sign of a protest anywhere!

No state dollars ought to be going to a state school that doesn’t accept in-state students.

That was the entire reason for the creation of the state college system!

I went to CSULB (back when it was LB State College) and learned that the state had ”bought” the land it sits on for a dollar.
Why so cheap?
Supposedly (and we’ve had MANY earthquakes since it was founded) the ground the campus sits upon will liquify during a quake and all the structures will sink.
Nice excuse for STEALING a large number of acres in the best part of a lovely city.
But, if it were going to happen, it would have happened by now.

The state college system is filled with stories like that.
All the great deals the state got!
Yet they gave out raises to all the administrators and teachers so much so that they cannot ”afford” to educate CA students!