Joshua Caplan:
On Tuesday morning, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration will end DACA. A source close to the White House reveals Sessions’ announcement shook the establishment to its core. This is the type of thing Trump supporters voted for.
Axios reports:
Key excerpts from his statement:
- “The executive branch, through DACA, deliberately sought to achieve what the legislative branch specifically refused to authorize… such an open-ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority.”
- “The nation must set and enforce a limit on how many immigrants we admit each year and that means all can not be accepted.
The reaction, per a source close to the White House: “In one amazing press conference, Jeff Sessions lit up the entire institutional left, the mainstream media and probably caused a couple tears to hit the floor from some West Wing Democrats.”
On Tuesday President Trump announced an end the Obama-era program that grants work permits to illegal immigrants who arrived in this country illegally with their lawbreaking parents or guardians.
Attorney General Sessions: Ending the previous administration’s disrespect for the legislative process is an important first step. All immigration policies should serve the interest of the people of the United States, lawful immigrant and native born alike… We are people of compassion and we are people of law. There is nothing compassionate about the failure to enforce immigration law. Enforcing the law saves lives, protects communities and tax payers, and prevents human suffering.
The compassionate thing to do is to end DACA and enforce the law.
What did Obama say the very day before he created DACA out of whole cloth?
That he had No Right to create a DACA-like thing because it was a Legislative duty, not allowed for a President to do.
The very next day he created DAPA (now overturned by SCOTUS) and DACA (now being brought to SCOTUS by 10 or more states).
What did he say when he created them?
He said it was merely a stopgap executive action.
He said it had to be temporary because it lacked legality.
He said it would never be a road to citizenship.
So, iow, he lied.
Now the Trump Adimistration is going to fix this.
IF Congress wants to get off its collective duff and create an immigration reform bill he will likely sign it.
Will they?
The GOP needs to keep that in mind when the political consequences catch up with them.
Trump’s statement went right to the heart of the matter.
Of course the democrats and lefties are going to cry. Ending DACA upholds the Constitution, which they despise. It also cuts down on illegals voting which they depend on.
@Greg: The GOP needs to keep that in mind when the political consequences catch up with them. pffft
It caught up with dems big time when the last President broke his oath time after time.
When Trump ends an unconstitutional order, he is keeping his oath.
What do you not understand about the fact that Trump’s job approval rating hasn’t been in positive territory in any national poll for six consecutive months? The guy was 14 points in the red in the most recent FOX News poll.
No one cares about polls, polls are too easily slanted.
You are programmed I can prove it to you.
@Greg: And HRC had a 98% chance of winning.
Live by polls and you’ll die by polls.
The political consequences caught up with Democrats and it was illegal actions such as this that did it.
The main problem the left has with DACA being rescinded is that is was Obama’s. He touched it and the lemming left wants everything of his preserved and placed in a niche like an icon. No matter that it ignored two Congressional votes that rejected it or that it is unConstitutional. Forget that for every college grad or first responder it created, there are gang members, rapists, drunk drivers and murderers that were protected. Forget that is doesn’t help kids so much as adults. Obama touched it and it should be worshipped.
What YOU don’t understand is that your polls are practically worthless. Most concentrate on Democrats to get the results the pollsters want and most who are polled have been poisoned by the corrupt liberal media. However, the actual results are positive and successful with much potential for greatness if the left ever stops whining, crying and stomping their feet in their sore loser tantrums. Thank God Trump is not the kind of idiot (like Obama or Hillary) that chases popularity polls and panders to the whiners.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: But but Bill he got it from FOXFOX he is quoting what he thinks is a reliable poll, something we should sit up and take notice of, its a straw that he most likely heard or read from a liberal source. The mind control of the left is creepy. Wonder if he would take a simple test to see if they broke the link between the 2 hemispheres of the brain required for logic.
All he needs to do is make his right foot do small counter-clockwise circles then draw a very large #6 in the air with his right hand…then pay close attention what happens with his foot….did his foot try to change direction?