I don’t believe this transcript has been released anywhere else. The linked transcript is from a probable cause hearing* in a New Jersey criminal court, in which Nadia Neffe alleged “harassment” by James O’Keefe.
What I find interesting (if not surprising) is how badly these allegations have been blown out of proportion by Keith Olbermann and David Shuster. Even if you accept the allegations as true — and keep in mind that they are only allegations, and that O’Keefe almost certainly disputes them — they do not even come close to establishing a “rape allegation” as alleged on the Current web site, or an “alleged sex assault plan” as claimed by Shuster on his Twitter feed last night.
Instead, we learn from the transcript that the increasingly infamous incident at the “barn” (a makeshift office with a furnished bed, bathroom, and kitchen) was not even the subject of Naffe’s harassment complaint. Instead, she complained essentially that O’Keefe said disparaging things about her after the fact. We learn as we read the transcript that Olbermann and Shuster completely distorted the allegations testified to by Ms. Naffe, twisting the allegations into a virtual rape — when Ms. Naffe did not claim at the time to have been touched, threatened, drugged, or harassed in any way that night.
Let’s first look at how Olbermann and Shuster characterized what happened — and then look at Naffe’s actual allegations:
On December 22, Keith Olbermann characterized the incident this way:
After refusing to be involved with O’Keefe’s upcoming hidden-camera sting about Occupy Wall Street called — or part of his “To Catch A Journalist” series, Naffe asked to be brought to the nearest train station. O’Keefe refused, instead urging her to stay overnight in a barn on his parent’s property. That’s when she threatened to call the police.
She recounted in testimony that, at one point during the night, “I found it hard to move and control my muscles,” saying, “It was his intent to persuade me to spend the night in the barn.”
Finally relenting to her requests, O’Keefe and a friend piled her into the car, where she passed out, before eventually arriving at Pennsylvania Station to board a train to Boston. Naffe says she later discovered that a wireless mouse and underpants had been stolen from her luggage.
Naffe turned down an offer of money from O’Keefe, she says, several days later.
Which is when, she says, he began a consistently brutal campaign of emotional harassment.
Shuster portrays the incident similarly, claiming to see “great irony” in Breitbart’s criticism of rapes at Occupy sites while saying nothing about Naffe’s allegations — implying that Naffe had claimed to have been raped. Like Olbermann, Shuster implies that O’Keefe held Naffe at a barn on his parents’ property while O’Keefe was present; possibly drugged her; and refused to drive her back until she threatened to call police.
But when you read the actual transcript, it turns out that the allegations are quite different from the portrayal by Olbermann and Shuster. According to the transcript, we learn that after O’Keefe had left, Naffe decided she wanted to leave, and insisted that O’Keefe return to the barn. She claimed to be feeling sick, which she suspected was from the alcohol she had drunk: “I thought the alcohol had made me sick.” Apparently not suspecting O’Keefe of having done anything wrong, she tried to get him to come back to the barn. He initially refused:
Go O’Keefe!!
Oh, bring it on O’Keefe, you will be shown to be even a bigger liar fool than you already are.
Try thinking before posting…wait, never mind. You aren’t capable of thinking.
I’ve seen the transcripts. Olby and Shuster are sitting ducks.
These tools are going to find out that freely lying can cost you.
I do hope arses like Olberdip and scheister continue to twist and warp….Just to the effect that a light bulb goes off in the dullest of American [Liberal] minds and they finally do see the hypocrisy and propaganda that is the left and become disgusted with it all, then turn on their brain washers and jump to the right side…..
Well, I can dream can’t I?
And, Oh! – I hope O’Keefe does sue, then wins millions so he can continue his great investigative work!!
If he does sue, and wins, it would be better to forgo the millions and force both of these hacks to run an apology, on air, for an entire year, every day, at 6 or 7 pm est., and that the apology MUST be approved by O’Keefe himself. If I was him that is what I’d sue for, because millions of dollars can be made up quickly by the bozos and they wouldn’t have to admit to telling lies.
@johngalt #6 – Great point I like it! How about in the settlement Olberdip and scheister had to ” pay” O’Keefe a handsome sum of money [every time they apologized]?? lol I’d like to see them get hit in their fat pocket as well as their fat lying mouth(s)…
I’m pretty much done with imbeciles of their ilk…