What I would ask The Donald

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by Don Surber

The fourth RINO debate in this presidential cycle was another waste of time without The Donald. He is the only one who matters because the nation has to see if he is worthy of a second presidency.

Of the three questioners last night, only Megyn Kelly mattered because the nation knows who she is. I almost watched the shit show to see if she still can hack it as a journalist but the four candidates who did show up are minor leaguers. I wish she and Trump had another go at it because I want to know what each has learned in the last eight years since their first debate encounter of the Fox kind.

These are not presidential debates. The candidates are not given a policy issue to discuss. They are not designed to give Americans a Lincoln-Douglas debate because that is the last thing the media wants. Lincoln and Douglas were prominent lawyers who did their homework and knew their subject.

There were seven debates. The first candidate spoke for 60 minutes, then the second for 90 minutes and the first spoke for 30 minutes. In all, a debate lasted for three hours or roughly what a football game lasts now. Don’t tell me American audiences wouldn’t watch that now because the No. 1 TV show each year is the Super Bowl, which draw far more than 100 million viewers.

Last night’s debate may have hit 5 million viewers again. It is not that Americans are not interested in this election; it is that the news channels have made debates uninteresting. Policy is not debated — personalities are.

Megyn Kelly interviewing Trump would help both by raising her profile. He could use some tough questions about his first term, beginning with his personnel decisions.

Here is what she could ask.

First question: Your first Cabinet by and large failed you. Outside of Ric Grenell, Wilbur Ross and Betsy DeVos, secretary of education, you had a Cabinet of Frenemies because a Republican Senate vetoed the people you wanted. How will you avoid hiring losers again?

Her follow-up question: In The Untouchables movie, Malone tells Ness to hire his team from new recruits because all Chicago cops are on the take. Malone says, “If You’re Afraid Of Getting A Rotten Apple, Don’t Go To The Barrel. Get It Off The Tree.” Will you recruit executives from outside Washington?

Second question: Why can’t you get support from the Republican Party? Ron DeSantis went from a barely elected governor in 2018 to the titan of his state’s party. How will you get RINOs to make America great again?

Third question: DeSantis also refuses to cooperate with a hostile media. When are you going to quit sucking up to the New York Times?

Fourth question: We are $33 trillion in debt now and the interest on that debt will soon exceed federal spending on federal programs. You borrowed trillions to keep the federal government living. It is run by communists who hate you. Are you finally going to reduce spending and starve the central government?


I must remind readers that I am all in on Donald Trump 2024 because if Democrats put him in prison, no one is safe. I also believe he had a successful presidency, which I wrote about the other day.

But I believe Trump needs to say what he learned from the problems in his first term. If this seems harsh too bad. I don’t give a shit if he called someone vermin or some actor said something stupid again. Pulling punches just ain’t my style.


Fifth question: Why have you not helped the January 6 protesters who are languishing in prison?

Her follow-up question: Besides pardons, they deserve compensation. After all, drug addict George Floyd’s family got $27 million from taxpayers because he OD’d at a police station. Will you let the J6 protesters sue and settle for a million bucks each and let General Flynn do the same?

Sixth question: Italians, Argentinians, Hungarians and others elected Trump-like leaders. Merkel is gone followed by Olaf, the other chancellor, who seems Trump friendly. How do you plan to help them and have them help you?

Seventh question: You had great success in the Middle East. You are a tough act to follow on that one. How will you do it?

Eighth question: Did you learn your lesson on Tony Fauci or are you not going to replace every political appointee?

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I would love to hear questions about how he plans to avoid the mistakes he made in his first term. Seeking out a cabinet that does not turn out to be swamp creatures will be a monumental task. Where will they come from?