Whether It Is Warming or Climate Change, It Cannot be CO2

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Recently a Japanese Research Institute published a satellite map of sources of CO2 emissions. It was virtually ignored by the mainstream media, but that has become an inverse measure of its significance to the climate debate. It showed a pattern that most would not expect because of the misleading information presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) amplified by most media. Producers of the research illustrate the problem.

“The head of the research institute, Yasuhiro Sasano, says he hopes the map will help display how much each region needs to reduce its CO2 emissions in the future.”

This is only a politically correct comment because the map illustrates the exact opposite, CO2 emission reduction is not required where the IPCC recommend. John O’Sullivan correctly drew attention to this dilemma, however, the results are logical if known science is applied.

NHK World
Figure 1: Red is for high CO2 emission: Green (absorbers) no emissions: White is low or neutral emissions.

The information in the article is not surprising if you know anything about CO2 and don’t buy the ‘official’ nonsense. The oceans are the main control of atmospheric CO2 as one of the atmospheric gases in constant flux between the water and the atmosphere. The ocean’s ability to absorb CO2 is a function of its temperature – cold water absorbs more CO2 than warm water. The boundary between the warm polar water and warm tropical water is very clearly defined in most parts of the world and the map generally reflects this pattern. The map is only surprising if you believe that humans are the primary source of CO2.

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The evidence that CO2 does not cause global warming has been around for a long time. Makes that cap and trade in CA look kind of stupid!

That CO2 map and its weird IPCC interpretation are a hoot.
It is rich what is now getting media attention.
Now that two massive email dumps have made the whole warming-thing into a joke.

Oh, Randy!
So does that fact that Geron Corp., the world’s leading embryo research company, announced it was closing down its much-touted stem cell program, despite the guarantee of more government aid from Democratic-affiliated sources make CA look stupid.
The taxpayers of CA are on the hook for $3 BILLION toward embryonic stem cell research no matter if it is worthless.

Today some of those Climategate 2.0 emails were put into context by Watts Up With That.

Just, wow!