Why Hillary Clinton is sinking faster than the Titanic

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Wayne Allyn Root:

I’ve predicted publicly for a year now that Hillary Clinton,   although a prohibitive favorite, still may never become the Democratic Party’s nominee.

Don’t look now, but at this moment Hillary is still far from a sure thing to become the Democratic standard-bearer. This week, she lost Oregon and barely squeaked by in Kentucky. Bernie has now won 11 of the last 14 primaries and caucuses.

I ask Democrats, is this your nominee? The winner of your presidential nomination has lost just shy of 80 percent of her races coming down the homestretch. If Hillary were a racehorse with that record, she’d be sent home.

Call me crazy but don’t presumptive nominees usually win about 80 percent of their races? This has to be the first time in history the leader of her party has lost 80 percent of them. I’m not sure you call someone like that a “leader” or “nominee.” Usually you call someone like that…“loser!”

Hillary is certainly still the favorite — if only because of the scam of superdelegates. The Democratic nomination is basically rigged. Because of those superdelegates Hillary already has the nomination locked up. But she appears to be crawling on her knees, over razor blades, towards the finish line.

First, while she’s the clear-cut delegate winner and we all know that everyone loves a winner, it’s gotta be downright frightening for Democrats that she still can’t put away a wild-eyed radical socialist from Vermont who wants tax rates as high as 90 percent and would add an estimated $18 trillion to the national debt.

Then, there’s the FBI. They are closing in. No matter how many times Hillary or her delusional aides claim the investigation is only a “security inquiry” it doesn’t change reality.

FBI Director Comey recently set them straight. Turns out the FBI doesn’t do “security inquiries.” Hillary is the subject of a “criminal investigation.”

Then there’s that millstone hanging around Hillary’s neck — Bill Clinton. Can you become president when your husband’s past behavior with women raises more questions every day? We’re about to find out.

The stories about Bill’s reckless and possibly criminal behavior keep popping out of the closet. First there’s the beautiful blonde “friend” who got $2 million from the Clinton Global Initiative and another $800,000 in government contracts with Bill’s help. Don’t we all wish we had friends like that?

Worse, there’s the new disclosure that Bill took 26 flights on a sex offender’s plane, an aircraft actually called “The Lolita Express.” It flew nonstop to “Orgy Island” where old men cavorted with young (13 to 15-year old) girls. Bill flew five times on this aircraft without his Secret Service detail. This isn’t a scandal, it’s a disaster for Hillary.

It’s already May and now the question is: Can Hillary crawl past the primary finish line? And if she does, will she be so crippled for the general election that she becomes a sitting duck for Donald Trump?

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Root’s slipping. He forgot to throw in 3 Benghazis.

The only wild card is the media. They will continue to hammer Trump with real and false attacks while protecting Hillary with all their might… just like they did Obama.

Every time Hillary speaks, she erodes her popularity; she is an awful campaigner. She is incompetent, dishonest and corrupt. Aside from being a liberal icon, she has nothing whatsoever to offer anyone but herself. The only amazing aspect is how a single thinking soul could consider casting a vote for her.

Trump is worse than unqualified for the job. The man has very little insight into how much he doesn’t know. That, coupled with his egotism, personality, and his impulsive, reactionary nature would make him a serious danger.

Clinton would clearly be the saner choice of the two. She’s smarter than Trump, more broadly informed than Trump, more experienced than Trump, and wouldn’t quickly become a national embarrassment.

Sanders would be a better choice than either of them. He’s genuinely concerned with the troubles of the middle and working classes and isn’t afraid to clearly state what he believes the nation’s problems stem from—and for the most part he’s absolutely right: We now have a system that strongly favors the wealthiest, and has shifted the nation’s wealth to them to the same degree that the national debt has grown. This correlation is not mere coincidence. It’s a predictable outcome.

The longer the tilted playing field goes unchallenged, the greater the inequity will become. Also, the more firmly entrenched it will become, since the increasing concentration of money is now being used to buy even more political power.

Are you really gullible enough to believe that an egotistical billionaire has come to remedy that situation?

Has Vladimir Putin remedied the extreme economic inequality that exists in Russia? That promise was the horse he rode in on.


Trump is worse than unqualified for the job. The man has very little insight into how much he doesn’t know. That, coupled with his egotism, personality, and his impulsive, reactionary nature would make him a serious danger.

Let’s see… how many times did Hillary’s experience and wisdom get an Ambassador murdered and a consulate sacked? How many times did Trump’s ego put national security online for our enemies to view?

Anyone that even considers the corrupt liar Hillary as President of the United States could easily be deemed insane; nothing could be more illogical and counter-intelligent… except voting for a sick, misogynistic socialist.

Sanders is so concerned with people’s problems that his goal is to finish the bankruptcy Obama has started by racing up even MORE wasteful debt than the record Obama set. Yeah, that would certainly be helpful, wouldn’t it?

Why did you bring Vlad’s failure up? To emphasize how socialism always fails while you extol the virtues and wisdom of Bernie? Yeah, you could be a Hillary voter… see above.

@Greg: Would you please repost your grave concern about Obama’s lack of experience prior to the 2008 election. I’m sure we’d all like to see it.

@Mully: Obama had plenty of experience as a wealth-sharing, far left, Constitution-hating socialist, which is all the left cares about.

@Bill, #4:

Let’s see… how many times did Hillary’s experience and wisdom get an Ambassador murdered and a consulate sacked?

When are republicans going to cease cheaply exploiting an ambassador’s tragic death for political advantage? They’ve shamelessly addressed Benghazi as a political opportunity since day one. Are they not aware that bad things can happen, and sometimes do, to public servants who do the nation’s work in dangerous places?

There were 13 violent attacks on U.S. embassies or embassy personnel that left 60 people dead during the years of the Bush administration. In Karachi, one such attack killed a U.S. diplomat. David Foy is thought to have been the direct target of the car bomb that killed him.

How many of those 13 attacks have you seen democrats attempting to politically exploit?

She is a vindictive harpy with a cackle from hell gee I dont know why she isn’t popular.
With the vindictive President in office every conservative cause good or bad for the country will be quashed along with their lifestyle even if I have to take away school funding, unless boys can pee on the seat, full time employment and free choice in healthcare.
So how much more would Hillabag punish the people who found her so distasteful high unfavorability ratings she struggles to keep ahead of Trump as he moves left, she takes on water.
I find it a little distasteful to celebrate anyones loss but its easy with her.
not even a complete list.


When are republicans going to cease cheaply exploiting an ambassador’s tragic death for political advantage? They’ve shamelessly addressed Benghazi as a political opportunity since day one. Are they not aware that bad things can happen, and sometimes do, to public servants who do the nation’s work in dangerous places?

Hillary was warned, explicitly, of the threat to that consulate. Stevens begged Hillary for additional security or to be pulled back from Benghazi. All this was ignored. While Ben Affleck had Hillary’s secret, unsecured email address… but the Ambassador didn’t.

Yeah, Libya was a dangerous place… made so by Hillary and Blumenthal, hoping to cash in on new business opportunities opened up by upturning the government. All the more reason to be vigilant and heed intelligence and warnings. Hillary ignored them. Why? Meet the Stone Wall.

There were 13 violent attacks on U.S. embassies or embassy personnel that left 60 people dead during the years of the Bush administration.

And they were all investigated to the fullest extent of the law. Just like Benghazi. The only difference was, there was no Royalty that felt they were above the law and Congress and simply decided they did not have to talk… or just lied.