These days I don’t trust most of what is called news. It appears too much of what is offered is very one sided with a lot of opinion.
Spurwing Plover
7 years ago
Most of these lying journalists are demacrats they vote demacrat they support the demacratic party and they cover up for demacrts dirty work like with Clinton and Obama. Lets not forget Katie Couric and he fake documentry about guns
7 years ago
One makes up a lie the rest repeat it sourcing the liar as if reliable.
On the 6th a case was filed seems the Clinton controlled DNC when run by DWS went fishing, they caught Bernie Sanders donors
I dont remember hearing this in the news
rich wheeler
7 years ago
Dr J I’d be interested in your take on the current bromance going on between DT and Vlad in V.N
Veterans Day Trump finally in V.N—-50 YEARS LATE
Senper Fi to the Vets especially those who fought in VN
Bill... Deplorable Me
7 years ago
@kitt: No you aren’t going to see the liberal media reporting that Democrats are suing the DNC for fraud. I mean, like, who would possibly care?
7 years ago
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Might be a red pill to the Bernie backers who had the money stolen and used to pay for fake “opposition research” I just wonder how long before we find out Hillary dictated to the writer when on the bottle.
Bill... Deplorable Me
7 years ago
@kitt: One aspect of that campaign I noticed was that Trump spend money like it was his and Hillary spent money like it was someone else’s. So, she certainly didn’t mind wasting millions of dollars on some phony dossier if it caused people to discuss Trump’s golden showers for a couple of days instead of her incompetence, corruption and lies. Spend all you want, we’ll rake in more. Corruption and lies are all just tools of the trade.
This is much the way the Democrats treat Treasury funds and why they should not be in office.
7 years ago
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Dont tell anyone seems thee are 377 sealed federal indictments across the nation, and it may be connected to the clinton foundation, just internet rumors as to the possible defendant. Could the deepstate be chucking Hillary under the bus to save themselves?
7 years ago
If you go back a and read Noam Chomsky of IF Stone, you would know not to trust the media.
Many here disagree with those two, but Stone did call it right on Gulf of Tonkin and Chomsky got the Paris Peace accords story right.
rich wheeler
7 years ago
@kitt: @kitt: Talk about perpetuating unsubstantiated fake news. Shame on you Bill. Thought you were against that sought of thing.
Guess not.
How bout you Kitt? Are you also a hypocrite? Hope not.
7 years ago
@rich wheeler: I clearly said rumors
Bill knows how to use his own mind to sort thing out, you just keep watching MSM eventually they might report something. Back before the kiddies took over Fox may have pointed this out. They may have also reported on the DNC fraud case.
Nope they have you chasing a reported Bromance lol.
rich wheeler
7 years ago
@kitt: Reported bromance lol Trump says he believes Putin WHEN HE SAYS THERE WAS NO INTERFERENCE
You think it’s not going on—read OR watch something other than internet BS or right wing drivel
: Talk about perpetuating unsubstantiated fake news. Shame on you Bill. Thought you were against that sought of thing.
What is the “fake news” and how are we “spreading it”?
I’d be interested in your take on the current bromance going on between DT and Vlad in V.N
I must have missed where Trump told Putin he’d be happy to bend over and allow him free entry, like Obama did. How about how Trump was received throughout Asia? Received with far more respect than Obama and Trump stands before them and reads them the riot act.
How about that?
7 years ago
@Bill… Deplorable Me: He is still looking for something Trump messed up on like the fishy story, No reports Melania made the hotel staff cry either.
Spurwing Plover
7 years ago
Back in 1993 NBC program DATELINE ran a faked truck fire the whole thing was rigged by NBC and the reporter lied by telling the viewers that the fire was ignited by the impacting cars headlight and last year or this year Katie Couric and the UNDER THE GUN fake documentry and back when that liberal rag TIME lied about and faked other picture from Time reporter Roy Guthman and my mom told me of how in Norhern Ireland where she came from the reporters paid kids to throw rock at british solders and back when USA Today had gang members posed holding guns for a photo shoot and as Shakespear once wrote OH WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE WHEN FIRST WE PRACTICE TO DECIEVE
Bill... Deplorable Me
7 years ago
@kitt: I wonder if she has started cussing, yelling and screaming at the Secret Service detail yet. Does she have a deadbeat mother she can award a taxpayer-funded “job” to?
7 years ago
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Her father was a successful business man, I think they are both alive, no need to be government mooches. I suspect them to be residents of the southern Whitehouse and watching Baron in his Moms absence.
Spurwing Plover
7 years ago
Dan Blather Tom Brokenjaw and Baba Wawa
7 years ago
Trump –I agree with you Vlad–You’ve been falsely accused by America’s intelligence agencies–thanks for not interfering with our election process.
You Trumpeteers believe Vlad over our CIA and FBI.—HOW STUPID IS THAT?
You’ve lost it—Is Mueller next? Another Marine who fought in V.N while DT cowered back home—my feeling is DT won’t last his term.
7 years ago
JFK wanted to break the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it to the winds
The FBI has shown itself to be nothing more than a criminal operation selling guns to drug cartels
The intelligence agencies didnt want the JFK papers released
Mueller complicit in a uranium one investigation being very very quiet.
operation mongoose
operation mockingbird
Trust them?
Can you link to the quote where DT said the agencies were wrong? CNN I presume.
Trump is no fool. He knows how to negotiate. I presume neither is looking for war.
Bill... Deplorable Me
7 years ago
@DrJohn: You mean telling Medvedev to just sit tight and tell Vlad that as soon as the next election is over, so he doesn’t have to keep up the facade of being pro-America, Vlad can have his way with him was not a stroke of Obama diplomatic genius? Really?
7 years ago
@DrJohn: After the reporting on this trip to Asia why would anyone ever trust the Media. Trump did toss them a kibble with his Fat joke.
Spurwing Plover
7 years ago
Back in the 1990’s when Micheal Bellsillies wrote his anti gun book ARMING AMERICA which he totaly faked and lied about he won a Bancroft Prize but it was later taken away when it was discovered all those files he claimed to have read did not exist his bankcfoft prize and money were taken away and he resigned in disgrace and claimed the charges against him was unfair(Dont let the door hit you in the backside you fool)and the usial fools who praised his book(Bill Clinton,Ted Kennedy Etc)were made fools of
Trump is no fool. He knows how to negotiate. I presume neither is looking for war.
I agree Trump may not be a fool in some aspects but he depends on fools like you to help sell his dictatorship and plutocratic agenda.
A few quick thoughts on your media bashing. It’s pretty well understood that alienating, discrediting, or silencing the media is pretty much Dictatorship 101. It’s simply that very 1st logical step in government takeover.
With that said, where did this “Fake News” for every media outlet other than water toting Fox News and a few unhinged howlers such as Hannity or rabid right bloggers (who Trump seems to be loading up the the courts with lifetime terms with his brownshirt republican senate just this week confirming a 32 yr old right wing blogger who has never tried a court case) originate? The answer is that it came from Trump. And while many here seem to be fading from this reality, he is an habitual and serial liar as well as an egomaniac. It’s just keep repeating a big lie and fools like you abet it.
Also keeping in mind that this media silencing being a dictator stratagem and Trump using a page right out of Adolph Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” (which is by the way Trump’s admitted favorite book which also has a chapter on “keep telling the big lie”), it’s also alarming that pressure to shut down CNN came just this week from none other than the Trump DOJ.
So to repeat my above statement, I agree Trump may not be a fool in some aspects but he depends on fools like you to help sell his dictatorship and plutocratic agenda.
It’s pretty well understood that alienating, discrediting, or silencing the media is pretty much Dictatorship 101. It’s simply that very 1st logical step in government takeover.
Is that why the Obama regime relentlessly attacked Fox News, the only outlet that was not on the Democrat payroll, and pushed to control the internet and institute the suppressive “Fairness Doctrine”?
which is by the way Trump’s admitted favorite book which also has a chapter on “keep telling the big lie”
Provide proof that Mein Kampf is Trump’s “favorite book”. (note: added to the every growing list of things the lying coward AJ slithers away from). Oh, then there’s this:
What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?
Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?
Is ANTIFA committing violence?
Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?
Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.
Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?
How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?
Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?
Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?
Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?
When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?
What did Trump lie about?
Whose wages did Trump steal?
What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?
How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?
What answer have you provided that has been ignored?
Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?
Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?
Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?
What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?
Provide examples of anyone that “harrass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.
7 years ago
Shutting down the free press is indeed the first step towards a dictatorship.
Met a German lady from outside Regensburg—says there are Trump family headstones all over that area–she loves him and also liked Hitler’s nationalism. The similarities are certainly evident.
re–a good negotiator—his ghost writer says DT HAS LOST IT—maybe never had it.
7 years ago
@RICH WHEELER: Where is he shutting down the media? (I missed the arrest of Madcow)Where is his dictatorship? Who is being put in re-education camps? If the media would just report the news and save a section of their broadcast for the crazy crap, but the whole 24 hour cycle is deranged they are feeding the deranged. Where has anyone lost their rights?
Its OK to dislike the President (stop lying)
Its OK to like the President (Stop worshiping him)
Its OK to have a wait and see attitude. (Stay frosty)
About the Bromance how does it feel to be less informed than the readers of TASS?
Shutting down the free press is indeed the first step towards a dictatorship.
Well, I’ve got news for you; we have no free press anymore. We have a media that is 99% owned, lock, stock and barrel, by the Democrats. If you are concerned about a “free press”, THAT is what you should be concerned about. Of course, they feed your prejudices and biases, but if you were to look back at all the terrible political decisions you have made, you might begin to want more from journalism.
Met a German lady from outside Regensburg—says there are Trump family headstones all over that area–she loves him and also liked Hitler’s nationalism. The similarities are certainly evident.
What is evidently similar is your remarks to the lies constantly presented by your corrupt liberal media. What is also similar is the way the left operates now, with its fascism, propaganda, violence and intolerance, and how National Socialist Germany operated. Also similar with Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, N. Korea and Cuba. Your glass house is constructed of such thin glass, you should be cautious about throwing a cotton ball, much less the kind of garbage you routinely toss about.
You get back with me when Trump pays a regime like Iran $150 billion and pallets of ransom money so they can fund terrorism and a nuclear weapons program hostile to the US and the rest of the free world. Then we’ll talk about how Trump has “lost it”. Meanwhile, he is furthering and protecting vital US interests.
7 years ago
@kitt: You keep getting your news from Tass and believing Putin and Co. didn’t interfere with US elections.
I’ll stick with CNN and Mueller.
@RICH WHEELER: I’ll keep going to many sources, I was curious about the Guys chatting, Finding only complete garbage from US “journalists” both left and right I had to look to an unconventional source, I noticed info no spin.
Wheres that link I asked for the one that is a direct full quote from Trump. Yes he called them political hacks that can be well referenced.
Yes CNN and SNOPES stay in your safe space.
I have yet to see a smidgen of proof that anything Russia did interfered directly with the election unless you think Facebook and retweets that attacked both sides swayed anyone with a brain.
Even you rejected Hillary.
rich wheeler
7 years ago
@kitt:Damn right I’ll take CNN and Snopes over TASS. You think KGB Putin just one of the guys and innocent of Russian tampering in concerted effort to beat HRC???
You think Mueller out to nail Trump and his cronies?
7 years ago
@rich wheeler: Did or did not CNN tell you what the guys were talking about?
What I think isnt important not a jot, what do YOU think Trump and Putin are talking about.
Are YOU more comfortable with duck and cover?
Is Obamas and Bushs endless war preferable to you? Do you have a son or grandson to sacrifice to that or no skin in the game anymore?
What evidence has been presented that Russia had a major effect?
Do YOU think Mueller is out to nail Trump and his cronies, do YOU ?
What has Trump done while in office that has YOUR undies in a wad?
Now congress is pissed cause they have to legislate, no longer under a pen and phone dictator. The Media is pissed because we can research and expose their lies and ommissions.
Look at he coverage of the last 2 mass shootings, we know nearly everything about the Church shooting, but a media blackout on the Las Vegas shooting, so much so the wildest conspiracy theories flourish. No journalists are investigating Las Vegas a place with a million cameras and 1 fuzzy pic of the perp.
Only those who CHOOSE not to see the bias do so at their own detriment.
From my own personal experience, I worked in media for a time, I can say most news people I worked with were bias’d in one way or the other. Many people get into news media not to report who, what where, when or why, which is what they are supposed to do,but to make a difference. I believe that idea of making a difference can be the genesis of bias. And yes I’m bias’d but I never made a living news reporting.
Bernie Goldberg also wrote books about how left wing the newsrooms he worked in were.
These days I don’t trust most of what is called news. It appears too much of what is offered is very one sided with a lot of opinion.
Most of these lying journalists are demacrats they vote demacrat they support the demacratic party and they cover up for demacrts dirty work like with Clinton and Obama. Lets not forget Katie Couric and he fake documentry about guns
One makes up a lie the rest repeat it sourcing the liar as if reliable.
On the 6th a case was filed seems the Clinton controlled DNC when run by DWS went fishing, they caught Bernie Sanders donors
I dont remember hearing this in the news
Dr J I’d be interested in your take on the current bromance going on between DT and Vlad in V.N
Veterans Day Trump finally in V.N—-50 YEARS LATE
Senper Fi to the Vets especially those who fought in VN
@kitt: No you aren’t going to see the liberal media reporting that Democrats are suing the DNC for fraud. I mean, like, who would possibly care?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Might be a red pill to the Bernie backers who had the money stolen and used to pay for fake “opposition research” I just wonder how long before we find out Hillary dictated to the writer when on the bottle.
@kitt: One aspect of that campaign I noticed was that Trump spend money like it was his and Hillary spent money like it was someone else’s. So, she certainly didn’t mind wasting millions of dollars on some phony dossier if it caused people to discuss Trump’s golden showers for a couple of days instead of her incompetence, corruption and lies. Spend all you want, we’ll rake in more. Corruption and lies are all just tools of the trade.
This is much the way the Democrats treat Treasury funds and why they should not be in office.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Dont tell anyone seems thee are 377 sealed federal indictments across the nation, and it may be connected to the clinton foundation, just internet rumors as to the possible defendant. Could the deepstate be chucking Hillary under the bus to save themselves?
If you go back a and read Noam Chomsky of IF Stone, you would know not to trust the media.
Many here disagree with those two, but Stone did call it right on Gulf of Tonkin and Chomsky got the Paris Peace accords story right.
@kitt: @kitt: Talk about perpetuating unsubstantiated fake news. Shame on you Bill. Thought you were against that sought of thing.
Guess not.
How bout you Kitt? Are you also a hypocrite? Hope not.
@rich wheeler: I clearly said rumors
Bill knows how to use his own mind to sort thing out, you just keep watching MSM eventually they might report something. Back before the kiddies took over Fox may have pointed this out. They may have also reported on the DNC fraud case.
Nope they have you chasing a reported Bromance lol.
@kitt: Reported bromance lol Trump says he believes Putin WHEN HE SAYS THERE WAS NO INTERFERENCE
You think it’s not going on—read OR watch something other than internet BS or right wing drivel
@rich wheeler: Sources are endless
Did you learn any of this on MSLSD or CNN?
@rich wheeler:
What is the “fake news” and how are we “spreading it”?
I must have missed where Trump told Putin he’d be happy to bend over and allow him free entry, like Obama did. How about how Trump was received throughout Asia? Received with far more respect than Obama and Trump stands before them and reads them the riot act.
How about that?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: He is still looking for something Trump messed up on like the fishy story, No reports Melania made the hotel staff cry either.
Back in 1993 NBC program DATELINE ran a faked truck fire the whole thing was rigged by NBC and the reporter lied by telling the viewers that the fire was ignited by the impacting cars headlight and last year or this year Katie Couric and the UNDER THE GUN fake documentry and back when that liberal rag TIME lied about and faked other picture from Time reporter Roy Guthman and my mom told me of how in Norhern Ireland where she came from the reporters paid kids to throw rock at british solders and back when USA Today had gang members posed holding guns for a photo shoot and as Shakespear once wrote OH WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE WHEN FIRST WE PRACTICE TO DECIEVE
@kitt: I wonder if she has started cussing, yelling and screaming at the Secret Service detail yet. Does she have a deadbeat mother she can award a taxpayer-funded “job” to?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Her father was a successful business man, I think they are both alive, no need to be government mooches. I suspect them to be residents of the southern Whitehouse and watching Baron in his Moms absence.
Dan Blather Tom Brokenjaw and Baba Wawa
Trump –I agree with you Vlad–You’ve been falsely accused by America’s intelligence agencies–thanks for not interfering with our election process.
You Trumpeteers believe Vlad over our CIA and FBI.—HOW STUPID IS THAT?
You’ve lost it—Is Mueller next? Another Marine who fought in V.N while DT cowered back home—my feeling is DT won’t last his term.
JFK wanted to break the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it to the winds
The FBI has shown itself to be nothing more than a criminal operation selling guns to drug cartels
The intelligence agencies didnt want the JFK papers released
Mueller complicit in a uranium one investigation being very very quiet.
operation mongoose
operation mockingbird
Trust them?
Can you link to the quote where DT said the agencies were wrong? CNN I presume.
@rich wheeler:
Trump is no fool. He knows how to negotiate. I presume neither is looking for war.
@DrJohn: You mean telling Medvedev to just sit tight and tell Vlad that as soon as the next election is over, so he doesn’t have to keep up the facade of being pro-America, Vlad can have his way with him was not a stroke of Obama diplomatic genius? Really?
@DrJohn: After the reporting on this trip to Asia why would anyone ever trust the Media. Trump did toss them a kibble with his Fat joke.
Back in the 1990’s when Micheal Bellsillies wrote his anti gun book ARMING AMERICA which he totaly faked and lied about he won a Bancroft Prize but it was later taken away when it was discovered all those files he claimed to have read did not exist his bankcfoft prize and money were taken away and he resigned in disgrace and claimed the charges against him was unfair(Dont let the door hit you in the backside you fool)and the usial fools who praised his book(Bill Clinton,Ted Kennedy Etc)were made fools of
I agree Trump may not be a fool in some aspects but he depends on fools like you to help sell his dictatorship and plutocratic agenda.
A few quick thoughts on your media bashing. It’s pretty well understood that alienating, discrediting, or silencing the media is pretty much Dictatorship 101. It’s simply that very 1st logical step in government takeover.
With that said, where did this “Fake News” for every media outlet other than water toting Fox News and a few unhinged howlers such as Hannity or rabid right bloggers (who Trump seems to be loading up the the courts with lifetime terms with his brownshirt republican senate just this week confirming a 32 yr old right wing blogger who has never tried a court case) originate? The answer is that it came from Trump. And while many here seem to be fading from this reality, he is an habitual and serial liar as well as an egomaniac. It’s just keep repeating a big lie and fools like you abet it.
Also keeping in mind that this media silencing being a dictator stratagem and Trump using a page right out of Adolph Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” (which is by the way Trump’s admitted favorite book which also has a chapter on “keep telling the big lie”), it’s also alarming that pressure to shut down CNN came just this week from none other than the Trump DOJ.
So to repeat my above statement, I agree Trump may not be a fool in some aspects but he depends on fools like you to help sell his dictatorship and plutocratic agenda.
Is that why the Obama regime relentlessly attacked Fox News, the only outlet that was not on the Democrat payroll, and pushed to control the internet and institute the suppressive “Fairness Doctrine”?
Provide proof that Mein Kampf is Trump’s “favorite book”. (note: added to the every growing list of things the lying coward AJ slithers away from). Oh, then there’s this:
What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?
Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?
Is ANTIFA committing violence?
Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?
Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.
Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?
How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?
Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?
Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?
Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?
When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?
What did Trump lie about?
Whose wages did Trump steal?
What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?
How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?
What answer have you provided that has been ignored?
Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?
Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?
Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?
What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?
Provide examples of anyone that “harrass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.
Shutting down the free press is indeed the first step towards a dictatorship.
Met a German lady from outside Regensburg—says there are Trump family headstones all over that area–she loves him and also liked Hitler’s nationalism. The similarities are certainly evident.
re–a good negotiator—his ghost writer says DT HAS LOST IT—maybe never had it.
@RICH WHEELER: Where is he shutting down the media? (I missed the arrest of Madcow)Where is his dictatorship? Who is being put in re-education camps? If the media would just report the news and save a section of their broadcast for the crazy crap, but the whole 24 hour cycle is deranged they are feeding the deranged. Where has anyone lost their rights?
Its OK to dislike the President (stop lying)
Its OK to like the President (Stop worshiping him)
Its OK to have a wait and see attitude. (Stay frosty)
About the Bromance how does it feel to be less informed than the readers of TASS?
Well, I’ve got news for you; we have no free press anymore. We have a media that is 99% owned, lock, stock and barrel, by the Democrats. If you are concerned about a “free press”, THAT is what you should be concerned about. Of course, they feed your prejudices and biases, but if you were to look back at all the terrible political decisions you have made, you might begin to want more from journalism.
What is evidently similar is your remarks to the lies constantly presented by your corrupt liberal media. What is also similar is the way the left operates now, with its fascism, propaganda, violence and intolerance, and how National Socialist Germany operated. Also similar with Stalinist Russia, Maoist China, N. Korea and Cuba. Your glass house is constructed of such thin glass, you should be cautious about throwing a cotton ball, much less the kind of garbage you routinely toss about.
You get back with me when Trump pays a regime like Iran $150 billion and pallets of ransom money so they can fund terrorism and a nuclear weapons program hostile to the US and the rest of the free world. Then we’ll talk about how Trump has “lost it”. Meanwhile, he is furthering and protecting vital US interests.
@kitt: You keep getting your news from Tass and believing Putin and Co. didn’t interfere with US elections.
I’ll stick with CNN and Mueller.
Of course. They reinforce your bias.
@RICH WHEELER: I’ll keep going to many sources, I was curious about the Guys chatting, Finding only complete garbage from US “journalists” both left and right I had to look to an unconventional source, I noticed info no spin.
Wheres that link I asked for the one that is a direct full quote from Trump. Yes he called them political hacks that can be well referenced.
Yes CNN and SNOPES stay in your safe space.
I have yet to see a smidgen of proof that anything Russia did interfered directly with the election unless you think Facebook and retweets that attacked both sides swayed anyone with a brain.
Even you rejected Hillary.
@kitt:Damn right I’ll take CNN and Snopes over TASS. You think KGB Putin just one of the guys and innocent of Russian tampering in concerted effort to beat HRC???
You think Mueller out to nail Trump and his cronies?
@rich wheeler: Did or did not CNN tell you what the guys were talking about?
What I think isnt important not a jot, what do YOU think Trump and Putin are talking about.
Are YOU more comfortable with duck and cover?
Is Obamas and Bushs endless war preferable to you? Do you have a son or grandson to sacrifice to that or no skin in the game anymore?
What evidence has been presented that Russia had a major effect?
Do YOU think Mueller is out to nail Trump and his cronies, do YOU ?
What has Trump done while in office that has YOUR undies in a wad?
Now congress is pissed cause they have to legislate, no longer under a pen and phone dictator. The Media is pissed because we can research and expose their lies and ommissions.
Look at he coverage of the last 2 mass shootings, we know nearly everything about the Church shooting, but a media blackout on the Las Vegas shooting, so much so the wildest conspiracy theories flourish. No journalists are investigating Las Vegas a place with a million cameras and 1 fuzzy pic of the perp.
The link below is a little old and it covers this topic quite well.
Only those who CHOOSE not to see the bias do so at their own detriment.
From my own personal experience, I worked in media for a time, I can say most news people I worked with were bias’d in one way or the other. Many people get into news media not to report who, what where, when or why, which is what they are supposed to do,but to make a difference. I believe that idea of making a difference can be the genesis of bias. And yes I’m bias’d but I never made a living news reporting.
Bernie Goldberg also wrote books about how left wing the newsrooms he worked in were.