Why Kamala Chose the Most Horrible Candidate: Tim Walz as Her VP Vaccine

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by Jeff Childers

Toadlike Minnesota governor Tim Walz emerged yesterday, moist and shiny, from Kamala Harris’s lower intestine, according to the New York Times, which ran a story headlined, “How Kamala Harris Trusted Her Gut and Picked Tim Walz.” She trusted her gut. Not her brain. I am not making this up, you will see I’m right, they are playing to the dreaded Karen Contingent,* older white women who hungrily snap up every grotesque proposal pushed out of the General Committee of the Democrat Party.

(* Apologies to real Karens. It’s actually one of my favorite girl names.)

Just so you know who I’m talking about, I waded into the fringes of the far-left fever swamps and caught this example for you. Behold:


The Times article explained VP Cackle considered three white, male, far-left governors as possible sub-VPs: the aforementioned Walz, more on him in a minute, Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, and Arizona’s Mark Kelly. And guess what? They were all equally great.* The Times ‘informed’ its gullible liberal readers that, and I quote, “Ms. Harris was told she could win the White House with any of the three finalists by her side.”

(* results may vary.)

It turned out all Kamala’s VP finalists were equally great, which means they were all equal. There was no merit to be found among the three finalists. Everybody gets a participation trophy! The Times explained Kamala was unburdened by what might have been:

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Goodness. It was a conundrum. What is an aspiring selectee for the Democrat nomination to do without merit? Crunch the numbers even harder, till they screamed and coughed up a finalist? Nope. It was time to deploy Kamala’s womanly (but childless) feelings:

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Feelings! Connections! That’s what some people want! Some people with XX chromosomes! They want a black president who relies on her feelings to make important decisions. Because that is how they always make important decisions, too.

Ugh. All the mocking material is fun for a while, but this new bizarro-world reality can become trying at times.  Suffice it to say that the Times’ entire absurd article on Kamala’s Veep selection was a non-serious, over-the-top-silly, all-too-obvious pander to the critical-for-Democrats older white women demographic.

But we’re not even close to done.

In these modern times of mentally-ill inmates leading the asylum, the selection of a vice-presidential candidate has become an exercise in impeachment insurance. In 2016, Trump made the rookie mistake of picking VP Mike Pence, who the democrats would have loved to be President, at least compared to Donald Trump. Result: nonstop impeachment efforts.

VPs have become impeachment vaccines. Biden didn’t repeat Trump’s mistake. He selected the least-liked politician in America, a less-likable and less attractive Alexandria O’Casio-something. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wanted a Cackle-in-Chief, so —even though Republicans were spoiling for payback— President Cabbage was safely and effectively immunized from impeachment.

So this time, President Trump picked JD Vance, a far-far-right conservative Veep, to make Democrats think twice about running the old impeachment game. Get rid of Trump and you’ll face a youthful and energized President Vance, which would potentially be even worse than the Orange Man. ProPublica:

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And that’s exactly what Kamala did: selected her impeachment vaccine. It wasn’t her feelings. What a preposterous idea! It was a stone-cold calculation. Kamala was so horrible that she was Biden’s impeachment insurance. So she wasn’t looking for the best candidate. She wanted the worst. Kamala had to pick someone really, truly horrible, even more distasteful to conservatives than herself, to become her own living impeachment vaccine.

Cue Minnesota Lockdown Governor Tim Walz, the man for the hour!

By now, you’ve surely seen the long citations to Governor Walz’s horrible resume. For me, the analysis begins with Walz’s over the top pandemic overreach, including his infamous snitch hotline. Headline from CBS, run one month into the pandemic, in April, 2020:

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Masks, lockdowns, jab mandates, Walz competed with Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer in issuing the most oppressive and draconian pandemic emergency orders conceivable. Minnesotans, who sleepwalked through the polls, suffered badly under sudden and unexpected full democrat control of all three branches of their state government during the covid crisis.

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Minneapolis became ground zero for the lawless BLM riots, as Walz pulled police and let human animals run wild, looting, burning the city’s police stations, toppling statues, and not getting arrested.  Walz has never seen a progressive policy he didn’t immediately push into law. In one four-year term, Walz has overseen pro-gender mutilation laws, tampons in boy’s bathrooms, gun bans, D.E.I., unlimited abortion up to birth, defunding the police, green energy, taxes and deficits, sanctuary cities (aliens and trans kids), illegal alien benefits and driver’s licenses, decades of cozying up to Chinese communists, you name it.

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The label ‘far-left’ is wholly inadequate to describe Minnesota’s governor. Walz, 60, once quipped, “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” China is one of his favorite vacation spots. Last year, Walz replaced the Minnesota state flag with a version remarkably resembling the Somalese flag. Walz has personally overseen the controlled demolition of one of the country’s most picturesque and friendly states.

In other words, Tim Walz is the perfect choice to stand as VP for the country’s least-liked Vice-president in modern history. Straight out of Central Casting, he was factory-designed to inflame and anger conservatives — to shield Cackle from impeachment.

It was a calculated risk. Corporate media faces a tough slog to put a happy face on one of the nation’s worst governors. Our best response is not to take the bait, but to mock them, which I intend to do, frequently and often.

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I am thinking that perhaps Walz was the only one of the candidates that agreed to do it. It’s conceivable that NO ONE wanted to have their careers entangled in THIS anchor’s chain plummeting to the briny depths.