I’ve had lots to say about Georgia’s corrupt election system, which is certainly only the second-best Georgian election system in the world, lagging way behind the one found in the former Soviet state of Georgia, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin. The past month has seen even more information ooze out of the Peach State, with the Halderman report being unsealed after being frozen in ice for more than two years, further revealing Brad Raffensperger as having knowingly presided over an election system vulnerable to the worst types of cheating imaginable. In other news, Spalding County, Georgia, has begun a process that may put itself and other counties in line to conduct elections without electronic elections equipment.
Last summer, I spoke with Kim Brooks, a researcher from DeKalb County, Georgia, who informed me that she was digging up a wealth of information on many counties, not just those within the Atlanta metroplex. Kim is now coming to the surface with her information, and briefed me on the high points of her research before I spoke at the Georgia GOP Convention last month.
Here are some “highlights,” if that word can be used at all, of the research compiled regarding the state of elections in Georgia left untouched by any of Halderman’s findings:
2020 Election Cycle
Fulton County has unsigned tabulator tapes for over 300,000 votes.
74 Georgia Counties cannot produce roughly 1.7 million ballot images.
State law does not allow for absentee ballot requests made more than 180 days before an election (this date would be May 6, 2020); however, 158 of 159 counties in Georgia accepted mail ballot requests before the allowable date, for an approximate total of 235,000 illegally accepted ballot requests once elderly and UOCAVA ballot requests are eliminated from the count.
Ballot requests came from everywhere – Bronx, San Diego, New Orleans, Virginia Beach, and New York – apparently previously unknown cities in Georgia once thought to be major cities of other states (see graphic below).

Brad Raffensperger told The Today Show on November 4, 2020, Georgia had 4.7 million voters for the 2020 election, but wound up certifying nearly an exact 5.0 million votes. Captain Keshel estimates Trump’s margin of victory in Georgia at 347,674 votes.
2022 Election Cycle
One primary election in DeKalb County was audited and the original third place candidate won the race.
Brooks’ team has found Georgia officials toggling voters from inactive to active, and back to inactive status in order to cast extra votes, and altering “date last voted” to cover up the malfeasance.
Voter Rolls
Fulton County has an estimated 20,000 duplicate registrations, Gwinnett 2,600, and Chatham 1,000, likely aided by dysfunction related to Motor Voter rules.
Georgia law does not allow registrations at business addresses (see below).

Georgia maintains countless thousands of voter registrations at fictitious addresses.

Georgia’s electronic voter database registers voters beyond the dates they are said to have last voted, turns inactive voters active and back to inactive, and regularly makes errors like the ones pictured below:

It is true, people are dying to vote in Georgia’s elections (see below):

Georgia voter rolls often contain addresses that exist in other counties (see below):

Is anything on the rolls even real?

I have always maintained that “Clean Out the Voter Rolls” is the first and most important of the Ten Points to True Election Integrity; Brooks, on the other hand, shows that a complete decontamination is needed, with “voters” constantly being shifted around, removed and reinstated, and otherwise manipulated thanks to systems like ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) and other centralized voter roll maintenance systems. The filthy, easily manipulated rolls are the “credit line” from which fraudulent votes originate, and they feed both electronic and manual election corruption.
Election fraud was rampant in 2020 and 2022. In light of the level of disaster idiot Biden specifically and Democrats in general have been, even more fraud will be required to drag worthless, incompetent, corrupt Democrats over the finish line. The only reason this massive crime against US citizens (just look at the harm the 2020 fraud has wrought upon the nation and the world) has not been fully exposed is because no one wants to deal with the repercussions. So, most refuse to look at the evidence and just deny it exists. Like Maureen here, they are full of shit.
BULLSHIT. If there were any credible evidence to look at, it would all be on public display on a website. The only reason it isn’t is because IT DOESN’T EFFIN’ EXIST.
Anyone with a functioning brain should be able to figure this out.
A guy who allegedly got 81 million votes cannot fill an elementary school gym.
Trump got 50k in SC.
You are an idiot greg.
Yes it does. By the truckload. We’ve discussed it at length. Look at how Democrats work the system, like with idiot Biden and Hunter’s corruption and crime. They won’t look at the evidence. They will tiptoe around it and if anyone in their charge tries to run down the evidence, they are stopped.
Then, after the statute of limitations runs out, they stand back and say, “See? There were no charges! All clean!”
Democrats are corrupt from asshole to appetite. They are hateful, racist, pedophilic, degenerates and need to be swept from all offices of power.
Instead of just dropping in and writing something stupid proving your stupidity, maybe you should read the goddamn article.
You’ve discussed your conspiracy theories and Trump’s lies at length. If there were legitimate evidence, it would be online for all the world to see, and would have been presented in court.
The counties that have don’t have complete sets of ballot images still have all of the original paper ballots. Why isn’t that mentioned? Hand recounts of disputed counties and precincts were already done, confirming the original results. Basically, you want to overturn an election because Trump said there was massive voter fraud—and he’s a proven LIAR.
Trump would destroy all faith in democracy itself to evade responsibility and regain power. He’s an enemy of truth, the Constitution, and the rule of law—not to mention an amoral man, totally devoid of graciousness.
If there were legitimate evidence, it would be online for all the world to see, and would have been presented in court.
Perhaps you’re a bit confused about what decade, or even century, you live in.
The media is owned by the deep state and exclusively lies for the Democrat Party.
Hell, they just called child sex trafficking in the world a “QAnon conspiracy.”
No greg. A website is not a source for news, or facts. It’s propaganda.
The 2020 election was rigged. We watched with our own eyes.
Biden won nothing, and he’s not our president.
The fraud in the 2020 election has been proven, over and over again.
Biden taking bribes has also been proven.
Distance yourself from these traitors, or be counted among them.
Sex trafficking is real. Believing it’s a conspiracy on the part of Trump’s political enemies is delusional thinking. Maybe you should distance yourself from that.
Idiot Biden is actually complicit in sex trafficking with his open borders agenda. He has made the cartels richer than they ever dreamed possible. In addition to trafficking across the border, idiot Biden supports the grooming of children in our very schools to turn them into sex toys for pedophiles.
No one who supports Democrats takes sex trafficking seriously or even opposes it.
Pedophilia and incest have always been more common in red states. It goes hand-in-hand with patriarchal domination and the oppression of women.
There is no data to support that.
You are an idiot greg
03/30/22 – The Republican party is obsessed with children – in the creepiest of ways – For all their posturing about defending children from abuse, their record tells another story –
The guardian. Not credible.
You are an idiot greg
The creepiest way to obsess over children is to want to perform simulated sex acts in front of them. This is Democrats and Democrats solely. The right wing obsession is to protect children from those who would force them to take showers with adults.
A feeble, dirty old man.
No it hasn’t. It is a liberal thing. Liberals think they have dominance over everything and can take and do whatever they like. Funny how you worship and defend a scumbag that is both a pedophile and incestuous.
Why did Trump’s inappropriate photos and comments about his own daughter give liberals the creeps, while his base never noticed?
06/23/23 – Trump Staffers Claim to Be Shocked That He Sexualized Ivanka – Those who cared about Trump’s sexual perversion knew. Those who wanted White House jobs pretended not to.
Did you sign a pledge to promise to fall for EVERY phony article attacking Trump that is ever printed? Just wondering.
You slander Biden—a traditional family-oriented man—to distract from the fact that Trump has been openly depraved for most of his adult life.
Which of the 7 cardinal sins has Trump not been consistently guilty of? (Assuming, of course, that you even know what they are…)
The bidens are disgusting, a pack or feral dogs.
Traditional family man your ass.
Clearly, you have no concept of what a “traditional family-oriented” man is. I can tell you, it damn sure is not a guy who, contrary to what all honest phychiatrists would tell a parent, “Do not enable your child’s bad behavior.” yet Biden allowed his son to continue the decent into Hell. Profiting from that behavior, no less. You would know that if you ever had any children, which you said you do not. And it damn sure isn’t a man who denies a grandchild no matter the circumstances behind the child’s birth.
Why would you even ask a question that would be related to a person’s religious beliefs? In your many years on this website, you have (repeatedly) expressed your disdain for any religious faith, Catholics, Southern Baptists, et al, except for Muslims.
According to your go-to website for information, Wikipedia:
“In the United States, an estimated 513,000 women and girls had experienced FGM or were at risk as of 2012.”
Guess you don’t care if girls are mutilated by Muslims but seems you are smart enough to realize that criticizing Islam is a dangerous game.
You have no problem with pedophilia, pornography, grooming of young school children (it is a proven fact that the younger children are when exposed to pornography, the greater chance those children will be gay) in order to legitimize a mental illness. But then, following the Marxist policy is your forte.
You are a disgusting pig, Comrade Greggie.
Another head full of snakes…
It is not hard to understand your Marxist ideals. Destroy a child’s faith in both its parents and its faith, and then that child will turn to what is left; the government and government’s enablers.
Your inane response doesn’t eliminate the fact that you are a disgusting pig.
Shock from some asshole wanting to sell a few books. Keep buying into these resistance nutjobs.
Dont go to this link you might learn something.
Probably because, while crybaby leftists were clamoring and desperate for anything to criticize Trump for, there was really nothing wrong with his comments. A better question is, why are those who feigned outrage over those comments not disgusted with idiot Biden forcing his young daughter to shower with him?
“There is no credible evidence that supports this claim. In Joe Biden’s more than 40 years of public life, we could find no news reports, formal accusations, complaints, arrests or investigations that implicate him in any sort of sex crimes involving kids.”
There were never any such accusation until Donald Trump bounced out onto the spotlight.
Politifact far left wing rag
You are an idiot greg
Politifactless. A favorite of leftists.
You mean to tell me the liberal media never reported that idiot Biden’s own daughter accused her dad of forcing her to shower with him? Would this be the same media that covered Trump being a Russian asset for 4 years (though they knew it was based on Hillary lies) and that suppressed the Hunter laptop story though it was completely legit? THOSE guys? Actually, there was no such accusation until Ashley left her diary at a friend’s house.
That real, evidence-backed event only coincides with idiot Biden’s frequently getting grabby-feely-pinchy-sniffy with little children not his own. Idiot Biden is a low life, degenerate, lying, corrupt, incompetent scumbag. Not one tiny bit of that is slander.
You stand behind a bona fide piece of shit.
Why don’t you ever quote the entry from her stolen diary word-for-word?
Because the facts don’t support the claims you make.
Florida Pair Pleads Guilty in Theft of Biden’s Daughter’s Diary
What did joe force his daughter to do repeatedly in the shower? What sexual acts was she forced to perform to biden, the traditional family man?
Why don’t you dip into that snake-pit of a head of yours and tell us what you imagine? Try to contain your excitement as you think about it.
The diary entry was written by a 14-year-old, privately speculating about the appropriateness of something she thinks she remembered from around the age of three.
F-off meathead
So, you concede that idiot Biden was forcing his young daughter to shower with him for sex. Yet, you still support him. Pretty goddamn sick, scooter.
We all know biden raped Tara Reade and he is a serial child predator.
That doesn’t make the showers go away, scooter. In light of how the GESTAPO operates under Herr Gruppenfurher Garland, I find none of that credible.
Now against women there are plenty. Grandpa bad fingers and his behavior is consistant with full blown dementia screaming at people in the WH.
Your media knows it’s a just and righteous cause to champion the end of child sex trafficking. Instead of putting aside your egos, you attacked those calling out this heinous trade and made it about Trump.
Talk about delusion. You simply can’t except that our citizens get to pick our president, and there’s no amount of your delusions or self-righteousness that can take that away from us.
You people are seditionists, and traitors. And you writhe in agony when you see just how wrong you are, defending child sex trafficking to save your dead “anti-Trump” narrative.
I’m glad I’m not you.
Disney and the like have been pushing for child sex exploitation for years now.
You people can’t accept that voters don’t want this, and they are jumping ship now that you showed your true intentions.
So why has it been revealed to be more common in the Southern Baptist Church? Why did they cover it up for years? Why do you never mention that?
You are an idiot greg
From the official publication of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, 05/23/22 – NAMED IN GUIDEPOST REPORT, KEY LEADERS RESPOND
Failure to launch.
You are an idiot greg
Shirtless Joe Biden goes to Rehoboth…
You can almost smell burning turd.
While disgusting, it doesn’t represent a greater incident rate than Drag Queen shows targeting children being held all across the nation with the support and blessings of the degenerate left. Also note that the Baptists view this as “bad” and expose and end it, as opposed to Democrats who support it, promote it, encourage it and whenever possible, engage in it.
Oh, really? You mean, if the evidence was there, it would have been investigated and acted upon regardless of if it incriminated Democrats or not? What… like the IRS, FBI and DOJ investigating Hunter’s drug use? Or, illegal income? Or his tax evasion? Or maybe his lying on a federal firearms background check? Like the FBI investigating idiot Biden’s theft of classified documents? Idiot Biden extorting Ukrain to protect his interests in Burisma? Idiot Biden taking bribes? Yeah, sure, I guess that’s right, huh? After all, after the Democrats have had their way with those agencies, they always operate transparently and apply the law equally regardless of politics.
Are you really that full of shit?
Recounts of the same phony ballots is not worth the time it takes. AUDITS are necessary and even when those have happened (as we, who have our eyes open and have been paying attention have seen), the results have been suppressed until it is too late to utilize the information.
You go on and on about Trump lying yet you cannot muster up the balls to address the list of idiot Biden lies I have repeatedly presented to you. You have a habit of always being on the lying side of every topic. You support lies WITH lies.
TrumpBiden would destroy all faith in democracy itself to evade responsibility and regain power. He’s an enemy of truth, the Constitution, and the rule of law—not to mention an amoral man, totally devoid of graciousness. There fixed it for you.Looks like ole Joey going to have trouble getting those 81 million votes again.
Gonna have to up the ghost votes for sure.
There is a fellow on youtube who reports on repo’s at dealer auctions. These are vehicles that were taken back by the lenders for non payment and many are here because the dealer couldn’t resell it once repo’d. Many are repo’d by the banks too. Repo’s are nothing new but what he is saying is the amount of repo’d vehicles have skyrocketed from what they were a couple of years or so ago. So if the economy is growing from the bottom up and the middle out as ole Joey keeps telling us, it sure isn’t showing here. This may be anecdotal but it’s a real indicator and not a massaged government statistic.
Yeah getting that next 81 million going to be real hard.
Not to worry; There are still plenty of copy machines and water mains just waiting to burst so those pre-printed voted ballots can be deployed when needed. Hell, idiot Biden is so popular now that he may get 180 million votes. The sky (and the supply of paper and toner) is the limit!
A website you wouldnt check out, so go on a nice submarine ride to see the titanic.
You know when dictatorships like, what we have with the Biden regime, kills those useful idiots like you first, right?
Classic Stockholm syndrome. bidens daughter was a sex captive of joe who preyed upon her
She’s a helluva lot smarter, kinder, and insightful than you will ever be, you angry, sad little man.
It’s my own failing to be angry with you, rather than feeling the pity that I should.
Not a chance scooter
Save your pity for biden. I have no need for your disingenuous pity.
Your behavior suggests otherwise, and it has become the common denominator of those who post here. Trump has been very bad for your mental health. He certainly hasn’t helped my own, but I do at least realize that.
We are not the ones with MSM propaganda as gospel, even if it means child murder and mutilation or any other perversion they want to push.
She could always use daddy to get her out of her drug charges.
‘I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’
The diary was in a halfway house not taken in a burglery. No one took it seriously until the idiot bidens sic’ed the DOJ after it.
Showers as in more than once and when she was old enough to remember.
Where was mommy? She should never let that happen, he needed a cast iron 12 incher across the back of his head.
“I have always been boy crazy. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age…I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]
Old enough to remember? I have memories dating from my second or third year. Parents commonly bathe or shower with young children. How and when did this become abnormal in some people’s minds? When did you lose a capacity to believe such interactions could be normal and innocent of evil intention?
Nope not normal are you saying your parents were perverts too? The invention of doors curtains and clothing. Never so much as saw my father in his skivvys let alone did he bathe me.
As I must often point out here, I am saying what I actually said.
This is just pure jibberish.
It’s are response to all of the “are you saying?” responses after someone makes a perfectly understandable statement in plain English. Consider the possibility that words actually mean what they say. I suppose I could quote Dumbo, but you might hold that out as evidence of leftist sympathy for pedophiles.