WHO: Up to 10,000 new cases of Ebola per week by December

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Noah Rothman:

The World Health Organization is warning on Tuesday that the Ebola epidemic in West Africa may explode in the coming days as the disease spreads exponentially. In the three West African nations most stricken by the outbreak of the deadly hemorrhagic fever, the WHO warned that there could soon be as many as 5,000 to 10,000 new cases per week by December.

“The outbreak is still expanding geographically in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia and accelerating in capital cities, Bruce Aylward, the WHO’s assistant director-general in charge of the Ebola response, said in a briefing with reporters in Geneva,” Bloomberg reported. “There have been about 1,000 new cases a week for the past three to four weeks, he said.”

Aylward added that there are presently around 1,000 new cases diagnosed per week, but warned that the infection rate is likely to expand dramatically. If the Ebola crisis is not resolved soon, “a lot more people will die,” he warned.

“As of Tuesday morning, 8,914 Ebola cases and 4,447 deaths had been reported to WHO,” USA Today reported. “Alyward stressed that the true number of deaths and infections is probably much higher.”

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Anyone ever notice how stupid Dr. Tom Frieden appears before the press. Complete idiot, but a good democratic suck up. His professional track record is like billy’s, pray to god that noting goes bad on your watch.
Replacing this fool with another fool is just about to occur. Expect he will be gone by next week. In the Fort Hood massacre that killed 13 soldiers (one who was pregnant) was labeled by the fool as “workplace violence” and not a terrorist attack. Wonder what the muslim terrorist will label this situation, other than a GOP problem for lack of funding and understanding.
When is the pres. going to admit he is gay, like hillary?

Dr. Tom Frieden, director for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else.

Obama’s CDC is as bad as Bush’s FEMA