by Don Surber
Biden’s departure from the election gives Democrats a choice between making Kamala look presidential or giving up completely as they try to salvage the Senate and House races. In 1972, they chose the latter and did pretty well. Sure, Nixon carried 49 states, but they kept Congress — and the deep state disposed of Nixon two years later.
But Democrats no longer are known as the intelligent party. Power has corrupted their brains. So who knows what they will do — fish with Kamala or cut bait and work on expanding their Senate majority?
Republicans have finally figured out that voters are not impressed by their white bread politeness. If Americans wanted a ceaseless stream of apologies, we would move to Canada. The RNC convention in Milwaukee was unapologetically American.
Jake Tapper: “What theme are we seeing at the convention tonight?”
Chris Wallace: “Is that a trick question? Testosterone.”
Agreed. After 4 years of this slop brought in by an impotent old president shouting at clouds and his witless vice president talking like a kindergartener explaining the world to a 3-year-old, the American people need men running the White House again.
The pushback against the Secret Service for allowing the assassin to get two shots at President Trump is that their crew included Melissa McCarthy who was too short to protect him, too tubby to keep up and too untrained to re-holster her gun even after they got to the hospital.
I am not against women as Secret Service agents. She put her life on the line to protect him but she should have had a different duty that day — like climbing the roof.
Trump learned. Miranda Devine tweeted as Trump boarded Trump Force One on Saturday, “All-male security crew, big boy steps, sure-footed climb, no stumbles.”
Let’s cut to the chase. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal said in an editorial on Friday that President Trump projects strength.

That is what we need. As Tucker Carlson said of Trump rising from the stage after being shot: “A leader’s courage gives courage to his people.”
The media and their owners want a weak America that cannot protect the world from their Great Reset. World leaders mocked FJB openly. They feared Trump, especially our frenemies within NATO.
Vance was a brilliant choice as his running mate. How do I know this? The media hates it. This past week I read a plethora of newspaper columns that are in the new genre, Vance got Appalachia wrong. My favorite was “I’m from Appalachia. JD Vance doesn’t represent us.”
It was in a British newspaper.
Written by Neema Avashia.
Now then, my cardiologist is from Pakistan and his partner is from India. Without foreign-born doctors, most West Virginians would be dead. Almost Heaven is a nice way of saying God’s Waiting Room.
But the idea that Avashia’s experience invalidates Vance’s is ludicrous.
She wrote, “We do have this in common, though: both of us left Appalachia in pursuit of higher education, and have lived away for as long as we lived within the region. But while Vance uses the story of his upbringing to perpetuate a flat, stereotyped representation of Appalachia, my identity, that of my family and community, complicates the narrative in ways that are politically inconvenient.”
His mother was married five times, giving him three different names (even changing his first and middle names). She was an abuser of booze and drugs. His childhood saw him ping-ponged between the hills of Kentucky and small-town Ohio.
The claim that he exploited his family is odd because Obama, too, wrote a memoir of his life right after he graduated from Harvard Law. He claimed to be born in Kenya. Changed his mind in 2007 when they first put him up for president.
Going from the personal to the political, Gannett distributed a column to its newspapers, “JD Vance’s appeal doesn’t swing beyond Ohio. How on Earth will he help Trump win election?”
My answer is simple. Like Trump, he is virile. His wife is his equal; both graduated from Yale Law, where they met. They have young children.
That beard of Vance injects youth and vitality into this presidential not seen since Jack Kennedy won. Quayle was just that, a quail, doomed by the Bush campaign and administration to fail.
20 years later, party leaders did the same to Sarah Palin. They had her back — and put a Kick Me sign on it.
Vance, though, is safe. Trump is no John McCain because because he is loyal. He also became a father for the fifth time just before he turned 60. Taking a bullet and rising determined to fight showed a masculinity that Democrats call toxic.
Vance extends that public perception. He resonates with married women in America who make up a slight majority of women. We keep hearing about Democrats enjoying support from single women, but married women also vote.
Married women actually like men. They actually like someone who can fix a toilet. They actually like someone who will take out the garbage. They actually like someone who will check out that noise in the middle of the night.
This is not 3-D chess. Vance can replace a Johnny ring. Trump can buy you a golden toilet.
Not everyone gets the testosterone effect. The Wall Street Journal reported:
Congressman Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) said JD Vance was an “outstanding” choice for vice president Tuesday morning on Fox Business, stressing that the Ohio senator could help Republicans win key states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. “That’s an important part of why he was selected,” Jordan said. Vance’s potential appeal to Rust Belt voters could be a strength for the ticket going into November.
“It’s the American story,” Jordan said on Fox Business. “Here’s a young man from humble beginnings who is now going to be, I believe, vice president of the United States. I think it’s an outstanding pick.”
That’s not it. Oh, Jordan is not completely wrong. Vance will help in those places, sure, but Vance will help in every state because he is a Marine. He exudes manliness and patriotism. People long for a return to that normal.
The reason Trump picked Vance is that he is a Mini-Me, a younger version of The Donald who is loyal because Trump got him through the primary and into the Senate.
Vance also validates Trump by showing Trump is not a one-off but part of a very real shift back to traditional values. Vance is not white bread. Mamaw had guns everywhere. We are not going back to the 1950s, as much as I miss Jell-O, Hula Hoops and cars with fins, but we are going someplace better than this.
Yep, the left truly hates Vance. I’ve seen stories about him, supposedly, screwing his couch. No… really. They even say it’s in his book. I’ve read his book… I don’t remember that chapter.
They also propose that he isn’t even from the hills of Ohio. That his entire hillbilly elegy is fake. Lies that are so easily disputed, but the left trusts their lemmings NOT to research anything and just believe the lies… like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was healthy, strong, alert and capable of being President or that Kamala is a viable candidate.
They hate Vance and want to destroy him because he could parlay this Vice Presidency into 8 years of Presidential leadership and actually do what most of America wants: project Trump’s agenda well into the future and block, for a long, long time, the advance of the fascist socialist totalitarian police state. Like Trump, Vance is now the existential threat… to the deep state. He can expect the same harsh, vile, violent, unconstitutional attacks Trump has sustained. I hope he remembers his Marine training.