Why Is Obama So Nasty and Vulgar?

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Michael Ledeen @ PJMedia:

Rude, insulting language about Romney (“bullsh****r) from the president. Vulgar sexual innuendo, aimed at seducing young women to vote for him. The vice president asking a bereaved parent about the size of his murdered son’s testicles. It’s quite a spectacle. We’re a fractious people, and our politics have always been full of colorful language, but I can’t recall the current depth of vulgarity. The “politics of personal destruction” have gotten uglier. Does it mean anything? Should we try to understand it?

First, it bespeaks a coarsening of public language. No surprise there (Romney’s gentlemanlyness is more surprising, in fact); for a long time our movies and television have abandoned the rules that banned certain words and phrases. Still, until recently, our political leaders have avoided such vulgarities, at least in their public rhetoric. No more, at least at the highest level of the current Democrat Party.

Second, it shows the shrinking vocabulary of our political life. There are plenty of usable and powerful synonyms of “buls*****r,” but a graduate of Harvard Law School didn’t have any of them on the tip of his tongue. Or perhaps he just preferred the vulgarity.

Third, it is yet another step in the erasure of the line that once divided public and private. We always knew that there was (sometimes) a big difference between public image and private behavior. No man (except maybe Sir Winston) is a hero to his valet, etc. etc. But still, there were proprieties, rules for public decorum, and those who fell from grace in public were criticized and excoriated for falling. No more, at least so far as I can see among the Democrat faithful.

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As commented with the original source:

Give me a break. What a bunch of puritans (or at least, “pretend to be’s”). Besides, as I understand, Obama was actually describing Romney’s flip-flopping as ‘bull-shift’.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):
I don’t think so. Obama has taken the presidency (SIC) to a low level not seen before. He is rude, crude and despicable .

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): Obama is losing and must result to name calling just like the bully next door must resort to name calling when he loses the battle. There is nothing less. Besides, Obama himself has no respect for the office he holds. It is only a place to wield power, not an office to garner respect!