by Stephen Kruiser
The Democrats’ hostility towards law enforcement was decades in the making, but really kicked into high gear when Barack Obama got into the White House. The Lightbringer never passed up an opportunity to cast aspersions upon the actions of the police in any media circus incident. Just to expedite things, he’d always make sure he got in front of a camera before he had a chance to gather any facts.
By the time that the St. George Floyd Summer of Mostly Peaceful Riotous Love came around in 2020, the Dems were ready to formalize their hatred of cops, and not just in the bluest of blue areas. The upper echelon of the Beltway Democrats got behind the message of the rioters and endorsed all of the radicals who were screaming to defund the police. They even set aside their precious tyrannical COVID rules to keep the riots going.
As we’ve seen in recent years, it’s not just that the left is anti-law enforcement, but that they’re pro-criminal. Donald Trump and his supporters are the only people they want to see in jail, and the real bad guys get sent right back out to return to their criminal ways.
Like killing cops. This is from Kevin:
NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller was murdered this week by an animal with a scroll for a rap sheet listing 21 prior arrests. He was busted in April 2023 for possession of a loaded weapon. As a “gun nut,” I can hypothesize that the cur wasn’t legally allowed to purchase nor carry the gat.
Under NYC Mayor Bloomberg, this crime would have snagged a mandatory 3.5 years in jail. That means the killer would have been locked up on Riker’s Island instead of putting a bullet under the kevlar vest of Officer Diller.
Times have changed in New York City, however. The city went big on Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police and has been reeling ever since. Oh, there’s also the fact that the Manhattan district attorney is singularly obsessed with Donald Trump.
Kevin’s post ponders how we ever get to the place where the idea of a “career criminal” exists or is tolerated. The simple answer is that the world is just one big insane asylum and we’re all crazy. It is a question worth delving deeper into — one that Republican candidates may want to explore on the campaign trail this year.
Over at HotAir, my colleague Jazz Shaw wrote about the fully deteriorated relationship between the New York Police Department and the pro-criminal city council members whom they’re tired of having work against them. The former requested that the latter not show up to Officer Diller’s funeral. Here’s some of their thinking:
The SBA [The Sergeants Benevolent Association of the NYPD] was nothing short of scathing in their warning to the City Council. They said that their anger is being directed at “those who have forsaken the rules and systems of law, thereby emboldening the criminal element to unprecedented proportions.” SBA President Vincent J. Vallelong described the previous condolences of council members as “hollow and untrue.” The message was reminiscent of the time in 2015 when the NYPD collectively turned their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio when he dared to show up and attempt to speak at the funeral of a fallen officer.
You know was welcome to mourn Diller? Donald Trump. Rick wrote about Trump’s plans to attend the wake, which he did. When Trump was in office, law enforcement and the military never had to wonder if the President of the United States had their backs. His love and support for them was always on display.
Trump is talking about crime a lot in campaign speeches. Obviously, the border problem is tied into the Biden administration’s contempt for any law enforcement that’s not acting like the president’s personal goon squad.
What a contrast. President Trump attends the wake for the fallen law enforcement officer. He met with the widow and 18 month old son. He made a generous donation to a fund for law enforcement. That fund paid off the mortgage of the widow.
biden appears with obama the traitor and clinton the rapist to shill for money while antifa and hamas protesters embarrassed the event.
Trump publicly denounces criminals. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden fundraises with them.
The one and only time Democrats show any deference to law enforcement is when they can use them and their corpses for political theater, as with Officer Sicknick. They STILL lie about the cause of his death. But, in all other cases, they believe it is the police officer’s job to get killed.
Trump respects those who serve this country loyally. That’s why the Democrats make up lies about Trump denigrating law enforcement, the military and veterans. Democrats traditionally HATE the military and police.
Defunding police was one (just one of many) of their most pronounced mistakes. Everyone knew that those in poverty would be the first victims but Democrats take their support for granted. The support for criminals had predictable outcomes, too, but Soros is not to be denied lest Democrats lose his financial support. All this adds up to a dangerous environment for the taxpaying citizen that does not live in guarded, gated communities with security. Add to that the harsh suppression of citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights in most Democrat controlled areas.
Democrats want to be the totalitarians by provide “security” by oppression. Everything they accuse Trump of they are already engaged in.
Soros needs to be arrested for aiding and Abetting the Invaders from the North and South
The Defund the Police and Fund the Migrants Democ-Rats are UN/Globalists and Carpetbaggers their the real threat to America protected by the M.S. Media bottom feeders
So they say Trump did not have a personal connection with the officer, and shouldn’t have gone. Except Presidents back to George Washington have done this sort of thing.
They didn’t mention that Governor Hochul, who certainly didn’t have a connection to the officer, also went. Nor did they mention that the family had her turned away, while they praised Donald Trump’s visit and his behavior. While thre Democrat Presidents were in town at a fundraiser. Joetato and the two pulling his strings.
Democrats are truly pathetic.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t have any handler smart enough to tell him there is no good way out of the embarrassment of, first, not bothering to call the family and, second, the family not wanting to hear from his dumb, crime-supporting ass. Trump was ASKED to be there while these pro-criminal Democrats were TOLD to stay away.
Absolutely correct. But, the blowback is so overwhelming the WH has to try and change the narrative for the low information voter.
Just like the blowback on the transgender visibility day and the insult to hundreds of millions of Christians in the US and worldwide. Oyster bunny biden declared he did not make that proclamation. If he didn’t, we then he is not in control of the executive branch.