#Whiteness: UMUC prof lauds Touré’s callous ‘power of whiteness’ tweet

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MSNBC host Touré earned himself a deserved Twitter drubbing this week when he attributed the success of a Holocaust survivor to “the power of whiteness.” It’s academic that someone from higher education would agree with Touré’s assessment, and Donald Earl Collins of the University of Maryland University College stepped up to fill the role, lauding Touré’s “great response.”

@Toure @hope_and_chains That was a great response, and it highlights how White ethnics, including Jews, became White after WWII. #Whiteness
Donald Earl Collins (@decollins1969) May 23, 2014

Again, we’re talking about the “white privilege” of Holocaust survivors — and “the power of whiteness” was a “great response.”

@decollins1969 @Toure @hope_and_chains

This tweet by decollins shows how leftists keep minorities down… Self reliance = whiteness—
Jeff (@OfWolfAndRaven) May 24, 2014

They saw no problem labeling Zimmerman a White Hispanic. @OfWolfAndRaven @BPratto@decollins1969 @Toure @hope_and_chains
Sue Smith (@SueSmith511) May 24, 2014

@SueSmith511 @BPratto @decollins1969 @Toure @hope_and_chains

When minorities get off the plantation they have to discredit them somehow.—
Jeff (@OfWolfAndRaven) May 24, 2014

@decollins1969 @Toure @hope_and_chains And you’re part of the problem in this country…not the solution. Welcome aboard.—
Beaksley (@U_Quack_Addict) May 24, 2014

@U_Quack_Addict @Toure @hope_and_chains @U_Quack_Addict Agent Smith of Matrix: I may be in this country, but I’m not on #Whiteness train.—
Donald Earl Collins (@decollins1969) May 24, 2014

@decollins1969 @Toure @hope_and_chains Correct, ur on the proverbial “victim & blame someone else for your failures” train. And Ur a PRof?—
Beaksley (@U_Quack_Addict) May 24, 2014

@decollins1969 @Toure @hope_and_chains And you honestly teach at U of M? Holy shit…what a disservice ur providing 4 ur students.—
Beaksley (@U_Quack_Addict) May 24, 2014

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Toure’s ignorance might be from being cocooned in a black-only minority experience.
The ignorance of the professor is a bit more difficult to understand.
Sure, he’s black also, but he spent time in school enough to become a PhD!

I graduated HS in 1967.
The ”WASPs” were still giving the Jews the ”silent treatment” at that point.
My older brothers were even beaten up a few times by WASP types before that.
My dad, a 20-year Navy man who fought in both WWII and Korea was also beaten by whites simply for being Jewish.
Of course it was only when a group could come against them, never one-on-one.

“White privilege” is the new excuse for justifying black bigotry, but this goes beyond the pale. I propose; now that Democrats are looking forward to millions of amnesty voters, they feel they no longer need the Jewish vote. They can therefore return to hating Jews like they did prior to the Civil Rights Act.