Woman Claims She Had Long Term Extramarital Affair With Herman Cain

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This is more obligatory than anything at this point.

An Atlanta businesswoman is breaking her silence, claiming she has been involved in a 13-year-long affair with Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.Over the Thanksgiving weekend, FOX 5 senior I-Team reporter Dale Russell sat down with Ginger White, who had an amazing story to tell.

“It was pretty simple,” White said. “It wasn’t complicated. I was aware that he was married. And I was also aware I was involved in a very inappropriate situation, relationship.”

At least it’s not an allegation of harassment.

Hopefully this won’t interfere with Cain’s campaign swing throughIowa New Hampshire South Carolina Ohio ahead off its all important June primary.

BTW- If you had “Newt Gingrich will benefit most from reporting of alleged sexual misconduct and an extramarital affair”, wow and good for you. I for one did not see that coming.

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13 year long affair? Well, if she’s telling the truth (and she’d have to be a mental case to lie to that extent), she should have enough corroborating material (emails, letters, w/e) to substantiate that pretty well. I expect that will damage Cain in part by making the other accusations more believable.
Odd that it would help Gingrich, since he has not one but at least two extramarital affairs in his own history. You’d think that if someone regards that as a reason not to vote for a candidate, it wouldn’t move them from Cain to Gingrich. But maybe the idea is that this drops Cain’s electability below some critical threshold.

Isn’t it more than passing strange that NO Female has ever come forward claiming to be a beau of Obama’s before he up and married his tutor, Michelle?
If the same level of due diligence were done on Obama’s past sex life I wonder what gender of partner would be turned up?

Via The Washington Times:

We checked into Ginger White’s background. We found she filed a sexual harassment claim against an employer in 2001. That case was settled.

We also found a bankruptcy filing nearly 23 years ago in Kentucky, and a number of eviction notices here in DeKalb County over the past six years. The most recent happened this month.

Ms. White says she has been unemployed, and she is a single mom with two kids struggling to make ends meet.

“I don’t think that makes me out to be a bad person,” White said. “It makes me out to be one of the millions of people right now trying to keep a roof over their head.”

We also found a lawsuit filed by a former business partner, Kimberly Vay, who once sought a “stalking temporary protective order” against Ms. White for “repeated e-mails/texts threatening lawsuit and defamation of character.” The case was dismissed; but was followed by a libel lawsuit against Ms. White. A judge entered an order in favor of Kimberly Vay because Ms. White failed to respond to the lawsuit.

When asked why, under those circumstances, her claims against Cain should be believed, White said, “Because I admit it.


@Nan G #3 – You never cease to amaze me with the truths you dig up… and spot on every time!
Wow! If we could only clone you, Matta and a few others here we could probably end the media spin for good…. Now that would be good CHANGE!!

why would that woman accuser come up at this wrong chosen time to report and to the MEDIA
ON TOP OF THAT, FOR ALL TO READ, her 13 years relation with MR CAIN,
she is not very credible ,and get in the same line as the other ones,
they try so much to find the person who will be credible, now they have lost any chance of having the public believe anything negative about any CANDIDATES,
which they have covered each of his mistakes and failure to lead this COUNTRY,
they will come back, and we will COVER them up some more. until they are defeated by tolerants AMERICANS WHO DON’T WANT EMPTY WORDS ANYMORE, AND NO THREAT TO THE CANDIDATES FROM THOSE ON THE PAYROLL, THEY DO WASTE THE TAXPAYER MONEY.

Cain’s fall is for same reason as Perry’s.Repub. voters want someone intelligent enough to answer BASIC QUESTIONS.