What happens when a political puppet loses its puppeteer?

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by Lt. Col. James Zumwalt

Jeff Dunham is a popular puppeteer and ventriloquist who keeps his audiences laughing with at least six different puppet characters renowned for their biting personalities, such as “Achmed the dead terrorist.” We all know, when the show is over and Dunham parts ways with his puppets, they will remain dormant until he returns, once again, bringing them to life.

But what happens when a real-life political puppet and his puppeteer part ways? The question arises as a recently published book effectively describes the relationship between President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama as one of puppet and puppeteer, respectively. What makes the book’s claim interesting is that the two men are currently experiencing a political rift that begs the question of what impact this will have on Puppet Biden.

Author Scott McKay’s book, “Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It’s All Obama,” has stirred up controversy. He makes a strong case that a puppet/puppeteer relationship exists between the two men. He details Obama’s early political career and the influencers who injected him with Marxist beliefs. Among these were far-left militant and Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers, anti-Semitic Palestinian academic Rashid Khalidi, Critical Race Theory promoter Derrick Bell and Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.

Having punched so many far-left tickets, Obama, by the time he ran for president, had been molded into a radical “un-American” Manchurian candidate. Normally, knowing the above, voters would have kept such a candidate as far away from the Oval Office as possible, but, as McCay explains, the mainstream media failed to inform Americans of these truth.

The above influences were reflected in Obama’s dealings with Israel during his presidency. He criticized the country and its leadership rather than embracing Israel as the staunch U.S. ally it has proven to be. Israel’s important relationship with the U.S. had been made clear in 1981 in the observation by then-Secretary of State Al Haig that the country is “the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security.”

McCay claims the influences Obama has over Biden allowed the former to remain in the shadows while setting the course for the Biden administration’s political appointments and foreign policy. We know that Obama influenced Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as vice president. For a politically savvy Obama to recommend such an inept neophyte leads one to wonder if he did so knowing she would pose no problem with his plans to manipulate Biden.

But we are now witnessing a rift in the Obama/Biden relationship. This is the result of contrary positions being taken by the two based on the Gaza war.

Obama has continued to cling to his anti-Israel diatribe, outrageously claiming that both Hamas and Israel are “complicit to some degree” in the conflict and that “nobody’s hands are clean.” Referring to the Hamas Oct. 7 raid into Israel and its massacre of 1,500 Israeli civilians, Obama said, “What Hamas did was horrific, and there is no justification for it,” but then seems to suggest otherwise by adding, “And what is also true is that the occupation, and what’s happening to Palestinians, is unbearable.” Ignoring the fact that innocent Palestinians are dying largely as a result of Hamas using them as shields, Obama says, “And what is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what Hamas did” other, of course, than to have elected the terrorist group into office to run Gaza in 2006. Meanwhile, Obama’s staff has made it clear they disapprove of how Biden has been dealing with the situation, leading to a passive aggressiveness between the two presidents.

It is telling that Obama makes no mention that Hamas is an extremist terrorist group fully committed to Israel’s destruction, by which he would identify with the Israelis. After all, there is an historical parallel between what blacks suffered at the hands of extremist haters and racial terrorists such as the Ku Klux Klan (nurtured by Democrats) of an earlier era and what Israelis are suffering at the hands of extremist haters and terrorists such as Hamas today.

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Obama loves manipulating this developing disaster from behind the curtain as he doesn’t have to take responsibility for the adverse effects. But however stupid Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is, HE has to face the music for what he does, regardless of who is pulling the strings, and he fears both the Israeli supporting wing of the Democrat party and the growing anti-Semitic wing. Right now, he doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind. He tries to placate the anti-Semitic wind with anti-Israel comments in private, but those keep coming out public, so he is creating a political disaster along with the humanitarian disaster he created by sucking up to Iran.