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What About Hillary’s Decades of Humiliating Women?

Kathryn Blackhurst:

“‘Miss Universe’ tearfully thanks Clinton for defense against Trump’s ‘Miss Piggy’ remarks”

“Alicia Machado, Miss Universe weight-shamed by Trump, speaks out for Hillary Clinton”

“Donald Trump Can’t Stop Body Shaming Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado”

“Hillary likes to call Donald out for shaming women, calling them names, repeating the names he’s called them. But let’s remember one thing: Hillary Clinton has called me a bimbo for the last 19 years.”

These choice headlines and many more dominated the news cycle for two days after Hillary Clinton brought up Donald Trump’s nearly 20-year-old comments about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado during the first presidential debate Monday night.

“He called this woman ‘Miss Piggy,’ then he called her ‘Miss Housekeeping’ because she was Latina,” Clinton said. “Donald, she has a name.”

The media jumped on the opportunity to bash Trump for something he said decades earlier and help paint Clinton as a feminist defender.

But what about Juanita Broaddrick? Or Paula Jones? Or Kathleen Willey? Or Gennifer Flowers? You won’t see Anderson Cooper bring these women on and ask how they felt when they were humiliated and maligned by Hillary Clinton or assaulted by her husband.

“Hillary likes to call Donald out for shaming women, calling them names, repeating the names he’s called them. But let’s remember one thing: Hillary Clinton has called me a bimbo for the last 19 years,” Willey said Wednesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.” “It started years ago in Arkansas. So she doesn’t have a whole lot of room to talk about who’s calling women names.”

Willey, a former White House volunteer, claimed that former President Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in a private study in the Oval Office in 1993. As the author of the 2007 book, “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” Willey represents one of the so-called “bimbo eruptions” that the Clintons and their surrogates tried to suppress and discredit.

“They all called us bimbos. They called us sluts. They called us whores,” Willey said. “If you ask somebody a word comparison, you put our names up there and you ask somebody a word to describe us, it’s probably going to be, unfortunately, ‘bimbos’ — instead of we’re victims of Bill Clinton’s. And [Hillary Clinton’s] OK with that. She just hasn’t called off her dogs when it comes to that.”

Willey told LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham that she believes Clinton brought up Trump’s past remarks about Machado at the first debate because she and her campaign are “desperate.”

“But I think the fact that they’re going back to a beauty pageant in 1997 just shows to me how desperate they are,” Willey said.

“Donald Trump runs beauty pageants. There’s nothing wrong with that. This woman entered a beauty pageant. Nobody forced her to. She knows what the rules are. She knows that she has to stay in shape. She knows that it’s important to look good. Nobody forced these rules on this woman. She entered into this contest voluntarily. She has to follow the rules.”

Ingraham concurred with Willey’s assessment.

“The humiliation of [Machado] … because she had to lose a few ‘L.B.s’ because she had a weight clause in her contract, that’s more significant to the pundits today than a woman like Juanita Broaddrick, who says she was raped by Bill Clinton.”

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