White House outs CIA station chief in Afghanistan

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Hey, wasn’t this a bad thing when it was Valerie Plame? Didn’t democrats want blood?

The CIA’s top officer in Kabul was exposed Saturday by the White House when his name was inadvertently included on a list provided to news organizations of senior U.S. officials participating in President Obama’s surprise visit with U.S. troops.

The White House recognized the mistake and quickly issued a revised list that did not include the individual, who had been identified on the initial release as the “Chief of Station” in Kabul, a designation used by the CIA for its highest-ranking spy in a country.

The disclosure marked a rare instance in which a CIA officer working overseas had his cover — the secrecy meant to protect his actual identity — pierced by his own government. The only other recent case came under significantly different circumstances, when former CIA operative Valerie Plame was exposed as officials of the George W. Bush administration sought to discredit her husband, a former ambassador and fierce critic of the decision to invade Iraq.

The Post is withholding the name of the CIA officer at the request of Obama administration officials who warned that the officer and his family could be at risk if the name were published. The CIA and the White House declined to comment.

More at WaPo

Obama will no doubt learn of this from the newspapers.

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The level of incompetence of this administration never ceases. Now the Taliban will start to roll up the espionage sources he has established. Again, people who trusted the US Government, specifically the Obama administration, will be killed and tortured. Another example of why the Bengasi hearings are important.

Don’t find this surprising at all. So much for the Obama administration saying they’re “smart” about everything.

First, ignore the mistake (wait for the media to hide it away, as WaPo attempts with the lame comparison to the Plame circus), then, when it won’t go away, declare how mad you are, then promise to thoroughly investigate the matter, then declare you can say nothing more about it because of the ongoing investigation. There has got to be a script for this posted on a cork board in the White House.

Perhaps this is what Obama meant when he said he was going to have the most transparent administration ever.

This kind of incompetence is what you get when an Administration fills its ranks with young hipsters with diplomas from tony universities (Columbia, Harvard, Yale) who think you can conduct foreign policy and diplomacy with hash tags.

Both Wilson and FDR had their brain trusts (valued advisors from tony universities) but at least they were not kids just out of puberty.

@retire05: That is exactly who we have running the show. Lefty know-it-alls. There is no adult leadership present which probably explains why some in the European community are turning to Putin.

@another vet:

Some are turning to Putin because he leads from the front. They view Obama as weak, with no specific foreign policy (other than hash tags) and that his “red lines” are quickly erased when the rubber meets the road.

A leader may be bad, can even be a maniac, but if he shows strength and determination, he is respected, albeit for all the wrong reasons. Obama has never shown strength, only taking credit for the good things that happened during his administration (i.e. bin Laden) but blaming the bad things (Fast & Furious, border security, Fort Hood, IRS scandal, VA disaster and now the General Motors scandal) all on his predecessor.

But remember, Obama is a man who has never run so much as a lemonade stand, was never allowed to fail as others were willing to accept the blame for his failures, was an uninvolved, disinterested public servant in Illinois, as well as the U.S. Senate, and whose only claim to fame is a voice that is conducive to speechifying. Even then, David Alexrod admitted that he placed Obama in front of a mirror to practice his cadence and tone for hours, using speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as an example of how to sound.

But Obama was “clean and articulate” and the left yearned for a man of color to rally around. Just look at the fuss being made over Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonio, although he has no real authority or power and is the child of an illegal radical. I promise you, Castro, a radical Socialist leftist himself, is being groomed for the VP slot under Hillary.

@retire05: Let’s see, for our allies in Europe he scrapped the missile defense. For our most reliable ally in the ME, Israel, he publicly and privately criticized them. For our ally in Iraq, he blew off a workable security arrangement allowing AQ the ability to go back in there and set up shop thus jeopardizing our hard fought victory over there. And he told our allies in Afghanistan that we will be leaving them regardless of the situation on the ground meaning they may very well be left to the wolves. Who would want to trust someone like that? I sure as hell wouldn’t want him watching my back in a fight.

@another vet: You forgot about the people in government service he leaves to be killed in foreign service like Bengasi and other places.

@Bill Burris: Uh, and then say it’s ‘old news’ move along.


with diplomas from tony universities (Columbia,

well, actually not all of those that claim to have diplomas from Columbia actually have one.

@Randy: Everyone knows Benghazi was in response to an internet video which is why I didn’t include that. More importantly, it was Bush’s fault.

From the same geniuses who think it a grand idea to announce a specific date.for.pulling out of Afghanistan.

Seems they are all graduates from the McNamera.school of foreign policy…..