Bryan Preston @ PJ Tatler:
Allahpundit begins his post dissecting the CNN fact-check with a question:
I wonder if Bill Burton and crew knew about this and greenlit the smear anyway or if they didn’t care enough to even find out. Why would they?
In answer, yes, Burton & co likely knew the ad was hokum from the first frame to the last, and green lit it anyway. Why would they, knowing that it’s likely to fall apart in short order? Didn’t they think that even CNN would have to throw a flag at some point?
The Obama campaign has read the economic numbers, and they are aware of the history. Incumbent presidents in the kind of economy that we’re in right now don’t win.
The Obama team ran four years ago selling a product that didn’t exist. They created a hologram dream candidate, multi-racial, capable of great oratorical performances as long as he stuck to the script, with not much of a legislative record that could be used against him, and with a career prior to politics that could be made to sound romantic rather than fringe. He was a teacher! He organized communities! He cared. They marketed this product the way Hollywood might market a movie: “In a world..where a country is divided by race, and by wealth, and by a long and drawn-out war…comes a man…the perfect man…post-racial…post-partisan…promising peace. That man…is Barack Obama.” Cut to smiling, waving young man, flash bulbs pop as the adoring crowd roars, fade to black.
People voted for Obama because they got caught up in the emotions of electing the first black president, the young man who had reportedly taken Harvard by storm, the bright fresh face with no long political career and the baggage that builds up around even the best and most principled political actor. Obama was a mass-marketed president to a country that wanted to feel good, and didn’t want to do its homework on the man who wanted to lead them. He smiled broadly, said nice things, and got handed the keys to the country.
But now, that same team has to sell a very real and very damaged product. They know they can’t sell that product on its own merits. They know that Obama has had too many revealing and unscripted moments, the latest killer line being “You didn’t build that!” His job performance has been poor, and the people who elected him four years ago are skeptical of him now. Four years ago they wanted to feel good. Now, they just want jobs and to know that the future holds the promise of something good.
Team Obama knows that the hollow man from 2008 is a real candidate now, and that he is not a particularly good one. They have seen him up close more than the rest of us have, and they know that he is an ideologue incapable of real leadership. But they have to keep him in power to keep themselves in power.
The “Mitt killed my wife!” ad isn’t about truth. Bill Burton & co did enough research to find Mr. Joe Soptic. They did enough research to craft an ad from the man’s sad story. They did enough research to know that Mrs. Soptic died seven years after Romney left Bain, they know that Bain tried to save GST, and they know that an Obama bundler was the person who ultimately shut GST down. They did the research, they brought the ad forward, and they know more than any of the fact-checkers know, that the ad is a lie.
And they don’t care.
Yes, they don’t care. Now we’ll see if the press cares.
The lame-stream media cares. They care a lot. They do not want to lose their license to broadcast or print or whatever. Thus they will read whatever talking points are given them every day. To do otherwise is to risk loss of license, IRS investigation, bankruptcy, and ruin. This is Obamahood, where concrete shoes await those who do not come up with the payoff on a daily basis.
Obamahood takes its cue from Cuba, Argentina, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and those other nations which have a captive media. You can speak out. You can also go to jail. For a long time.
Yes, the media cares. They care for their own paychecks. They do not care for the truth. The truth is that they will keep to the party line or lose everything. Just remember Gibson Guitar. Do not ask whether they will come. Speak against the One, and they will come for YOU.
Mathman, you portray the LSM as a unwilling victim. That is not the case. They are willing and eager accomplices. They want their euro-style socialism and they want it now. They know obama is the fastest path to it at this time so they will fight/lie to the death to get him a second term.
Why did Obama run that ad?
It boils down to ”Chicago Values.”
For an excellent primer in what Chicago values are see this:
“Chicago Values” Wrecking America
Funny how ultra-righties are using the Republican distorted ads—“You didn’t build that….” and “We can’t talk about the economy….” (both blatant misrepresentations of the facts)—to criticize Obama’s ads. Are these people unaware of the truth, or do they just forget it fast—or maybe they just don’t know how to distinguish fact from fiction, and just rely on what they are told by their Party Comrades.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
The REAL reason Republicans talk so much about the economy is to highlight the vast differences between themselves and Obama’s philosophies regarding it.
Obama in Pueblo, Thurs, Aug 9th…..
And exactly what did Obama do for the auto industry?
GM would have failed WITH our $43 BILLION had Obama not forced federal agencies to buy fleet upon fleet of new GM cars!
13,000 fewer workers are employed by GM since Obama ”saved” it.
One of the ”Big Three” was sold to the Italians.
GM stock would have to be sold at $43/share for us taxpayers to recoup what GM was given by Obama.
But GM’s stocks are only at
real time quote 1:26 PM ET
$ 20.42 USD
right now.
And they are heading down.
The bond holders in the Big Three were all thrown under the bus by Obama, despite their legal standing as first in line.
The unions were saved.
The dealerships were closed based more on whether or not they gave to Obama’s campaign than any other criteria.
And, in Pueblo, CO, there were people cheering Obama while his mouth was going against our entire economy in exactly the same fashion!
They weren’t listening!
@Nan G: #6,
From the WSJ:
A couple of the “commenters” on this WSJ article were dealers with useful insight into the games played by the Obama Chicago Scum Machine.
As one of them wrote, “Why not let this country’s free market decide which businesses close and which survive and thrive?”
It’s absolutely amazing that this gutting of a dealer network based on ideological grounds, never raised the ire of anyone in the MSM. This theft and abuse was clearly illegal.