What was the White House doing while it knew HealthCare.gov was about to faceplant?

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Mary Katherine Ham:

President Obama was giving this speech:

Starting on Tuesday, every American can visit HealthCare.gov to find out what’s called the insurance marketplace for your state. Here in Maryland, I actually think it’s called MarylandHealthConnection.gov. (Applause.) MarylandHealthConnection.gov. But if you go to HealthCare.gov, you can look and they’ll tell you where to go. They’ll link to your state.

Now, this is real simple. It’s a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health insurance plans, side-by-side, the same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak — (laughter) — same way you shop for a TV on Amazon. You just go on and you start looking, and here are all the options.

It’s buying insurance on the private market, but because now you’re part of a big group plan — everybody in Maryland is all logging in and taking a look at the prices — you’ve got new choices. Now you’ve got new competition, because insurers want your business. And that means you will have cheaper prices. (Applause.)

So you enter in some basic information about yourself, what level of coverage you’re looking for. After that, you’ll be presented with a list of quality, affordable plans that are available in your area. It will say clearly what each plan covers, what each plan costs. The price will be right there. It will be fully transparent.

Sec. Kathleen Sebelius was blogging this:

But thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all of that is changing. January 1, 2014 — 100 days from today –marks a New Day, when coverage will be more accessible and affordable. On that day, coverage begins for those who signed up in the Health Insurance Marketplace by December 15, 2013.

The Marketplace is a new, simpler way to purchase health insurance –all in one place. You can go online to find and compare options, see if you qualify for lower costs, and select coverage that meets your needs and budget.

Obama met with celebrities to beg them to beg young people to sign up:

The president dropped by a White House meeting with singer Jennifer Hudson and actress Amy Poehler, as well as representatives for Oprah Winfrey, Alicia Keys and Bon Jovi, an administration official said.

Other attendees included officials from the Grammy Awards and the Funny or Die website, which is a brainchild of actor Will Ferrell and director Adam McKay. Representatives for several other TV shows and entertainment companies also attended.

Sebelius made this video, with the perennially and appropriately face-planting Nationals mascot, Teddy:


They spent a couple million of our money promoting a sign-up date on which no one could sign up:

HHS seems to think that first $3 million was a pretty good investment. The Hill reports that the agency just announced that it signed an agreement to spend another $8 million—with the option to spend more—further promoting the exchanges.

I’ll give the folks at HHS this: They could probably use some effective marketing. But maybe they ought to consider scaling back a bit, and work more on trying to raise awareness about the law’s benefits with Sen. Max Baucus? When you’ve already spent $3 million promoting ObamaCare’s exchanges, and yet the senator who claims to have written the bill on which the law was based thinks those exchanges are about to be a “huge train wreck,” you kind of have to wonder whether the agency is really getting much value out of its marketing budget.

Obama gave this speech:

So if these stories of hardworking Americans sound familiar to you, well, starting today, you and your friends and your family and your coworkers can get covered, too. Just visit healthcare.gov, and there you can compare insurance plans, side by side, the same way you’d shop for a plane ticket on Kayak or a TV on Amazon. You enter some basic information, you’ll be presented with a list of quality, affordable plans that are available in your area, with clear descriptions of what each plan covers, and what it will cost. You’ll find more choices, more competition, and in many cases, lower prices — most uninsured Americans will find that they can get covered for $100 or less.

And you don’t have to take my word for it. Go on the website, healthcare.gov, check it out for yourself. And then show it to your family and your friends and help them get covered, just like mayors and churches and community groups and companies are already fanning out to do across the country…

And, said this, while Republicans were offering to delay Obamacare as a foundation for negotiations:

So in that context, I’ll work with anybody who’s got a serious idea to make the Affordable Care Act work better. I’ve said that repeatedly. But as long as I am President, I will not give in to reckless demands by some in the Republican Party to deny affordable health insurance to millions of hardworking Americans.

Oh, and this:

Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. Thank you, all of you, for the great work that you’re doing. And thank you, Kathleen Sebelius, for the outstanding work that she’s doing making sure that millions of Americans can get health insurance.

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It was either on Fox News, or on a blog that said that the programmers of the obamacare site set it up so you could find out anonymously how much it would cost you to sign up, but the obama administration told them to make it so that you had to give ALL of your personal information, including your Social Security number, to find out. This meant that the programmers had to go in and completely change a lot of stuff. Even if you didn’t sign up, they would still have all of your personal information you had to give them to check the price.

The video said that the call center can answer questions in 150 languages. Do we have people speaking 150 languages in the USA, but can’t speak English? Isn’t this a warning that the obama administration wants people on obamacare even if they aren’t United States citizens, and they aren’t particular what country you came from?

Spending more money to promote obamacare will work. Spending more money on things ALWAYS makes them better. Look how much better our schools are when we keep putting more money into them. Look what the stimulus has accomplished with the “shovel ready” jobs. We still have our banks because of the billions of dollars we gave them. We have peace around the world because of all the countries we give foreign aid to, like China. We will never run out of money because of the $85,000,000,000 we print each month. There are stories that the gold is gone from Fort Knox, but we don’t have to worry. We will just print more money and put the money where the gold was.

WHAT’S A MILLION FOR OBAMA, it”s someone else money,
not enough
he spend the people”s trillions

REP GRAYSON is a nut case, he is obsess with the klukluxclan
and tormenting THE BLACKS
they should start to clean up, WE CAN SEE THE FILTH NOW,