by Julie Kelly
Joe Biden calls it the worst attack since the Civil War. Attorney General Merrick Garland compares it to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The FBI is breaking down the doors of Iraq War veterans and small business owners who have no criminal records, and some are hauled off to rot in solitary confinement in a fetid D.C. jail, for their involvement in the alleged travesty.
The event, of course, is the roughly four-hour-long disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. As mostly nonviolent Americans dared to protest Congress’ certification of a clearly fraudulent presidential election in a place that once was considered “The People’s House,” lawmakers scurried for cover as reporters and photographers captured part of the ruckus on video and still shots to wield as political ammunition against Donald Trump and his supporters.
But have we seen a full and fair depiction of exactly what happened that day? The answer, as evidenced by an ongoing coverup by the U.S. Capitol Police and the Justice Department, clearly is no.
Almost all the January 6 video seen by the public isn’t from official government sources but by social media users and journalists on the scene. For example, the widely viewed footage of protestors occupying the Senate chamber was recorded by a New Yorker journalist.
But thousands of hours of real-time footage is in the hands of the Capitol Police—and that agency, along with government lawyers and federal judges, is using every legal trick possible to keep the trove hidden from the public even as clips are presented in court as evidence against hundreds of January 6 defendants.
According to an affidavit filed in March by Thomas DiBiase, the Capitol Police department’s general counsel, the building is monitored 24/7 by an “extensive system of cameras” positioned both inside and outside the building as well as near other congressional offices on the grounds.
The system captured more than 14,000 hours of footage between noon and 8 p.m. on January 6; the archive was made available to two Democratic-controlled congressional committees, the FBI, and the D.C. Metropolitan Police department. (After a request by Congress, the agency reportedly handed over footage from the entire 24-hour period.)
Capitol Police also produced selective clips for Democratic House impeachment managers to use in the trial against Donald Trump.
But Capitol Police argue that making all the tapes available to defense attorneys —let alone to the American public—could provoke future violence. “The Department has significant concerns with the release of any of its footage to defendants in the Capitol attack cases unless there are safeguards in place to prevent its copying and dissemination,” DiBiase wrote March 17. “Our concern is that providing unfettered access to hours of extremely sensitive information to defendants who already have shown a desire to interfere with the democratic process will . . . [be] passed on to those who might wish to attack the Capitol again.”
The Justice Department, in numerous cases, is seeking protective orders to rigorously limit how surveillance video is handled by defense attorneys. Recordings have been deemed “highly sensitive” government material subject to onerous rules; the accused only have access to the evidence in a supervised setting. Clips cannot be copied, downloaded, shared, or reproduced in any fashion.
“Defense counsel may not provide a copy of Highly Sensitive materials to Defendant or permit Defendant to view such materials unsupervised by defense counsel or an attorney, investigator, paralegal, or support staff person employed by defense counsel,” Judge Amit Mehta wrote in a protective order related to the conspiracy case against members of the Oath Keepers. “The parties agree that defense counsel or an attorney, investigator, paralegal, or support staff person employed by defense counsel, may supervise Defendant by allowing access to Highly Sensitive materials through a cloud-based delivery system that permits Defendant to view the materials but does not permit Defendant the ability to download.”
Sounds legit.
Fighting Back Against the Blackout
But defense attorneys and the media now are fighting the video blackout. During a detention hearing last month for the two men accused of spraying officer Brian Sicknick—both have been behind bars and denied bail since their arrests in March—defense lawyers objected to the government’s use of “cherry-picked” video they couldn’t see in its full context which, if examined, might contain exculpatory evidence.
Under pressure from a group of media outlets, the government finally released what it claims is the incriminating video showing the chemical spray “attack” against Sicknick. (It didn’t.) The choppy video included recordings from several surveillance cameras, a few D.C. police officers, and a bystander.
Journalists continue to be frustrated by the Justice Department’s suppression tactics. In a plea last week to Beryl Howell, chief judge of the D.C. District Court handling all the January 6 cases, 14 news organizations asked for better access to video evidence presented in court. (Virtual court proceedings further help prosecutors keep the clips under wraps.)
“[T]he press and public have not been able to access these videos on the Court’s electronic dockets,” lawyers representing CNN, ABC News, the Wall Street Journal and others wrote in a May 3 letter. “Delayed access to these historic records shuts the public out of an important part of the administration of justice.” The government, the lawyers told Howell, refuses to give a “substantive answer” as to why the video evidence isn’t publicly available and listed several cases where surveillance footage was played in court but not otherwise accessible.
That an “insurrection” occured at the Capitol on January 6th is The Big Lie.
Just ONE of the Democrat’s Big Lies.
What is “sensitive” is that the video doesn’t show an “armed insurrection” and doesn’t justify the police state actions against those who participated (except for the BLM/ANTIFA participants, who skate). Like every other Democrat scam, the video proves they have been intentionally lying from the beginning.
It’s always the coverup that creates the most suspicion. Just as with the Democrat’s approach to the fraud allegations, which is “It never happened, don’t question us, just trust us and forget about it.” If Democrats actually believed the allegations of fraud are false or that the fraud allegations caused the January 6th riot, they would put forth maximum effort to examine and dismantle the allegations. But, instead, their tactic is to cover it all up and hope it will fade away. Interest and suspicion doesn’t fade away; it grows.
If the Capital video only shows a bunch of dumbasses milling around after, to their surprise, they were LET IN to the building, the main support for idiot Biden’s new Enabling Act is taken away.
Videos prove President Trump was right! Adam, Liz and Mis lie!
Biden is delerious as he is senile Americas worst attack was him stealing the election back in November
The worst governing in earth’s history takes place when a country’s leadership begin administering two opposing sets of justice.
One for themselves and their friends, the other for the rest of their people who must be kept under their thumb.
The USA’s federal gov’t is exhibiting this kind of justice by letting all the antifa and blm rioters/looters/arsonists/assaulters go with “slaps on their wrists,” while that same government is keeping “Jan 6th Insurrectionists,” incarcerated without bail as well as throwing the entire book at the most petty of crimes.
To even begin to pretend they are meting out justice these gov’t agencies must hide the actual footage of the DC footage from that day.
Well, how the DOJ gave crooked Hillary a total pass (even for perjury committed on video) and tried (and failed) to find a crime to pin on Trump for 4 years (and counting) demonstrates how the left has corrupted the justice system.
“Why Is the Government Hiding January 6 Video Footage?”
Short answer is: Because it doesn’t support the narrative. Remember. Nothing – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – is shown to the public unless it supports the narrative.
We’ve seen PLENTY that clearly establishes what happened on December 6th. I believe what my own eyes and ears have told me. What’s more, THAT WASN’T RECORDED BY GOVERNMENT FILM CREWS OR RUN THROUGH GOVERNMENT FILTERS. Most of it went straight from the devices of the people who recorded it to social media.
You mean what CNN and MSNBC fed into your eyes and ears, which are attuned to believing only lies. There was no “armed insurrection”, Sicknick wasn’t murdered and Trump incited NOTHING.
CNN and MSNBC showed their news audiences what was recorded by people in the crowd or by security cameras. What we saw is exactly what it appeared to be. Exculpatory video footage is not being withheld. IT DOESN’T EXIST. If it did, it would ALSO have quickly turned up on social media.
“CNN and MSNBC showed their news audiences what was recorded by people in the crowd or by security cameras.”
Sooooo, why don’t you provide us with the links to the Capital Police security systems videos that were provided to CNN and MSNBC?
Or admit that those security videos were not released and you are a liar.
What do you imagine such videos would show that would demonstrate everything which we DID see never happened?
This is typical conspiracy theory bullshit—that something exists no one has been allowed to see, which would prove your crackpot claims if only it weren’t hidden. And the proof that something is hidden is that you’re not being allowed to see it.
Like with election fraud, you miss the point. WHY is the video suppressed? If they show the violent insurrection you leftists claim happened, why not support those accusations with evidence and proof?
Because you are LYING and you KNOW you are lying. THAT’S why.
Here’s one you may not have seen.
And gleefully reported that Officer Sicknick was murdered with a fire extinguisher. Where was their video of that? Where was their proof? There is NO video showing an armed insurrection, yet that was what was reported. How could that be? Of course, these are the same people that stand in front of burning, looted buildings and call it a “peaceful protest”.
Propaganda, Greg. Propaganda to control the weak minded.
December 6th videos:
Anyone of normal intelligence should be able to figure out what they’re seeing and hearing. There’s no about question who these people are. They were sent on this mission by Donald Trump and his incessant lies. HE DID THIS.
Thanks for the video link to all the left wing media outlets. But it lacks answering this threads basic question.
Trump encouraged people to go peacefully. Maxine Waters urged violence.
Liberals are simply not held to the same standard because even other liberals acknowledge their own incompetence.
The left actively and openly incited widespread violence, promoted it and excused it, which only invites MORE violence. They cannot resist blaming Trump for what THEY do.
I saw a video of BLM violent agitator John Sullivan leading the charge into the Capital (at one point, right next to Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by an anonymous officer) and moving throughout the Capital trying to incite others to start fires and destroy, which did not happen. Where is Sullivan today? He was paid by MSNBC and CNN to downplay his part in the riot. Why is he released from jail but others charged with “misdemeanor trespassing” are in solitary confinement without bail?
Trump had no part in it at all, unless you now want to blame Bernie for Steve Scalice’s attempted murder, Maxine Waters for inciting riots, AOC for inciting riots, Pelosi for inciting riots or Obama for inciting the Occupy Wall Street riots, the Ferguson riots. Trump never incited anything violent. NEVER.