Who’s the Intolerant One?

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David French:

This is surely one of the strangest tweet exchanges I’ve ever seen. Here’s CNN’s Christopher Cuomo responding to a person who asks, “What do you tell a 12 year old girl who doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room?” His answer?

Not long ago, if school policies purposefully exposed girls to male genitals, they’d be subject to a backbreaking sexual harassment lawsuit. Suddenly, however, “tolerance” looks a lot like indecent exposure, and indecent exposure is what freedom looks like. This is beyond strange. I’m certain Cuomo would still object to a member of the football team walking straight into a girl’s locker room and disrobing, but he not only doesn’t object to the exact same anatomical features if they’re attached to a trans “girl,” he condems those who feel uncomfortable.

If the declaration that “preteen girls shouldn’t see penis at school” doesn’t resonate, I wonder if there’s really any hope for a common moral language when discussing the sexual revolution. In this circumstance, not even consent — the final moral firewall — matters. We used to be told that boys and girls should shielded from unwelcome sexual images. Now we’re told that they can be exposed to genitalia even over their strenuous objection, and they’re intolerant if they argue otherwise. Extraordinary.

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So, aside from Cuomo’s stupidity (which CERTAINLY would change if he had a daughter put in that situation), what does the left object to about a “transgender bathroom” for transgenders to use? Are male-to-female transgenders offended to share a facility with female-to-male transgenders? Do they fear a non-transgender might wander in and try to use the facility?

Or is it that the left simply insists this nonsense is shoved down the throats of normal people?

I heard Geraldo Rivera a moment ago saying the Trump administration doesn’t need to be spending time talking about this, as it has important issues to face. Fine. Don’t talk about it. It is a stupid, silly subject, fabricated out of whole cloth by the left to simply have another contentious issue to wedge with. DON’T talk about it. Ignore it. Males should go into the men’s room and females should go into the women’s room.

Coumo is a pea brained little pussietard pinhead stupider then a sack full of rocks and ugly enough to scare a wolverine

coumo has bankrupted NY not only financially but morally. an ultimate snowflake pussy. example, a fishing camp, one building, built in the ’50, indoor bath room placed in the ’80 and located across the road to a bay. because of the weather and location it was only used seven months out of the year. coumo’s goons set a property value of $325,000 . after fighting with the tax agency and huge taxes the house was razed, now empty lot.