With new evidence, Congress unmasks a multi-year government plot to protect Biden, sully Trump

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By John Solomon

When the Justice Department discovered from journalists a storage locker containing evidence against ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a search was executed immediately.

But when IRS agents found a similar storage area containing evidence in the Hunter Biden criminal tax probe, they were denied the right to search despite meeting the probable cause standard, then Biden’s lawyers were tipped off, according to new congressional testimony.

Likewise, when federal prosecutors believed there was evidence of crimes at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, they launched an unprecedented and full scale-raid on the former president. But when agents wanted to execute a search warrant at Joe Biden’s Delaware home because they had probable cause to believe evidence of Hunter Biden tax crimes, they were turned down for a warrant to raid the guest house in which the first son was living.

And when FBI agents believed former Trump adviser Michael Flynn had committed no crime in the Russia collusion case, they nonetheless conducted an interview with him in what a supervisor concluded smacked of an effort to lure him into a lying charge. But when IRS and FBI agents wanted to interview witnesses in the Biden case, they were told most were off limits, including the Biden grandchildren whom agents believed may have unwittingly been entangled in a tax scheme.

A federal prosecutor “told us it will get us into hot water if we interview the president’s grandchildren,” IRS supervisory criminal investigative agent Gary Shapley told Congress in blockbuster testimony released last week that furthers an unmistakable portrait being painted by congressional investigators of a whole-of-government effort to preserve Joe Biden’s viability as a presidential candidate while attempting to destroy Trump’s re-election effort in 2020.

The pattern and evidence about the behavior of federal bodies – ranging from the IRS, FBI and spy agencies to the Justice Department, U.S. attorney’s office and National Archives – is enough to even convince one unabashed Joe Biden supporter there has been a scheme to administer unequal justice.

“I don’t agree that this is necessarily Republicans versus Democrats. A lot of FBI agents are Republicans. This is a separate system of justice for Donald Trump and anybody who defended him, or who was close to him and everybody else, Republicans and Democrats alike,” said Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard law professor emeritus who voted for Biden but also represented Trump at an impeachment trial.

Dershowitz wrote a whole book about the disparate system for Trump world called “Get Trump.” But it was completed before bombshell evidence began emerging that showed:

  • The FBI long held evidence from a confidential source that Joe Biden was involved in a possible bribery scheme that was allegedly captured on 17 tape recordings;
  • Biden’s son Hunter was engaged in a $2.2 million tax evasion-and-avoidance scheme that IRS agents were thwarted from fully investigating;
  • The infamous Hunter Biden laptop had been validated by the FBI in 2019, a full year before it was falsely portrayed as Russian disinformation by intelligence professionals, Joe Biden and the news media – in a blitz that misled voters ahead of the 2020 election.

Dershowitz said the plea deal Hunter Biden reached last week on two misdemeanor charges related to tax evasion isn’t the biggest reason for concern.

“Where he may have gotten not only a sweetheart deal, but an incredibly unjust deal, is for [the government’s] failure to investigate and perhaps prosecute the laptop, Burisma, those 17 tapes,” he said

The latter two in that list refer to the Burisma Holdings Limited in Ukraine in which Hunter Biden had a questionable business dealing and audio tapes a foreign national who allegedly bribed then-Vice President Joe Biden and son Hunter allegedly has in connection to the alleged bribe.

Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, a House Judiciary Committee member, said the FBI is the tip of the spear of a judicial and intelligence system that has been corrupted by political bias.

“There were investigations open that should not have been opened,” he said. “There were Americans being spied on, officials of a political campaign for president were being spied on, just based on political preferences of those in charge. And we cannot have a system where political bias gets in the way of what what the head of the FBI or with the leaders of the FBI, are directing or deciding.”

Rep. Lance Gooden says after Durham, whistleblowers testimony, GOP set to spar with FBI over FISA reauthorizationRep. Lance Gooden says after Durham, whistleblowers testimony, GOP set to spar with FBI over FISA reauthorization

That sentiment is shared by some of the federal agents who investigated both Biden and Trump dating to 2016.

“Investigators assigned to this investigation were obstructed from seeing all the available evidence,” Shapley testified in the transcript released Thursday detailing a mountain of political interference in their investigation of the Bidens.

He also said the FBI had testimony and text messages showing Joe Biden was likely involved in meeting with Hunter Biden’s Chinese partners as the family was pressing energy officials from the communist country to pay them millions but were kept from probing the 46th president’s potential culpability.

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They call them Con Gress and they belong in Prison with both the Clintons Obama and Biden and his son and lets toss in Soros and Bragg