As if we needed more proof that the 2020 election was not “the most secure election in history,” the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Friday that the unmanned drop boxes used to collect absentee ballots during the 2020 presidential election are illegal.
That matters because the drop boxes, which were funded by one of Mark Zuckerberg’s election meddling pet projects, collected absentee votes in five of the swing state’s biggest cities for a political race that was decided by only about 20,000 votes.
In the wake of the 2020 election, Democrats and their cronies in the corrupt corporate media repeatedly claimed that there was no way that the U.S. voting system could be compromised. Despite the growing evidence of a manipulated election, they released reports and studies that claimed that voter fraud is rare and that there were no systematic voting issues in states.
Anyone who disagreed with their conclusions was immediately smeared for touting “baseless” and “unfounded” conspiracy theories rooted in a “big lie.”
“Election Security Experts Contradict Trump’s Voting Claims,” The New York Times blared in a headline just a couple of weeks after Election Day.
Of course, these were the same class of experts who signed a letter five years ago, when Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election, claiming that U.S. elections were vulnerable and had some of the same weaknesses that they dismiss now.
The truth is, there was plenty of evidence to suggest that Joe Biden’s journey to the White House wasn’t blemish-free. Under the guise of protecting voters from Covid-19, states began recklessly mailing out ballots informed by outdated voter rolls. They eliminated election security safeguards and encouraged a flood of unverified absentee ballots.
In Pennsylvania, Democrats used the leftist courts to change the state’s Election Code to expand mail-in voting, add drop boxes, and relax the verification standards for mailed ballots. In other key states, Zuckerberg used shady election-manipulating organizations to incentivize and orchestrate increased Democrat voter turnout.
Even on Election Day, poll observers in several swing states said they were targeted, harassed, lied to, and banned from the ballot-counting rooms which they were supposed to observe. In Michigan, Republican poll challengers claimed tens of thousands of bad ballots were counted for Biden in Detroit and signed sworn affidavits saying so.
Yet, anyone who suggested anything to contradict the narrative that this was the “most secure election” ever was nuked off of the internet by Big Tech and scolded by corporate media. When they gathered in Washington D.C. to protest, they and Republicans nowhere near the nation’s Capitol building were smeared as “insurrectionists.”
That event became the basis for the hyperpartisan Jan. 6 Committee and their sham attempts to subpoena election integrity supporters for the crime of questioning what happened in 2020.
They all were afraid to face the truth when it mattered, but now that it’s too late, more and more of the truth keeps coming out. This could have easily been determined in November of 2020 and the REAL outcome of the election been determined, saving the country and the world from the idiot Biden disaster-fest.
However, it is more than obvious now that those behind the curtain had to remove President Trump literally because he did stand in their way. Just look what we are seeing domestically and world-wide.
In addition, the ongoing effort to prevent him from his third term is their current modus operandi. To date the j6 klown show has yet to produce any indictable evidence that would or could take the form of a criminal indictment. That does not mean they will not try but, the criminal indictment(s) from a weaponized DOJ will be as laughable as the klown show known a j6.
Ridding the country of localized drop boxes will go a long way in securing elections as we have seen in 2000 Mules.
Absolutely true. But, you can eliminate drop boxes and the Democrats will find another method to cheat.
Twenty years from now when the major players and a high enough percentage of the people who voted are dead, they will admit that the basement dummy was installed via massive voter fraud.
Kennedy was dead a long time before they admitted that election fraud.
They have this perfected to an art form. Who to grease, who to blackmail, who to let slide and they are not the majority.
Looking at all the laws broken in Wisconsin during the election our strict voting laws still were overcome. Drop boxes were illegal, counting mail in ballots improperly filled out, illegal, sending one party into old folks homes, illegal, The guy allowed access in restricted areas in Brown County illegal.
Twice our Supreme court has made the correct decision, but gave no direction as to you must not count the illegal votes.
If they only counted the legal votes, PT would have won a landslide victory. But the Praetorian guard (Deep State, dems, RINO’s) got what they wanted because they control the federal government, media, and big tech. The stakes were too high for them as they view the resd of us as a threat to their exclusive country club. .
I doubt they expected it to be THIS level of disaster, though.
The disaster was planned and necessary to transform the country into their totalitarian Marxist utopia.
Heard another description of what the government has become. It has been referred to as an inverted totalitarian state
I saw a good post on Gab that pointed out that prior to 1913 Americans kept all their income and we still had schools, roads, vast railroads, colleges, subways, and the Army and Navy. Hmmmm
But how would we, the People, fund the surgical whims of mentally defective people?