If you have a cell phone, ipad, notebook, or just using the internet the NSA and the rest of the alphabet is spying on you. They have been, they are and they will be.
Ironic though that during Trump’s speech the Russian Ambassador was sitting with the democrats.
7 years ago
Wikileaks has not provided anything fake, they dont choose sides, they just put stuff out there in the raw and You decide.
We knew, it was on TV there is an amassed data base info on every American. There is no privacy, no true property rights, no real parental rights, rather than being born to rights it has gone to what ever rights they allow you.
If you have a cell phone, ipad, notebook, or just using the internet the NSA and the rest of the alphabet is spying on you. They have been, they are and they will be.
Ironic though that during Trump’s speech the Russian Ambassador was sitting with the democrats.
Wikileaks has not provided anything fake, they dont choose sides, they just put stuff out there in the raw and You decide.
We knew, it was on TV there is an amassed data base info on every American. There is no privacy, no true property rights, no real parental rights, rather than being born to rights it has gone to what ever rights they allow you.