Why Lois Lerner Should Be Granted Immunity

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Andrew C. McCarthy:

In this week’s episode of the Capitol Hill soap opera, Lois Lerner, the apparatchik at the center of the IRS jihad against conservative groups, was at long, long last held in contempt of Congress. Amid the farce, the House’s IRS probe is floundering.

Ironically, this happens just as the chamber’s separate probe of the Benghazi massacre has been given a chance to succeed. That is because House speaker John Boehner, after over a year of delay, has finally agreed to appoint a “select committee” to investigate Benghazi. Congress has no constitutional authority to enforce the laws it writes, a power our system vests solely in the executive branch. But a select committee, with a mission to find out what happened — as opposed to conducting oversight through the prism of some committee’s narrow subject-matter jurisdiction (judiciary, budget, education, reform, etc.) — is the closest legislative analogue to a grand jury.

Of course, a grand jury operates in secrecy, as is appropriate for protecting the privacy of the innocent while gathering evidence against the guilty. Congressional investigations are generally conducted in the open by ambitious politicians, an atmosphere that can be as conducive to spectacle as to a search for the truth. As Charles Krauthammer sagely observes, the success of the Benghazi investigation now hinges on the ability of chairman Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) to impose on the select committee the discipline of his long prosecutorial experience — to “keep the proceedings clean, factual, and dispassionate.” But if he can do that, the select-committee structure and focus has a chance of breaking through the Obama stonewall and getting to the bottom of things.

The IRS investigation, to the contrary, remains mired in Capitol Hill’s labyrinth of committees and subcommittees. To be sure, some important information has been uncovered. But the case is languishing. Indeed, during the House’s months of dithering over the contempt citation — which is meaningless from an investigative standpoint, however consequential it may be politically — the Obama administration has busied itself codifying the very abuses President Obama claimed to find “outrageous” and “unacceptable” when they first came to light.

In a competent investigation, one designed to find out what actually happened, Lois Lerner would have been immunized months ago. That is, Congress would have voted to compel her testimony by assuring that her statements could not be used against her in any future prosecution — removing the obstacle of her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.

The variety of fact patterns that can be investigated is infinite. Still, almost all of them fall into just a few categories of enforcement action dictated by the public interest. Let’s look at two of them.

Sometimes, behavior is heinous but essentially private — i.e., of interest mainly to the people directly affected by the misconduct. In such cases, the priority is to prosecute and punish the wrongdoers, so you obviously resist granting immunity to a culpable party.

In other situations, reprehensible behavior affects the public at large. This is almost always the case when government power has been abused: The gravity of the misconduct transcends the injury to the private parties directly affected. It portends rampant violation of fundamental rights and undermines our trust in faithful execution of the laws. In such circumstances, it is imperative to achieve political accountability and a complete record of what went wrong so that any necessary policy changes can be made. Holding wrongdoers criminally culpable is secondary. Further, even if criminal accountability were a priority, the point would be to identify the highest-ranking wrongdoers — the people who are insulated and cannot be reached absent testimony from their accomplices.

Lois Lerner clearly presents the second situation . . . though that is apparently less than clear to the folks running the House. Asked about the IRS scandal recently, Speaker Boehner declared, “I don’t care who is going to be fired. I want to know who is going to jail!” That’s a good, fiery sound bite for the campaign season, but it’s exactly wrong.

When officials prove unfit for government power, taking that power away is the highest public interest. Even if you’ve deluded yourself into thinking the Obama Justice Department would lift a finger to prosecute Lois Lerner, who cares if she ever sees the inside of a jail cell? What matters is laying bare the entirety of the scheme and finding out how high it goes: Who and what induced her to orchestrate the harassment of conservative groups? Why was the government’s fearsome tax agency placed in the service of the Democratic party’s political needs?

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You get immunity when you finger the higher ups!

@oil guy from Alberta:

Exactly. If she wants immunity she needs to first give at least a couple names of higher-ups to show good faith. Any immunity must also be conditional, which means she has to spill all the beans, naming all the names and producing all the documents. (It’s called “turning state’s evidence.”) If she balks you strip the immunity and charge her for corruption, violation of the RICO act and anything else you want to pile on.

She might end up as a Ron Brown or Vince Foster example…

Here’s how you break her… first you explain to her that she has lost her pension and benefits, and her fines equal whatever contribution she might have made to that pension plus 100%. Then give her a tour of the facilities at Ft. Leavenworth Kansas; let her spend a couple of nights after the normal intake procedures (strip search / cavity search /delousing and confiscation of personal effects. After a couple of full days, or even a week, return and ask her if she is ready to give it up, all of it, or is she more interested in spending the next 10 or so years there.

Do the same with Eric Holder, but make his accommodations the Super-Max in Colorado, for his own protection of course.

I can go along with immunity for Lerner, as long as it is the one that she agrees to tell EVERYTHING she knows about the IRS scandal. I don’t know what it is called, but she would have to agree to tell all, and if something comes up later on that she knew and hadn’t told about it for her immunity, then they go back to the original charges, and the immunity would be voided.

I don’t see her turning.

Nixon’s people did after McCord broke. But before they did Gordon Liddy actually brought up the question of whether he, himself had become such a liability that he should perhaps be murdered. This is all in the Watergate Select Committee’s transcripts. Liddy said nobody at the White House had the nerve to take him up on his offer. These people were, after all, Republicans and had middle class values.

Does anybody think the same would apply this time. I think Learner must actually fear for her life. These Obama people are Marxists first.

@VoteOutIncumbents: #6
Has anybody checked to see how many in the obama administration have died? The only one I have heard about is this one:

Was The Death of the Obama Birth Certificate Verifier Caught on Video?

I haven’t heard or read any news media tell about these pictures. Not even to say if they could be fake.

I know there were several questionable deaths in clinton’s administration.

@Kraken: #8
Democrat campaign do not talk about it points:
(1) I encouraged the IRS to target Tea Party groups.
(2) I voted for obamacare.
(3) I did not want a Benghazi investigation.
(4) I voted for the stimulus.
(5) I voted for Cash For Clunkers.
(6) I voted for the auto bailout.
(7) I don’t want voter ID.
(8) I voted to increase the national debt.
(9) I voted for increased spending.
(10) I am for the expansion of the NSA surveillance on US citizens.
(11) I agree with cutting military benefits to help reduce spending.
(12) I agreed to keep advertising for people to get on welfare.

If ANY democrat gets reelected at their next election, then the republicans just don’t have anybody worth voting for. I’m guessing that a republican candidate mentioning the negative things their democratic candidate voted for should get them elected, as long as the republican candidate didn’t vote for the same things. I still want non-politicians who have never been in office to replace those who have been, but aren’t doing the USA much good.