Allahpundit @ Hot Air:
If there’s one thing you want to do when accusations are flying about an attempted cover up and a disinterested, collusive media, it’s holding an off-the-record briefing.
The White House held an off-the-record briefing with reporters on Friday afternoon to discuss recent revelations about the Benghazi investigation, sources familiar with the meeting tell POLITICO.
The meeting began around 12:45 p.m. and postponed the daily, on-the-record White House press briefing to 1:45 p.m. White House press secretary Jay Carney did not respond to a request for confirmation of the meeting.
The off-the-record session was announced to reporters in the wake of an ABC News report showing that White House and State Dept. officials were involved in revising the now-discredited CIA talking points about the attack on Benghazi.
Were they discussing troop movements or something? What reason could there be to go off the record, and why would the press agree to it? If there’s classified material involved, just redact the bits that can’t be publicized. Or maybe I have this wrong; maybe the reason Carney wanted to huddle is because Ron Fournier was onto something this morning in sensing that the White House is trying to point a finger at Hillary and the State Department for redacting the first draft of the CIA’s talking points. For obvious reasons, if Carney wants to steer them in that direction, he wouldn’t want to do it on the record. Then again, there’s no reason to task the White House press secretary with that; if Team O wants to push Hillary under the bus, they’ll do it the old-fashioned way, through anonymous leaks. So again, why is this briefing off the record?
Fun sidenote via Ari Fleischer:
Time Magazine reporter Jay Carney would have been the 1st person to object to how the WH is handling the press today.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) May 10, 2013
Why would the democrats LOCK ALL REPUBLICANS OUT of the drawing up of the obamacare bill, and why didn’t the propaganda media report it? The propaganda media has been propagandizing for the democrats for many years. Why would they stop now? I’m guessing that the quarterback is getting his team together to plan their next strategy for their next play.
Was Fox New invited? Were any known conservatives in the media invited?
Full blown panic mode at the White House. I want to know who was invited. They would be the ones Obama regards as manipulable stooges.
And now there’s been a fire reported at the West Wing of the White House.
Smoke coming from a closet.
Shredder overload?
Obama took up smoking….again?
Sympathy ploy?
Nan G
oh no, is the EMAILS which BOENER demanded being burned or shedded,
I would not be surprise,
GM in CHINA and they want to move all their assets to small foreign countries,
is that where the bail out went, why did OBAMA buy it before on the dole of the PEOPLE,
one said , CHINA has a histoty of reverse engenering,
meaning they have a bad habit of copying
the AMERICAN creativity and take over and dump the AMERICAN COMPANY.
to CHINA in exchange of cash for his spending spree?
who will check it up.
so that tell us
the AMERICANS will never recover their money
Politico reported there were representatives from 14 “news” organizations. Since the Obama administration considers DailyKos and HuffingtonPost as “news” organization, there is two out of the 14. For the rest, just check the names on the Journalist.
@Nan G: #3
If there were mirrors in the smoking closes, maybe they were preparing another smoke and mirrors trick.
@ilovebeeswarzone: #5
Many years ago, Motorola paid Chine to launch it’s most sophisticated communications satellite. My first thought was, “Something is going to happen to the rocket.” Shortly after it launched, it blew up, and the chip in the satellite was never found. Was it in the satellite when launched? Who knows.
you got me ignorant there. could they take out that chip?
how big is that chip?
where was it located in the sattellite?
maybe that chip had the self destruct gadget if separated from the sattelite
I took that last line from MISSON IMPOSSIBLE
@ilovebeeswarzone: #9
I’m not a computer expert, but the word “chip” usually refers to the device that runs the electronic equipment. Your computer has a CPU (Central Processing Unit) that runs your computer, and anything connected to it. Everything goes through the CPU. Since the Motorola satellite was a communications satellite, it would have had the latest technology in it.
I don’t know if the chip was in the satellite when launched. I doubt it. Then they blew up they rocket so they could say the chip was destroyed. It is possible that the chip was in the satellite and destroyed in the explosion.
Motorola had to have known that China was known to steal blueprints and devices to reverse engineer them, then make them without the millions, and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars to develop it like the manufacturer did. I don’t remember if China was the only other one who could launch the satellite. We might have been having he Cold War with Russia at the time, and I think the Space Shuttle was booked up for a long time in the future. I don’t know if Motorola sent people to make sure nothing suspicious was done by Russia.
and what business has MOTOROLA to give the SATTELLITE to CHINA instead of an AMERICAN firm?
they want it cheaper then they get what they deserve, they don’t give job to AMERICAN?
let them get a lesson, they should know that it would happen after so many COMPANIES where rob of their creation and send packing,
what is it with AMERICAN business going abroad when the jobs are needed here,
@ilovebeeswarzone: #11
I don’t remember all of the details about Motorola choosing China to launch their satellite. The Space Shuttle might have been shut down at that time, and there wasn’t any way to launch it from the USA when they wanted it. Russia and China were the only other choices at that time.
how come there wasn’t any way to launch it from the USA?
is that what he said for excuse?
I don’t buy it, HELL the USA are at the avantgarde on those science,
and there are no reason to go to China, he got his answered back,
it was blown up, all the money he spend is blown up also and in the hands of CHINA,
and AMERICANS are looking for jobs,
@ilovebeeswarzone: #13
I’m not sure if this happened when one of our space shuttles blew up shortly after it was launched. When that happened, I think the space shuttle program was shut down for 2-3 years until they redesigned the seals on the booster rockets. We had no other way to launch anything during that time.