The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.
The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.
The right wasn’t pitching a “lab leak”. They were pitching “I’m telling you, the Chi-coms are trying to weaponize this thing.”
The lab leak remains hypothetical, Everything else on the list is bullshit.
No we were saying Fauchi was funding gain of function in this lab that had known issues. That there was a leak from that lab and making fun of eating bats.
Dont let it distract you from masks didnt work and your immune system is and always has been better than the clot shot.
We were demonized for calling it the Kung Flu and China Virus by idiots you believed.
Weaponize it they stopped travel to other parts of China but allowed international travel, no they were just so careful to try to keep in in Wuhan…fool.
Really, Comrade Greggie?
Show us the research that proves cheap medical masks help provent Kung flu transmission.
Show us the research that proves vaccines actually prevent, or reduce, the Kung flu.
Show us the research that proves vaccines are better than natural immunity.
Show us that it was beneficial to keep children out of school for two (or more) years.
Stop letting your mouth overload your ass.
Prove your claims, coward.
Why don’t you present your demands for proof to your doctor? Be sure to tell him vaccination killed more people than COVID. He might not know that yet.
This information on the lab leak comes from the Biden administration, are you saying they are lying Greggie?
How about the excess death statistics?
For instance. official Government reports prove that Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.
While New Zealand suffered a shocking 3,404% increase in excess deaths in 49 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.
Canada suffered 35,318 excess deaths in 2021 and then 25,333 excess deaths by week 34 of 2022. This compares to 31,042 excess deaths in 2020 by week 53.
The USA suffered 674,954 excess deaths in 2021, and then 434,520 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. This equates to over 1.1 million excess deaths in nearly two years.
Funny I just dont think its my civic duty to die because your experimental clot shot and masks did not work for you, and my immune system worked for me.
Its as easy to buy a doctor as it is a research scientist and politician.
The vaccines are intended to be fatal. The vaccines do not prevent contracting the virus. The entire world has been lied to. The gig is up. Avoid at all cost getting the vaccine or any boosters.
Not 1 experimental shot in me, wont do it. I dont get a Pneumonia or flu shot, nothing from the death merchants.
I also tell the doc dont bother with the fasting test cause I will not take the cholesterol meds, thats a big friggin scam, just eat a diet low low low in sugar and no seed oils.
You’re crazy.
Says the guy who keeps saying that Trump had ties to Russia that effected the 2016 election even after we had a legal investigation that proved it all to be false…
Trump was Putin’s Choice in 2016. Putin did all he could to help get Trump elected. He know what Trump is. An amoral, egocentric opportunist. The kind of guy Putin can work with.
Prove it, Commie Bastid.
You’re the one who doesn’t support Biden’s warning to the Chinese Communist Party, and doesn’t think we should support a nation invaded by their murderous KGB buddy, Vladimir Putin. Basically, you’re full of it.
Wow was Hunters Check late?

Seriously Greg are you calling Bidens administration liars? You seem so trusting of the drug companys and Doctors, we just aknowleged the opioid crises where doctors turned people into addicts.
the Drug companys
No one really knows what’s going on, but American citizens reject the false-narrative the Biden regime is pushing.
Biden was caught laundering money and influence through Ukraine, btw.
And Biden is being paid by China.
Putin had nothing to do with Trumps win, it was all BS began by Barry and Hildabeast along with their minions its been proven over and over your mind frozen in a liberal debunked fantasyland
Trump was Putin’s Choice in 2016. Putin did all he could to help get Trump elected.
Any proof of that? Any links that aren’t regime lies?
You don’t.
In fact, we ran an investigation that exonerated Trump.
If you think the world is now whatever you say it is, greg, than anything you say is false.
Get it yet?
Trump would get us peace in under 24 hours, and many would live that are going to die because of this illegal Biden Regime.
Trump was Putin’s choice? Once again you spew garbage. On energy policy alone Putin would have preferred Clinton. Trump’s policies lowered prices which hurt Putin and limited his aspirations. Biden’s energy policy is helping keep Putin flush with cash. Yet you want more Biden. Get a clue. Here’s a trip down memory lane for you.
Oh and one more thing. You got this wrong too. Told ya.
So Greg Swalwell you lose again.
All the lab mice died, sworn testimony.
Because my doctor is not the one coming on this website blowing shit like you are.
You’re the one who said “The lab leak remains hypothetical, Everything else on the list is bullshit.” but once again, as is your SOP, you are a coward who lets his mouth overload his ass and cannot back up what you say.
But apparently, you would rather be laughed at instead of laughed with. And your goal is to confirm you are a liar and a coward.
The fact is that the vaccine was more lethal for a healthy person than the virus itself.
Someone needs to pay.
You might want to research that a bit, scooter. The fact that the virus came from the Wuhan Lab was what was accused. HOW it leaked was a matter of conjecture, but that it came from the lab was the point.
Regardless, you goddamn leftists lied and denied it came from the lab. You said it COULDN’T have come from the lab, like that absolutely MOST likely scenario was the most impossibly ridiculous scenario. In other words, you just lied and lied and lied and lied.
Worse, rather than enter into rational discussions about where the virus came from, you simply shouted down anyone who disagreed, called them racists, big tech censored them and woke companies fired them.
You haven’t been on the right side of an issue since you’ve been on this site. One would expect, of any human person with a functioning brain, that after being burned by the leftist Ministry of Propaganda over and over and over and over (just keep going on your own), a person MIGHT open their eyes and their mind and begin to doubt, just a bit, the usual suspects feeding them the lies.
The quote is from the video that accompanies the above article.
There was no clear evidence that it had originated in the lab; a natural origin seemed just as likely. Trump, however, decided to politically exploit the “kung flu virus” situation, and objectivity went out the window. On the right, EVERY DAMN THING relating to COVID became politicized. Masks, vaccines, social distancing, treatment protocol, etc. People died because of the right’s disinformation campaign.
Oh, nooooooo. Certainly not. No evidence at all. Just that a novel virus derived of bats originated in a Chinese city where, just by coincidence, there happened to be a lab that studied viruses that come from bats. Nothing to see here, huh?
While at the very beginning the evidence eventually revealed that the virus came from the lab (either accidentally or intentionally released) was yet to be seen, the assumption that the virus came from the lab was not such an outlandish, far out, speculative, bizarre accusation as to be attributed to racism. It was logical, reasonable and most likely. It certainly wasn’t “impossible”, as Fauci suggested. Also, it was pretty quickly proven to be true.
Like the Democrats do with everything they want to hide the facts about, they didn’t just not want to discuss it, they REFUSED to discuss it or investigate it. Idiot Biden shut down a Trump investigation into the origin. It is the Democrats’ standard playbook; refuse to hear any evidence they don’t want to hear, then deny there’s any evidence. Yeah, sounds really familiar, doesn’t it?
Yeah, every aspect of COVID became politicized… by DEMOCRATS. In the beginning, while Trump was trying to organize and mobilize to meet the pandemic, the left denounced him and his efforts as “dictatorial”. They even promoted doing the OPPOSITE of what his team was recommending. Then, when they realized they could no longer deny there was a danger, they decided to accuse Trump of doing nothing to meet the threat. Worst of all, while they manipulated numbers and purposely infected nursing homes, they blamed Trump for every death that occurred.
While masks and social distancing may have appeared to be logical and intuitive responses (after all, that’s what CHINA did), it was quickly shown they were largely ineffective and the costs far outweighed the benefits. But DEMOCRATS decided to MANDATE them, because nothing is as fun as forcing people to do something not only stupid and pointless but also harmful.
Everything beneficial before the vaccines were available was denounced by DEMOCRATS because they wanted a high body count. Now we definitely know hydroxychloroquine, when used correctly, was a viable and successful treatment. We now irrefutably know ivermectin was an effective treatment. There is no way to know how many died or suffered lasting harm thanks to DEMOCRATS politicizing and banning such cheap, effective and readily available treatments.
Yeah, it was damn sure politicized and YOU are the guilty party. The corrupt shitbags you support were so afraid of offending their CCP benefactors that they went to great lengths to LIE about the origins of a deadly plague. As a result, the WHO, FDA, CDC and our own government cannot be trusted to do what is best for the citizens as opposed to what benefits the left and the New World Order.
It’s very, very clear that the virus came from the Wuhan Lab, a lab that was studying corona-viruses with American funding.
Nah. The SARS-v2-19 is a man-made variant of SARS. It was either leaked or let out intentionally (more likely).
Everything on the list is verified fact.
You’d have to be crazy to think otherwise.
Completely nuts…you.
I wonder, has there been a leftist position they emphatically took, declaring anyone that contradicted it were racists, evil, wanted people to die, wanted to destroy “democracy”, etc, etc, that has not completely blown up in their own stupid faces? I don’t know if the left researched this, but the only way government propaganda works is if you can successfully suppress anyone that promotes the truth. Now, they’ve TRIED and tried hard to suppress all truth, but until they succeed, they will continue ot look like the lying idiots they most assuredly are.
Some of those bottom feeders are trying to blame Trump for the Balloon Incident knowing ourselves that the M.S. Media is pretty much leftists propaganda not real news anymore