Why Does The Media Care More About The Parkland Shooting Than It Ever Did About Las Vegas?

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It has now been 12 days since the shooting in Parkland, Florida. The story is still headline news across every major news outlet. Public interest in the tragedy is still quite high. Media interest has not waned very much.

Meanwhile, every major question about the crime has already been answered. Indeed, most of them were answered within a couple of days of the shooting. We know about the shooter’s “troubled” past, the death of his mother, his expulsion from school, and his history of violence. We know that he was reported to the local police dozens of times. We know that someone called the FBI about him. We know how he carried out the attack. We know that he was able to shoot so many people because at least one sheriff’s deputy was cowering outside the whole time. We know pretty much everything there is to know about the hows and whats and whys of this case. But still it is a lead story. Still the media has not left Parkland and moved to other things.

How does this compare to another recent mass shooting?

If you recall, dozens upon dozens of people were gunned down in Las Vegas on October 1. There were 58 fatalities in total. Another 422 injuries. That’s 480 casualties — 480 casualties — and I’m not even counting the hundreds more injured by trampling or shrapnel. It was the worst mass shooting in modern American history by a mile. It had more casualties than Orlando, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and Parkland combined — times two. And it was carried out in the middle of a major American city.

Yet that terrible massacre seemed to fade from the headlines rapidly and inexplicably. The country had almost entirely moved on by the beginning of the following week. It seemed to me that we had forgotten about it within three or four days, but I’ll say a week just to be safe. The media is so obsessed with Parkland that several of its survivors are now practically household names. Does anyone remember the names of a single one of the Las Vegas survivors? Did any of them do media tours? Did CNN hold a “town hall” about Las Vegas? Was there an extensive conversation about potential law enforcement failures in Las Vegas, as there has been about their failures in Florida? We’ve all had quite a bit to say about the police officer who waited outside while kids were gunned down, but what about the police officers and armed security who made it to Stephen Paddock’s hotel room while he was still raining shots down on the crowd, but stood outside the door for an hour before entering?

And that’s just one unanswered question that still remains in Las Vegas. There are many more. We still don’t know why Paddock did what he did. We still don’t know much about his background or his finances or his psychological profile. We still haven’t seen any photos or videos of Paddock, despite the hundreds of hours of footage that must exist. We still don’t know why the timeline of the shooting changed three times in the first few weeks after the shooting. The lack of answers should increase media attention because they keep the story open and active, but the opposite seems to have occurred. Attention to the story waned as the questions piled up. There are no questions in Parkland, yet there is still plenty of attention.


I can’t answer that question. You might speculate that the media has found Parkland to be more politically useful due to the anti-gun activism from some of the survivors.

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Watching the left, the things they happily excuse while condemning the same if they can accuse it of a Republican, how they voted for the wide-open corruption and deny the scandals of the Obama administration has led me to believe they are capable of anything. I honestly believe they look forward to tragedies like Parkland to their political utility; notice how quickly they can arrive with professional signage and organized rallies and protests on a moment’s notice.

I would not be shocked to find out that the Parkland shooting was organized. It seems odd to me that there were so many systemic failures from the FBI right down to the Resource Officer which allowed this shooting to be carried out. I realize this is a conspiracy theory of the highest order, but I would hope someone with investigative powers would look into it to eliminate the question.

The same questions arise as to why there are NO questions on the Vegas shooting.

Why Does The Media Care More About The Parkland Shooting Than It Ever Did About Las Vegas?

Because Parkland was a massacre of children, carried out in an everyday setting where they should have felt and been perfectly safe.

Barack Obama’s “restorative justice” policies cultivated a perfect set of conditions that led to the Parkland shooting that left 17 people dead. So the media is still covering for him and the failed you cant punish more minorities than whites even if they are the perps. Dont call the police and if called they dont file a proper report so the numbers can be jerry-rigged for GRANT MONEY. So it is perfectly fine to accept Obama money for no accountability but not NRA who promotes civil rights and gun safety.
After four troubling incidents, the state Department of Children and Families opened a September 2016 investigation that noted Cruz’s interest in buying a gun but concluded he was a low risk for harm. They will snag your kid away for much less like refusing to allow sex change.
With these morons in charge we need to harden our schools, school safety, that has to be done at local and state level and tell the school admins that let this monster loose to STFU, step back you failed to solve this, every day the kids get further into the insanity of “listen to MEeee I get to control the adults. They are being used by the gleeful media, who were looking for the Hogg kid type when shots were ringing out.


Because Parkland was a massacre of children, carried out in an everyday setting where they should have felt and been perfectly safe.

Hmmm… like abortion? Or, not? I guess the attendees at an open air concert have no reason to feel safe and there were no young people there that should have gone on living.

Yeah, I guess that’s it.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Las Vegas is much more concerned over someone palming a 5 dollar chip than somebody loading the hotel room with enough arms to conquer a small country.
Cameras everywhere except where the shooter ever was.
MGM should be ashamed. Nearly an hour to breech the room were the cops from Florida?

@kitt: Or so we should believe. I find it incomprehensible that we don’t know more about that than we do.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: But the victims liked country music may have voted for Trump, a lower life form than the enlightened 16 year olds that will blame the NRA, worth only 1/2 as much empathy as a pod of beached whales maybe.


Because Parkland was a massacre of children, carried out in an everyday setting where they should have felt and been perfectly safe.

. So we/they should only feel safe at school, not a movie, or on the road, or a park or in our homes?

@UpChuckLiberals: That’s funny, because according to Obamacare, children don’t deserve to live as much as adults do. If they had had their way, a little girl in need of a lung transplant would have died because she was not worthy.

One for Saturdays liberal crazy column Anchor Lawrence O’Donnell said on his show Thursday night that “a bullet fired from an AR-15 travels 3x faster than one from a handgun…and yet the president and the NRA think giving teachers guns will stop a school shooter.”
The bullets from handguns wont kill cause they are slow and carrying an AR style long gun gives you superpowers? Larry STFU ok…Someone tell lame Larry House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) his attacker was stopped by cops with handguns. Yup the only high profile shooting in recent history that didn’t send the left into a gun grabbing frenzy.

@kitt: You can tell them all the facts you want; they’ll still be stupid.