White House misogyny?

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Ron Suskind, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, has a book out about the team that gave us Obamanomics and apparently the team was as dysfunctional as their policy is. Larry Summers — the defrocked president of Harvard — dominated the team and Timothy Geithner pouted, while the womenfolk were treated like second-class citizens. I don’t know how the black people were treated because outside the president, there does not seem to be much racial diversity on the Obamanomics team, an irony in that affirmative action is a big part of the Democratic Wall Street “reform.”

From the New York Times story on the book: “In this rough-and-tumble environment, the book reports, female staff members often felt bruised. At a dinner with Mr. Obama in November 2009, several top female aides — including Anita Dunn, who was the communications director, and Christina Romer, the chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisers — told the president about being talked over in meetings by male colleagues or cut out altogether.”

Larry Summers has returned to Harvard to teach the same economics that he and Team Obamanomics failed at in the real world. Here is hoping he is not ridden out of town on a rail this time.

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Some assembly required…

Our “economic advisors” sound like a tag-team from the local synagogue or that a coincidence??

harvard, yale, chicago, brown, mbs’s! my german shepard has more brains than any of these idiots. OH! and now we are going to bail out europe. Where is that money coming from? IMMPEACHMANT TIME…Smile America..that money for the job stimulus package is a rouse..more will go to his ws buddies, solor companies which he is an owner in and europe…Watch!