White Leftist Woman Wearing a Gorilla Mask Throws an Egg at Larry Elder; Race-Crime Obsessed Media Refuses to Even Mention the Race-Crime

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by Ace

The white leftist woman’s white leftist simps also got violent with Larry Elder’s people as they attempted to protect him.
The media is almost entirely embargoing it. The only mention in the national media came in a NYT story about Kumala Harris campaigning for Newsom. The racially-charged attack on a black gubernatorial candidate was only mentioned in paragraph 14 as some disposable color and flavor.
No mention at all in the Washington Post or at the LA Times, which has encouraged this type of attack by running story after story claiming that the black candidate is really a White Supremacist with a tan.

Update: f’d up says that Chris Plante found it on page 10 of the Washington Post.


CNN did give the racist attack on a politician a five second mention, a single time.



Hey, it’s not as serious as a garage-door pull-rope at NASCAR, after all!

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Hey, what if some black Congressmen were walking up the Capital steps and NOTHING happened? What would the left do? Why they would make up a LIE that they were spit on and called racial epithets! And the media would LOVE it!

Boy, are the Democrats afraid of a black governor of California or what? (by the way, the crowd attacking elder called him “boy” as well) When is racism OK with the left? When THEY are being overtly racist… which is at every opportunity they get. Yeah, the racist liberal media is all over keeping this buried, like Hunter’s laptop or idiot Biden’s “let’s all tell the same lies” phone call with Ghani. THIS is how we get utter disasters like the ruinous idiot Biden regime.

Any bets on when AJ will make his appearance to equivocate, excuse or just blame Republicans for this racism? Don’t hold your breath seeing any of our resident liberals (mighty scarce anyway as idiot Biden’s disasters grow) show up here admitting to and denouncing this repulsive display of leftist racism.

What with the very high costs of foods, it would be homeless people who have the free eggs to pelt at Larry Elder and his group.

The racism of the Left is as bad as their sexism and their ageism and their envy of those who have more ($$ or intelligence) than them.

The issue of the Left’s media arm in being complicit to keep their prejudices hidden is really egregious. The media is the fox guarding the racist/sexist/ageist/envious hen house.