What’s happening in Afghanistan?

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by neo-neocon

To a certain extent, when the Vietnam-era draft ended people lost interest in news of Vietnam. There was a flurry of renewed attention when we finally left and then cut off most of the military aid years later, including the famous “helicopters on the roof” story. After that, every now and then some boat people would arrive and that would get a bit of coverage, too.
But for the most part we turned our backs on the suffering there. It’s not just that we weren’t intervening any more, it’s that most people simply weren’t aware of what was happening and of the role our abandonment played in it.
The left was rather happy about that because it got them off the hook, and they learned that they could repeat the process when they caused us to exit any war. In fact, none other that President Biden is reported to have explicitly cited this in 2010 when he wanted to get out of Afghanistan and the Obama administration wasn’t doing his bidding:


Holbrooke, who was the Obama administration’s special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2010, asked Biden whether the US had a moral obligation to remain in Afghanistan to protect people like that little girl.
“F— that, we don’t have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger got away with it,” Biden replied, according to Holbrooke’s diary, as cited by the Atlantic.

I would argue that it wasn’t Nixon and Kissinger; it was the Democrat-controlled Congress (with some Republicans voting along with them) that pulled the plug on the South Vietnamese. The Democrats didn’t pay any price for that, either. Au contraire. Carter was elected in 1976 and the Democrats continued to have huge Congressional majorities.
So it was not difficult to predict that, once the nasty and actually disastrous pullout occurred in Afghanistan, coverage would fade and we would not learn the details of what was happening in that country as a result. Perhaps a few stories here and there, but whatever horrors are presently being perpetrated there are not going to get major coverage from an MSM dedicated to supporting everything Democrat – although you know that there would be wall-to-wall coverage of atrocities if the pullout had happened with Trump at the helm.
As far as I can tell, only the right is reporting on things like this:


As the Taliban consolidates its hold on power, reports of executions and mass killings are coming in from all across Afghanistan. The Islamist militia beheaded two boys aged 9 and 10, the media reports on Wednesday said.
Taliban fighters are hunting down former Afghan government officials and security personnel. Besides targeting people connected to the deposed government, the Taliban death squads are murdering their family members — including minors, Jean Marie Thrower, a former U.S. Army officer working on getting stranded Americans out of Afghanistan, told the National Review.
The National Review reported the gruesome beheadings, citing Afghan Rescue Crew‘s (ARC) Jean Marie Thrower:
Even retired members of the Afghan army are marked for death by the Taliban. “We’ve got people who retired, ten, 15 years ago. They killed the Taliban, and the Taliban don’t forget,” Thrower says. “We have one guy who was just working on cars. He said, ‘I haven’t done this, I haven’t been in the resistance for 15 years, but they have my name and they’re calling me.’”
Thrower disputes the U.S. State Department’s characterization of about 100 Americans being left on the ground; she said that as of a few days ago, the figure her group had was closer to 1,000 — although she noted that every group making a rescue effort has its own list, potentially leading to overlap with one another in certain cases. The 1,000 figure may include U.S. green-card holders, too, which the State Department is putting in a separate category. (…)
She describes the case of an American child whose Afghan uncle was recently killed by the Taliban. “We have had people shot, beheaded. They’re taking the kids. If you’re on the run, and they find your family, they’ll hurt your family and put the word out in the neighborhood that ‘we’ve got your brother or son or daughter.’ They cut off the heads of two boys that were nine and ten.”

You might ask why we should care at this point; after all, awful things happen all over the world with great regularity. And while that is the case, it is also the case that these things were not happening in Afghanistan when we were there, and they are happening now as a direct result of our leaving in the obscenely stupid and/or purposely destructive manner in which we departed, and it’s happening to people who had helped us and whom we had promised to rescue if it ever came to that.
Biden and the rest knew it would happen and they did what they did anyway, and shrugged at it. And the Democrats and the MSM not only shrug right along, but praise the administration and Biden himself for what they did.

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Idiot Biden has done irreparable damage to the honor of the United States of America. Or, if repairable, it will take decades and more lives to repair.

And Democrats simply don’t care.

Americans Are Still Being Held Hostage by the Taliban. Dear Leader Biden Is Headed to the Beach.

I thought is was President Trump who would because of his involuntary response of breathing, would destroy relations with allies.

“This is Not What Allies Do” – France Cancels Dinner, Blasts Biden After Being Excluded From Tri-State Defense Agreement #BidenEffect

The Taliban Now Have Encrypted Comms – Courtesy Of Joe Biden

During his recent Congressional testimony, Secretary of State Blinken went to great pains to assure everyone that even though the Taliban captured a great deal of very sophisticated American weaponry it’s really no big deal. Much of the stuff doesn’t work. The rest will soon be inoperable.

Comforting. Not true but comforting in a sort of “let’s pretend reality doesn’t exist” sort of way.

Virtually every picture we see of a Taliban fighter these days shows someone decked out in U.S. tactical gear and carrying a U.S. weapon of some kind. Pictures of Taliban fighters in U.S. vehicles are also common. We should not forget as well that the Afghan Army was not destroyed in combat. It quit and went home. That means there are many thousands of Afghans still in country who know precisely how to maintain all this equipment and will now either do so or be summarily executed.

I’m betting the Blackhawk technician will keep the blades turning rather than lose his head. The Taliban now have some very sophisticated equipment, and it will dramatically enhance their lethality and the sophistication of their operations.

A case in point involves sophisticated American communications gear. AND Magazine has learned via its sources on the ground in Afghanistan that the Taliban now have access to at least 20 U.S. Military SINCGARS radios (Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-160).

SINCGARS is the primary Combat Net Radio (CNR) for the US Army. It is a VHF-FM radio system that operates on any or all of the 2,320 frequencies between 30 and 87.975 MHz in 25 kHz increments. SINCGARS employs frequency hopping, as its primary means of communication in a hostile environment. SINCGARS is also capable of processing both analog and digital data in addition to handling voice communications.

The specific radio sets in question are manufactured by the L3Harris Corporation. Company promotional material describes the gear this way.

“The HF/VHF Tactical Radio System features software-programmable L3Harris Sierra™ II encryption, providing secure Type 1 interoperability among U.S., Coalition and Partnership for Peace forces. The manpack is fully compatible with L3Harris Falcon II® HF gear, supporting immediate installation using existing L3Harris vehicular and base station equipment.

This wideband system is also the smallest, lightest, fastest wideband HF manpack available, SWaP-optimized to increase battery performance while reducing warfighter battle load and fatigue.

• Reliable, standalone HF long-haul connectivity

• Meets all NSA crypto-modernization standards for secure Type 1 TOP SECRET and Below voice and data

• Wideband data rates up to 120 kbps, ten times greater than existing HF radios

• Secure interoperability with over 135,000 L3Harris Falcon® radios currently in the field

• Compatible with Harris AN/PRC-150(C) power amplifiers, antenna couplers, vehicular mounts and accessories

• Smallest, lightest, fastest HF manpack available”


AND sources indicated that when the radios were captured all of the documentation concerning them was captured as well. None of the radios’ encryption was “wiped. That means what is known as the AES256 crypto fill and the frequency-hopping Sync fill are still loaded into these radios. They are still capable of operating in the secure manner for which they were designed. AES256 encryption, which the radios use is extremely difficult to break.

In fact, AES encryption is considered the gold standard. 256-bit AES encryption is about as good as it gets. It is essentially impossible to break via brute force. There has never been a single instance of AES-256 encryption being hacked. So long as the data encryption has been implemented properly, there is no known attack that would compromise the protection afforded by AES.

Blinken can say whatever he wants. Lies and misrepresentations will not change the awful truth. We have created a terrorist super state and we have handed it capabilities no terrorist group has ever dreamed of. We will pay the price. It’s only a matter of when.

internet and satellite relay is controlled via an encrypted link by saudi arabia communications. northwestern iran cups turkey. soon turkey will annex the northern part of syria. the taliban via the saudis have cut all civilian communication, no civilian cell phone access. iran is the interface between turkey and Afghanistan. Inlight of the recent defeat of the US, the old ottoman empire is rising again, just as germany did under hitler.
What is more morose is the fact that from 1894-96 and again in
1915 turkey engaged in the genocidal slaughter of the Armenian
population, similar to the Holocaust in Germany under hitler. True to muslim tradition , jihad culture , turkey is 99% muslim, the populous were bayoneted, slashed and behead by bayonet or sworn. no one was spared, young woman became slave after being raped multiple times, all older women and all men of all ages, boys and the unborn were butchered. Welcome to the improved taliban Afghanistan.
Very good read is the “Burning Tigris” by Peter Balakian. It will over a historical insight into the current chaos in the middle east.

Iranians To Get Uranium For Their Nuclear Weapons Courtesy Of Biden Administration
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In Washington Joe Biden and company want you to move on from the Afghan debacle. ‘Nothing but a bump in the road. The endless wars are behind us. Smooth sailing ahead.’

Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. Ending our obsession with ruinous nation-building is a positive thing. Surrendering a strategic area to our greatest enemies and allowing ourselves to be humiliated before the world is something else again. We have not ended anything. We have guaranteed much greater problems in our future.

AND Magazine has learned from its sources in Afghanistan that only days ago an Iranian delegation arrived at Kabul airport. It was composed of Iranian geology and mining experts. These individuals along, with similar experts from Pakistan and China, then left Kabul to inspect uranium mines in Afghanistan.

The group will visit Logar, Badakhshan, and Helmand provinces. The goal of the trip is to determine which locations can most easily be exploited to produce uranium. The focus will be on determining which sites allow most easily for the creation of the necessary infrastructure to allow for the extraction of uranium on a large scale.

The Iranians are moving to exploit the chance to access Afghan uranium deposits on an accelerated timeline, because of concern that the Taliban regime may ultimately prove unstable.

Separately, Iran admitted earlier this week that it had removed several surveillance cameras installed by U.N. nuclear inspectors at a centrifuge assembly site. This suggests that Iran intends to proceed with the building of additional centrifuges for the enrichment of uranium and does not want the world to be able to monitor that activity.


This comes, of course, against the broader backdrop of the status of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

A recent report by an American think tank indicated that Iran could have enough weapons-grade uranium for an atomic bomb within a month. Iran has already expressly abandoned all of the limitations supposedly put in place pursuant to the ruinous Iran nuclear deal. Iran already has 200 grams of the enriched uranium and could produce enough of it for a second weapon in three months and for a third in five months, according to the report.

This most recent prediction is in line with previous estimates by a number of different authorities on the subject. Individuals wishing to minimize the significance of this development continue to claim that the Iranians will still have to spend considerable time working out the engineering and delivery challenges associated with developing a nuclear weapons arsenal. Such claims ignore the mountain of evidence suggesting that Iran largely solved these problems first before moving ahead with enrichment.

Iran already has a number of missiles that can almost certainly carry nuclear weapons. Its Shahab-3 and a range of variants have maximum ranges of up to 2500 kilometers carrying a warhead of up to 1200 kilograms. Previous reporting has suggested that the design of the payload capsule for the Shahab was specifically done to account for the dimensions of a known Chinese nuclear weapons design. Iran also, of course, has numerous drones and cruise missiles.

Reporting in the past has also shown that the Iranians have been working for many years on solving the many engineering problems associated with building an atomic bomb. They have been shown to be acquiring from abroad the components for wiring harnesses. They have built explosives testing chambers and worked on mastering the machining of uranium metal.

In short, it seems very naïve to think the Iranians have sat quietly doing nothing to master the building of a bomb until they were in possession of sufficient highly enriched uranium. All indications are that when they have sufficient material, they will be able to put it into a device and mount that device on a delivery vehicle almost overnight.


We will wake up one day and discover that we now live in a world where the Iranians can wipe Tel Aviv, Riyadh, or New Delhi off the map anytime they want.

This is just another one of the seemingly endless ripple effects eight months of Joe Biden has created. Single-handedly this man and his band of incompetents are shifting the balance of power on the planet against us and in favor of our enemies.


What’s happening? The new Chinese Empire is happening, made possible by that puppet they bought, Joey Gropes Biden.

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Plato
Rest in peace for all that have died. The current marxist gov. will leave your marked and unmarked grave sites a new housing projects for the mass of illegal, virus positive, drug dependent, rapist, murderous immigrants.

Said many times Joe was born a mental defective! Nixon did not “get away with it.”! Nixon was run out of town half way through his second term. But Joe was dumb 50 years ago; still just as dumb.


This is soo true but for the fact that Trump did not commit treason of sedition as miley did:
WASHINGTON, D.C.—During testimony in front of Congress Thursday, General Mark Milley admitted that he committed treason but pointed out that he had to do so in order to prevent Trump from committing treason.

The general gave an emotional testimony today recounting his brave acts in betraying the United States to a hostile power in order to prevent even worse betrayals from the president of the country.

“I had to commit treason to prevent Trump from committing treason,” he said to a panel in the House of Representatives. “Trump was going to betray the interests of the United States, and I had to beat him to the punch to make 100% sure that would never happen.”

“Also, he posted a lot of mean tweets. And I couldn’t let that stand. They were… hurtful.” Milley then asked for a recess, as he was tearing up and needed some time to control his emotions.

According to Milley, after he committed treason to stop Trump from committing treason, Trump threatened to commit treason to stop Milley from committing treason to stop Trump from committing treason, but Milley put a stop to that by committing treason to stop Trump from committing treason to stop Milley from committing treason to stop Trump from committing treason.

At publishing time, Trump had blasted Milley, saying that his treason would have been “the best treason of all time” and that Milley’s treason was “lame and pathetic” in comparison.

The Bee

“Everybody Needs to Be Fired. The Entire Illegitimate Regime – They Need to Go” – Trump Spox Liz Harrington Goes Off as Biden Continues to Crash (VIDEO)

Xiden calls this success. It is more than obvious Xiden is getting marching orders from the CCP…

Bagram Lights Up – Chinese Military Land At Bagram Airbase Tonight

AND Magazine sources have just reported that the Chinese military has landed and occupied Bagram Airforce Base. We know that multiple Chinese military aircraft have landed so far, but do not have any further details at the time on the size or composition of the force. We will update when when we have additional details.

Below is a photo taken by sources on the ground in Afghanistan – they say this is the first time in 47 days that the “airfield has been lit up.”

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Idiot Biden has already gone down in history as the worst, most disastrous, most damaging person occupying the White House ever. Perhaps he will escape being deemed the worst President, since he never really won but was illegally installed through fraud.

That would make Obama still the worst.