Will Ol’ Joe Go Gently Into That Good Night?

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by Paul Ingrassia

Whether Joe Biden will drop out of the presidential race has quickly become the most important question in the final stretch of this unprecedented season, ever since his disastrous performance at last week’s presidential debate finally put both his party and the world on notice about the sheer magnitude of his decline. Although most Republicans have been aware of Joe’s condition for a while now – really, ever since he decided to run for president from his Delaware basement four years ago, the Democrats – as well as their apparatchiks in the mainstream media, like CNN and The New York Times – have finally shone the spotlight on this escalating crisis. And it’s not like they have much choice: Biden’s cognitive impairment is undeniable. Like many other eighty-year-olds, he is an octogenarian with dementia. But unlike those others who suffer in the relative peace and solitude of close family and friends, a president with dementia becomes a walking national security and constitutional liability.

He audibly struggles to string together a few basic words to produce a coherent sentence. He visibly tires after speaking for more than five minutes at a time. His hands shake and his voice quakes. He can barely walk in a straight line without wobbling – or being supported by his wife who pretends to be a doctor. But, alas, Our First Lady, the Good Doctor, has not the remedy for this patient. Joe Biden has a debilitating condition; in more normal times, he would not be permitted to carry out the solemn duties of his office. No man with such declining mental faculties should ever have possession of the nuclear codes. But these are not normal times – we are living through a polarized country featuring a forgetful president and his power-hungry wife. Any movie with that plotline would end in disaster. Ours quickly is spiraling towards that outcome — but unlike the movie, it’s happening in real time.

There are good reasons to think Biden might step down. For one, this is the first time in living memory where he cannot count on the media to cover up his countless problems. The post-debate analysis by CNN called the debate an unmitigated disaster for Biden – the first bit of accurate reporting from that network in years. Van Jones, a former Obama aide, called on Biden to reexamine his place in the race at this late stage. The New York Times, a few days later, went one step further and called on Biden to drop out altogether. Many other major outlets in the mainstream media soon followed.

In the intervening days, Biden has attempted to reassure party leaders, donors, and media allies that he can perform his duties. But his vain attempts at cleanup have done more harm for him than good. His speeches are rambling, if not downright coherent. He always looks confused and lost, even when aided by “Dr. Jill” on stage. The media and his own wife treat him like a young child; but that may be unfair to the child, who probably has much greater control over his bowels than Ol’ Joe. The gaffes are nonstop. Just this week, Biden declared how proud he was to have been the “first black woman to serve with a black president.” Clearly, he meant to say that he was the first person to select an (allegedly) black woman in Kamala Harris as Vice President but confused that with having served alongside the first black President in Barack Obama. Equally clear is that Biden would be hard pressed to explain what he meant by that statement – indeed, it’s even doubtful at this point that he remembers having at all served as Vice President with Obama.

On the subject of Kamala Harris, as the Vice President, obviously by the 25th Amendment she would be next in line in presidential succession. However, it is doubtful that party leaders would be willing to grant her that office. Indeed, it’s precisely because Kamala generally polls even less favorably than Biden, who already registers as the least popular president – at this stage of his administration – since polling began, that Biden has stood firmly in his post (at least for now). With Biden’s current approvals, which are in the low-30s and declining, President Trump’s pathway to victory looks to be smooth sailing. Virtually every single reputable pollster has the 45th President trumping Biden, and by significant margins, in the November election.

This says a few things: one, it speaks to how lousy a candidate Biden is; and two, it speaks to how much lousier a candidate Harris, or any other candidate Democratic Party leaders might nominate, would be in a head-to-head matchup against President Trump. Not an ideal situation for the Democrats.

In addition to the bad polling, there are personal and political reasons why Biden would not just willingly surrender the reins of power. One, as an 81-year-old politician who has served in various elected offices in Washington for over 50 years, he feels — selfishly — entitled to this office. He ran for the presidency twice before he outright stole it in 2020 – in 2008 and 1988. Few, if anyone, else in the Swamp can match Joe’s track record of longevity – all his rivals (Feinstein?) are dead already or have one foot (Pelosi?) in the grave. Other than Hillary Clinton, who is only a few years younger than Joe, all those would-be contenders to take his place – Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer – were schoolchildren (if not in diapers) when Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1973. If you’re Joe Biden, that ego ride is enough reason alone to want to stay in there.

There are more sinister reasons for holding on as well. It’s not like Joe has much left in the tank – between the choice of staying in the White House or leave for the nursing home, even for a dementia ridden president, the former has to be more appealing, however conceited and short-sighted (if not dangerous) it is for the rest of the country.

More diabolically, being president allows him to retain some semblance of control over the Executive Branch and administrative state – which, in particular, includes control over the Justice Department. With Hunter’s looming sentencing for unlawful possession of a firearm just around the corner, and the high probability that Republicans on Capitol Hill will probably not give up investigating and prosecuting Biden for mishandling confidential documents (in addition to a slew of other corruption charges arising from his using the vice presidency to enrich family members, including Hunter), the incentives to stay in the office, however incapacitated he might be, appear to far outweigh those in favor of stepping down.

Do Joe, Jill, and the rest of the Biden Crime Family want to relinquish power and risk facing endless prosecution for the rest of their time on this planet? That does not appear like a good option. Thus, between the Scylla of staying in and the Charybdis of leaving, Biden and co. may try to hold onto the presidency, for dear life, even as many of their staffers will likely question their long-term career prospects and the brighter of them, seeing the writing on the wall, will jump ship: before it’s too late.

Accordingly, the dimwitted will stay in office and continue to lie and cover up for Biden. But even the most duplicitous individual currently serving in the White House must know, deep down, that they are on a precariously short leash. As we speak, several Democratic Senators, including Mark Warner, are actively conspiring behind the scenes to oust Joe Biden. Surely, Kamala Harris is plotting how, if Biden should step down, she will make her move for the presidency. And of course, there are others – including both Hillary Clinton and the Obama family – who might see the presidency as rightfully theirs, creating a possibility of more infighting and a Palace Revolution of sorts that could plunge the Democratic Party into total disarray at a level not seen since 1968.

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If Kamala isn’t their candidate, the DNC cannot spend all the money contributed to the Pedo/Whore campaign. She won’t trigger the 25th, but I bet she could be “coerced” into cooperating. “OK, you twisted my arm. Ouch. It hurts. I’ll do it. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”

Election fraud put that piece of worthless shit, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, in the White House. Now it’s tearing their degenerate, corrupt party apart.


Ho needs to unburden herself from what has been, or the old has been.The Party of we will rub your nose in our poo has finally run into an issue they are up to their eyeballs in.
Gavin? Mike? Hillary?(lol) They just do not have anyone on the bench. So intent their personal power they have no young guns or middle aged or even old.

Last edited 7 months ago by kitt

Keep your eyes on Chicago.
That DNC convention ought to be more than a sight.
There might be riots and violence, demonstrations and fights, both inside and out.

joe’s demise might be the most peaceful way to transfer to a new President and a new (maybe the same as VP, or not) candidate.
With Hunter on scene it won’t happen without a guarantee of biden crime family immunity and pardons.

joe might be dead man walking but there are many other biden’s who would like to avoid the long arm of the law. You can be assured there are many requests that will need to be met before joe quietly disappears into the sunset.

It’s almost as if they want to keep Trump’s strategists guessing, isn’t it?

What happens if Republicans have thrown everything they have to throw at the wrong target?

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Still the same shitty policies and results. You still haven’t figured that out, have you? It’s not Trump that is popular, but HIS POLICIES and all the success he brought to the nation and citizens. The same for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, on in reverse.