Recently Sauk County, WI, negotiated a deal with five different unions.
The local unions conceded to the county the powers to…
Implement a 0% pay increase each year
Hire and fire at will in the face of economic difficulty
Change or even abolish pay classifications
Deetermine type and level of healthcare coverage offered
Increase healthcare contribution levels over time
Set the level of pension contributions
Woah! Suddenly the unions are so reasonable it hurts, huh? When I was tipped about this post, I was confused, because reading this, I thought: My God, that’s more than reasonable. I mean, they’re pretty much giving the county everything it could want.
So… unions are the good guys, maybe?
Well, maybe, but not here.
The unions negotiated a contract for their members that gives their members nothing.
But, it is technically a contract that can be passed quickly.
Which means for the next 33 months, operating under this contract, while getting nothing from their union reps, union members will… retain the privilege of continuing to pay union dues.
Got to pay your dues
if you’re gonna sing the blues
But you know it don’t come easy
It is as it always has been- about the unions and union leaders and not about the members.
As Paul Harvey would say
Now you know the rest of the story
yes, why would a union member object to having a choice in paying union dues?
no union member has lost their job or is in danger of losing their job.
it’s the union bosses, their racket is being broken up.
i pray for the republicans in wi. may they be strong and break this shackle on the tax payers, the unions.
This is propaganda, maybe they will, maybe they won’t, for some reason they are nervous about something, we shall see what happens today in the SC election. With all the intimidation and noise the unions are making, Gov. Walker’s law being held up, etc. one might think the unions have the upper hand. For some reason they seem to think they need to offer up some sacrifices to hang on to the dues and mandatory membership.
Will be an interesting election day.
Show Me The Money!!
That’s what its all about.