At least the Slim Jim guy is peddling something palatable.
Spurwing Plover
7 years ago
I prefer Slim Jim’s to veggie sticks any day
7 years ago
Have glue gun will accessorize, all hat and only half the horse.
I vote Macho Man!
Deplorable Me
7 years ago
@kitt: I can think of a better use for that hot glue that would make it a lot quieter.
7 years ago
They attacked Baron as autistic, They Attacked the FLOTUS for waiting until her son finished his year at school, We said they cant possibly go lower This Democrat took it as a challenge.
At least the Slim Jim guy is peddling something palatable.
I prefer Slim Jim’s to veggie sticks any day
Have glue gun will accessorize, all hat and only half the horse.
I vote Macho Man!
@kitt: I can think of a better use for that hot glue that would make it a lot quieter.
They attacked Baron as autistic, They Attacked the FLOTUS for waiting until her son finished his year at school, We said they cant possibly go lower This Democrat took it as a challenge.