Especially teachers’ unions
The health plan for teachers union members in Buffalo, NY apparently includes liposuction and nose jobs – and we pay for all of it.
As CNN reports:
The sweet deal that all the 3,400 teachers in Buffalo are eligible to get under one of their insurance plan options, they are billed nothing for any plastic surgery procedure, such as botox, liposuction, tummy tucks, and there is no deductible …. Last year, Buffalo’s schools spent $5.9 million on plastic surgery which is also known as a cosmetic rider. And Buffalo teachers have had this rider for nearly four decades …. Now you might think Buffalo’s school district must be flush with cash to be offering perks like free plastic surgery, right? Wrong. Louis Petrucci, the president of the Buffalo Board of Education says he is projecting a $42 million deficit in next year’s school budget.
Now, we all love our teachers. But the fact is that teachers unions – and the contracts they negotiate with the politicians they elect – are greedy, cash-sucking vampires. That’s why the teachers unions in Los Angeles decided that it would be better to let the Los Angeles Unified School District fire 5,000 teachers than it would be to allow their benefits to be cut. Now, whom does that benefit? It benefits the teachers who stay employed, obviously – but it doesn’t help the ones who get fired, and it certainly doesn’t benefit children, whom we have been told require more and better teachers, not fewer, older, and worse. LAUSD spends an almost unbelievable $30,000 per child – and has some of the worst educated children in the nation. That’s no coincidence. That’s the teachers unions.
Most of all, it benefits the union bosses, who get to charge higher dues so long as they exact higher benefits from the state. Then they use those dues to help elect their friends, whom they press to hand over more taxpayer dollars. It’s a beautiful system. The only losers are us and our children.
It’s for the children.
Because you’re jealous, that’s why. And stupid.
LOL! Come on, liberalmann. My 8 year old nephew can come up with a better insult than that!
@liberalmann: Do you really believe taxpayers should pay for botox for teachers?
Libtardmann is apparently a barely out of his teens pissant who only knows self righteous narcissistic hatred.
As I have said elsewhere, I hope there is such a thing as karma so that it may catch up to him.
@drjohn: Moron has no clue as to what it believes. It’s just a minion without a functional brain so sad. I hope it hasn’t reproduced more brainless minions, we may have to drain the gene pool it’s swimming in.
Where I live in Md, the health plan the teachers get is incredible. Traditional and non- traditional health services are covered… On demand. The amount paid by the employee is nominal. Meanwhile, the other local government employees have been furloughed (5 percent pay cut per year) for two years, with a third year planned. We haven’t had raises in three years (cost of living or step increases). We are just grateful to have jobs.
Morale is in the dumpster. Teachers with the same education and experience, make more than their local government counterparts. The teachers just got a raise. Small, but a raise. When they were furloughed for one day, the board of education forgave the furlough day, so they ended up with a day off with pay. Recently, several full school days became half days for students, so the teachers could have more in-service time.
It’s time to be realistic about the health care benefit.
Botox? Liposuction?
Maybe 6 months ago or so one of the school boards in the eastern part of the state proposed making a change to the “contract” they have with teachers…They wanted to change their contract working days from 182 days a year to 188 days. Teachers were absolutely livid that they would actually be expected to work a whole 188 days a year. That’s right, a whole 188 days a year…
Not that I would ever want to be in that profession but after seeing the crap that teachers can get away with here in Wisconsin, I have little sympathy for their cries of how tough they have it…
@liberalmann: Hello BOHICA man! First time I have read you today. Keep doing those toe-touch exercises.
@liberalmann: @liberalmann: BOHICA man! I suppose that you will next be telling us that your real surname is Bernt? He and the LA Teachers Union have quite a mutual admiration society going on at the detriment of Mira Monti Elementary. Maybe you could persuade the Union to let you sample your brother Bernt’s “cookies” to save him the conflict with forcing his 8 year old students to support his sexual, pedophilia research.
Can you imagine???
We taxpayers had to BRIBE the creep!
@drjohn: Of course he does — in his little warped mind someone else will pay for it and he may get some of the fallout from the collective stupidity of a society that throws money all over the place
you put your finger on why some like me are so disgusted about UNIONS,
they demand the superior wages from STATES which collect from the PEOPLE’S POCKETS,
THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THE UNEQUALITY between their money plus benefits, unreasonable
for their public jobs dragging their feet at it for many of them, they don’t have to need incentive to excel, they don’t even have to excel, and when the time come to debate their convention with a STATE
which have to round up their budget and demand a restrictive situation to be apply,
the UNIONS BECOME LIKE BEAST, USE THEIR MEMBERS TO INTIMIDATE, BREAKING THE PROPERTY IF THEY ARE NOT OBEYED, THEY GO AS FAR AS TO ATTACK HUMAN BEEN WHO TAKE SIDE WITH THE PAYER, AND THEY END UP WINNING FOR HAVING DONE CRIMES ON the one who pay for their livelyhood, they have inherit the names of thugs bully because they earned it. and should not be to proud of it.
they have play that game many times, and are branded,
because of it, and nothing can change that, the mark stick with them.