This week, Jackson told a reporter from New York Magazine (after said reporter used the scurrilous Washington Post story on Rick Perry’s so-called racist rock) that the reason Tea Partiers want Obama out because of his skin color, not his policies.
“The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means,” he said, echoing Freeman. “It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame.”
Their collective proof is so poorly constructed even a half-asleep Chris Matthews could swat it aside without eyeballing a teleprompter.
Both claim that since the Tea Party is hell bent on removing President Obama from office it must be because he’s black.
That’s it. No swarm of protest signs at Tea Party events trumpeting racist slogans. No quotes from major Tea Party darlings like Sarah Palin that indicate hatred or disdain for people of color. No new proposals designed to specifically injure people of color.
And where were Jackson and Freeman when President George W. Bush called the White House home? The entertainment industry was obsessed with removing him from office. We saw a film detailing Bush’s assassination, read fiction tackling similar themes and watched documentary after documentary imploring us to vote for anyone but Bush.
Was that about race, or did Bush’s critics simply want someone else leading the country?
So, that puts the ball squarely in the media’s court.
I went to a Tea Party event, held in a town square just recently. One of the speakers said in his speech that “Anyone” is welcomed to the Tea Party. He specifically said it did not matter Race, creed religion, sexual interest… Basically the prerequisite is you are [or want to be] a Patriot and help fight for Liberty, Freedom, Smaller Government, Limit Taxes and stand by/believe in the Constitution of the United States…
I would say that is “Pretty Official” and lays to rest all the “FALSE CLAIMS” and blatant LIES propagated against the Tea Party and their message…. It has been said a 100 times what the Tea Party Stands for – what do these people not get?
It really has nothing to do with what they get or don’t get. It is all about desperation now. Their boy has failed. The only way they can get him re-elected is to demonize and call others that don’t agree with them every name in the book. It will stick sooner or later. The protest Wall street crowd is financed by George Soros and is another ploy to support Obama. His De-throned Green Czar is now directly funneling money to the protesters and sending organizers. Remember, that most of his Czars and cabinet are made up of former George Soros employees. Look beyond the smoke screen.
How right you are!
This link has one video plus others’ experiences linked.
They each show racism, anti-semitism and worse.
Funny how quickly a movement to ”Occupy Wall Street,” morphed into a hatred for Jews.
Not funny.
The policies of King Putt are correct. He told us so.
So any criticism of him must be racist. He told us that too.
Don’t you get it?
He’s right and you’re wrong.
The TEA party wants to decrease the use of government to re-distribute wealth. This will affect those who depend on government instead of themselves. That is the entitled welfare class. That is the clientele of Jackson, Zippy, Rev. Jackson, Rev. Sharpton, and all the rest of the idle mouths.
So the TEA party must be racist. They want people to work.
Alas for our country if these wackos are allowed to continue in power!
0-bama, Democrats, and the MSM will tak about anything except the failed Presidency of 0-bama. As each day passes this task becomes more and more difficult. I am hopeful that the topics that need to be discussed will eventually be broght to light. Yes racism is real, just watch 0-bama and his idiots talk.