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Hitler was only married for about an hour. But, between the time he and Eva were wed and they killed themselves, their marriage was bliss (except for the ongoing Russian shelling).

Stupidity reaches a new level when a liberal gets ahold of it.

Sorry to tell you, children, but Bruce Bartlett is a conservative supply-side economist who formerly served as a domestic policy adviser for the Reagan administration, and as a Treasury official under George H W Bush. He has also worked for Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), Congressman Jack Kemp (R-New York), and Senator Roger Jepsen (R-Iowa). He is most definitely NOT any sort of leftist.

Bruce Bartlett, by 2014 was a lefty.

He said Obama was to the right of Mitt Romney.
He said Obama was a conservative, something only a far lefty would think.
Last year he tweeted:

ALL (100%) of Trump supporters are racists.

About that same time he wrote on Facebook that all Trump supporters were scum.

Bruce Bartlett is a globalist, one of the GOPe who preferred Hillary to Trump because she, too, is a globalist.
Members of the uniparty are liberals, not conservatives, even if they espouse supply-side economics.

TDS level 9 somewhere between rhino dart that kook with meds and head of the DNC.
The DNC stars are campaigning on one payer system, that means all healthcare insurance other than through the government will be made illegal.
Free College, that means the government will test you and tell you what majors you qualify for, and which institution you can attend.
Is that woke? What else will they give you for “free” so they can control every aspect of it.
It also means not just working til April 19th to pay the government its share it could be til Aug or Sept.

@kitt: Free College, that means the government will test you and tell you what majors you qualify for, and which institution you can attend.

My family came from Russia before the commie revolution.
But they befriended many ex-soviets who escaped the USSR.
I had a visit with one man who told me how the commie’s children got all the choicest jobs and college opening.
If you were extremely talented, but not a child of a commie, the best you could hope for was mid-level techie or paper-pusher.
All the best jobs went to the children of the cronies.
No one had any incentive to try to excel.
There was no path to anything better if you did.

I guess mediocre young people look at that system as good for them.
But it destroys the country and it destroys the spirit.

@Nan G: But look at all the wonderous inventions that came out of that system things that changed the everyones life on the planet. Theres um… ah… somethingy Im sure. Ha! Rubicks cube I even had one on a keychain. Never did solve it, I found it to damn boring after a minute.

Bruce Bartlett, by 2014 was a lefty.

I’ve noticed that as republicans move farther and farther toward the extreme right, anyone who isn’t going along with them magically transforms into a leftist. The former middle ground is now perceived as leftist territory. Even John McCain became a left-leaning RINO.

Democrats are being painted as a violent, yet it’s those on the right who have been arming themselves and talking crazy about “democrat” mob violence. Now we’ve got bombs showing up in George Soros’s mailbox, at the CNN offices, at Cuomo’s New York office, and at the Obama and Clinton residences.

You people need to get a better grip on reality. You need to tone down the crazy rhetoric. Trump needs to quit demonizing any media outlet that dares to criticize him to stir up his rally crowds. You all need to figure out that those other people aren’t where all the danger to the nation is presently coming from.

FOX News — Secret Service intercepts suspicious packages sent to Obama, Hillary Clinton


Democrats are being painted as a violent, yet it’s those on the right who have been arming themselves and talking crazy about “democrat” mob violence.

Democrats ARE violent and crazy Democrat mob violence is a real thing.

Now we’ve got bombs showing up in George Soros’s mailbox, at the CNN offices, at Cuomo’s New York office, and at the Obama and Clinton residences.

And to Holder and Watters. However, it would be wise to wait until the perpetrators and the motive is found and revealed as it would not be the first time liberals have created their own phony “threat” against themselves to feed their politics. Note, however, that Republican leaders (LEADERS) have come out immediately and denounced the attacks… something Democrats don’t do.

Democrats need to realize the reality they have created; one where violence is med with violence. Without Democrats denouncing their own violence, it continues, grows and is eventually met in kind. Is that what you want? I don’t.

Just in, from FOX News… One of the bombs was addressed to John Brennan.

Democrats need to realize the reality they have created

Seek psychiatric help. Make an appointment today, if possible.

I guess we’ll see who’s crazy when the wannabe bomber is caught.

CNN reports: “We’ve all been blown up and killed by a Trump supporter!” They’ve since issued a correction, “Well…. almost.”