Daniel Bates @ The Daily Mail:
The Obama administration gave its full backing to the official film version of the raid to kill Osama bin Laden in apparent attempt to give the President a pre-election boost.
Newly released documents and emails show that as far back as June last year the CIA thought ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ would be a ‘winning horse’ and gave classified briefings to director Kathryn Bigelow.
The film’s screenwriter Mark Boal also was allowed to make ‘deep dives’ into sensitive information to shape the script as intelligence officials developed a back-slapping and chummy relationship with him.
The revelation is likely to further anger the Navy SEALs who carried out the raid, some of whom are already furious with Obama for trying to claim too much credit for the assassination of the al-Qaeda leader.
In one email a senior CIA official boasted: ‘I can’t tell you how excited we all are about the project’ — and apparently vows to keep quiet about free tickets to the premiere.
The White House got in on the act as well, making it explicit it wanted to ‘have visibility’ so it could bask in the glory.
Every time I think this regime can sink no lower, something else floats to the surface of the cesspool they inhabit and adds to my disgust. I sincerely hope everyone of the effing idiots chokes on their own bile.
The only upside to this story is that the date for release of this monstrosity will not be until AFTER the General Election.