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Whistles are in, self defense is out

William A. Jacobson @ Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:

At College Insurrection yesterday we posted Wash U. — Rape whistles in, guns still out, about the Whistle Program at Washington University in St. Louis.

So it was timely that I saw a tweet today about this post by rising star Gabriella Hoffman, Dear Fellow Females: Firearms, Not Rape Whistles, Best Deter Criminals:

The Left is relentless in their efforts to ban guns. They will stop at nothing to see every law abiding gun owner disarmed and helpless. It is also apparent that the Second Amendment means bupkis to them. Instead of using firearms to deter criminals, leftists have proposed women taking up rape whistles and scissors.


We’re often told that women shouldn’t be able to handle guns because they’re “scary killing machines,” yet somehow we’re now expected to serve on the front lines. But I digress… Additionally, the Left views women as victims who must rely on the government from cradle to grave (think Life of Julia). What happened to the Left being about so-called women’s empowerment?

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