“Whom Do You Believe: HBO or Secret Service?”

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HBO and the creators of the anti-Palin fairy tale called “Game Change” not only filled their attack film with misinformation, half-truths and outright lies, they also exposed themselves by leaving in an ugly slander that has already been investigated and debunked by the United States Secret Service over three years ago.

Breitbart News has acquired a preview copy of the HBO TV film scheduled to be released this Saturday by the cable giant, and we can reveal to you today that it includes one of the most egregious and irresponsible slanders to Sarah Palin and to the American voters who support her.

At the 97:00 mark, leftist actor Ed Harris, who portrays John McCain, makes a critical speech to his campaign advisers as they urge him to go after Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his connection to Sen. Barack Obama.

McCain delivers a passionate speech blaming the 2000 George Bush campaign for his hesitation to “go negative” against Obama, (yes friends, THAT was Bush’s fault, too) when he turns to each of them and says, “There is a dark side to American populism, some people win elections by tapping into it.

His advisers urge him to at least put Obama’s connection to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers on the table and McCain reluctantly agrees. What follows is a critical sequence showing Julianne Moore as Palin, delivering stump speech after stump speech to screaming, adoring fans where she reminds them that Sen. Obama had his career launched “in Bill Ayers’ living room, palling around with terrorists.”

The montage that follows, at the 97:43 mark, shows Gov. Palin bouncing from one speech to another whipping the all-white, trucker hat wearing, American flag-waving crowds into a hate-filled frenzy. The editors show that incendiary signs begin showing up at McCain-Palin rallies (We want a REAL American for President – 98:25) and random white, racist fore-fathers of the Tea Party movement shout out “terrorist” at the mere mention of Obama’s name.

With dramatic, foreboding background music, and lighting that looks like a horror film — a dignified and respected McCain addresses one of these racists crowds that has been whipped up into a murderous frenzy by Palin. “He’s a Muslim!” “He’s a socialist!” Scream the ignorant haters at his campaign rally.

Then, at 99:08, you hear a disembodied voice scream out, “Kill him!” Cut to Woody Harrelson portraying McCain campaign adviser Steve Schmidt, looking horrified, disgusted and ashamed that he had sullied the reputation of our greatest American by forever linking him to Palin and the hate-filled racists she attracts, nay, encourages.

Dramatic, huh? And a clever way for the media elite in Hollywood to explain how their favorite Republican, John McCain, was turned into the bete noir of the 2008 campaign. It wasn’t his fault, you see, it was that stupid, hate-monger Palin who made him look bad.

The “kill him!” legend began with Dana Millbank at the Washington Post on October 6. Milbank reported that an unnamed voice screamed from the crowd, “kill him!” at the mention of Bill Ayers, NOT Barack Obama.

But the legend grew and was linked and repeated by blogs and journalists all the way up (down?) to Frank Rich at the New York Times who transformed the target of the unsubstantiated “kill him!” report from Ayers to candidate Obama.

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Clearly this movie is just another step and part of the 0-bama election strategy. Distract, Distort, and deceive. Never never-never talk about the real issues impacting our country, the lies told to get elected, the failed economy, the lack of any energy policy, the scandals and waste of this administration, our spiralling national debt, and spitting on our Constitution for starters. Oh no no-no, let bring up phony issues like contraception and make sure the MSM goose steps to every instruction received by the Democrats. Reality is we have a failed President who was not vetted first time and needs to be this time. He is and was unqualified and is a racist extreme liberal.

I just saw a show on one of the Cable channels about Sara Palin and her early political years as Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Then how she stood up to the “back room deals” by those [good ol’ boys] in power, who were actually screwing the People of Alaska… She went on to become Governor BY A LANDSLIDE and really turned Alaska’s economy and it’s Government around….

It was pretty powerful actually…and very interesting…showed a side of Sara we don’t actually see…the show included “real footage” [not the made up kind with a huge bias slant by hollywood and [HBO]…I don’t even have to see it to know..it’s b/s is SO PREDICTABLE…so biased and based on nothing but spin and lies…. so predictable…]

She gave some really great speeches, she spoke from her heart “to” the people, rather then “at” the people. She echoed endearment and confidence in the people of Alaska, she highlighted their proud heritage in the way they lived…she was not trying to change them only to encourage them…

She had “solutions” she found “solutions” she acted on those solutions…. she brought the “sides” together to find compromise to the solutions…and even ejected herself from being pulled into battles that could not be won… and did so by not disparaging “the other side”.

She surrounded herself with people “proven” in their backgrounds…not people who could get her a vote next time around….or the I scratch your back – you scratch my back [Union] crap…

She actually made some excellent economic moves for Alaska, she cleaned house, and cleared out a lot of wasteful spending, she created reserves for future spending [so as not to tax people], gave Alaskans the power to succeed on their own merits, rather then running a Nanny State….

She did a great job and actually put Alaska well into the BLACK financially. Imagine that !! No wonder everyone is afraid of Sara Palin, she just might show some people up given the chance…

@FAITH7: Faith, clearly Sarah Palin is a very talented individual and accomplished at brining both sides together towards a common goal. This is exactly why the MSM and Demoncrats have and will continue to try to bring her down. In their eyes she is the face of the enemy and they can not allow her to succeed. Truth is no longer a part of their requirements to attain this goal. The hate machine is on full throttle and they will never-never stop. The MSM is in bed with the Demoncrats and they will not stop.

It also doesn’t help that the “aides” were doing anything but helping. In fact it’s pretty clear they hate Conservatives and are currently doing little more than trying to salvage their careers. The only way they can do so is to trash Palin and suck up to the left.

If I can’t make up my mind on who to vote for, I let the democrats and propaganda media decide for me. Anyone they are against, I am for.