We Need More Masculinity In Our Culture, Not Less

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Matt Walsh:

If you haven’t been keeping up with the Daily Groping Updates, the latest degenerates on the chopping block are as follows: Charlie Rose, Oliver Stone, John Conyers (who has allegedly been funding his perving expeditions with tax money since he first entered Congress in 1806), along with a Hollywood producer. Those are the reports we’ve seen just over the past 24 hours.

There is obviously a serious problem, and I have already suggested some ways that we might address it. I don’t say “solve it” because it will never be solved. What lies at the root of this epidemic is that we are a fallen race. That particular issue won’t be fully resolved until the Second Coming. Still, as I put forth last week, there are certainly some things we could do to contain, minimize, and mitigate the problem. But I was chastised for my plan because it focuses too much on empowering the potential victims. This is victim blaming, apparently.

There is another, more popular, strategy that a large number of liberal men have embraced, or pretended to embrace. It requires all men to fall to their knees in shame and accept guilt for things they haven’t actually done. We must apologize profusely for abusing women, even if we haven’t abused any women. We must accept that we are complicit, even if we haven’t been complicit. Social media is littered with self-emasculating dudes of this type, eager to demonstrate their wokeness by castigating their entire gender. Some men are resolving to spend a day in silence, others are reminding their fellow men that they should “shut the f**k up,”others are tweeting with the hashtag #YesAllMen (meaning “Yes, all men are responsible for sexual assault”).

There was a viral article written a few days ago, by a man, insisting “if you’re a man, you’re probably trash.” The author goes on to say that we men are “all agents of the patriarchy… We are all active contributors to rape culture.”

To which I say: speak for yourself, chief.

Another common and related solution, often proposed by female feminists and the male eunuchs they keep as pets, is that we should elect fewer men to public office, and have fewer men in leadership positions at companies, and generally do what we can to shove men to the sidelines and put women in their place. Human society must become something like a honey bee hive, where the men are mere drones whose only function is to eat, reproduce, and die. I think some dudes would find this arrangement quite favorable, which is probably why so many of them are eager to bow in submission and step to the side. It gives them more time to lounge on the couch and play video games, after all.

I think this is the wrong approach. It’s wrong for many reasons but let’s focus on two:

First, quickly, it’s absurd and overly simplified to paint this as a “men are bad, women are good” situation. In fact it’s pretty laughable to suggest that women in power are somehow less likely to be abusive and terrible. They may be abusive and terrible in different ways, but there’s certainly no evidence that we’ll end up with better politicians and CEOs if our country was converted into a feminist dystopia. I have known miserable, vile, self-centered people in my life, as have we all, and I’d say it’s been a pretty even split by gender. Perhaps my anecdotal experience is unusual, but I don’t think so. Sin does not discriminate according to sex.

Second, more importantly, we’re completely missing the point. The problem is not that there is too much masculinity in our culture. On the contrary, there isn’t nearly enough. A man becomes an abuser and harasser of women when he rejects that which makes him a man. He is not expressing his masculinity when he strips naked and struts around in front of his unwilling coworkers and subordinates — a move that seems oddly common among these types — rather, he is expressing his almost complete lack of masculinity.

These men are weird, desperate, self-debasing, and effeminate. If you say we should have fewer of those kinds in positions of power, I agree. Let’s have none at all. But we would do well to replace them with men who are actually men. What we need in our society are chivalrous, strong, respectable, productive, and self-sacrificial men. Real men, in other words.

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Becuase we don’t want our little boys to grow up to be Pee Wee Herman types riding around on a dumb red bicycle or Ballet Dancers like in the stupid movie Billy Elliot and we don’t want to to be Herb Gardeners or piano players

In fact it’s pretty laughable to suggest that women in power are somehow less likely to be abusive and terrible.

Uh… Hillary? Pelosi? Schultz?

Perhaps the left is realizing that the impulse to abuse power is unavoidable… but only among liberals and, as usual, they think everyone thinks (or should) just like them. However, there are some among us that can resist the urge to turn everyone around us into slaves; we’re called “human beings”.

The four “men” at Buzzfeed, got their testosterone levels tested and had lower levels than men in their 80’s!
In fact their levels mirrored that of just-barely pubescent 12-yr-olds!
What accounts for that?
Too much soy in their diets.

Some parents are doing this to their own sons to make them less masculine.

The leader of the self-proclaimed party of family values is now supporting election to the United States Senate of an accused child molester. What does that have to do with anyone’s ideas of masculinity?

Apparently males of the entire family are being persecuted. This would be son Caleb’s 9th arrest.

@Greg: So what. Like Al Gore’s son caught doing 100 mph in a Prius. I was just shocked when I read it.


The leader of the self-proclaimed party of family values is now supporting election to the United States Senate of an accused child molester.


No proof to the accusations and many of them have fallen apart. I thought you made the remark about “innocent until proven guilty”. Am I wrong? I guess a candidate that supports killing babies right as the exit the womb is some sort of model candidate? And, that’s not a phony accusation… that’s his platform.

Apparently males of the entire family are being persecuted. This would be son Caleb’s 9th arrest.

Wow. Crime of the century. Keep reaching.

Correct. Donald Trump is supporting the election to the United States Senate of an ACCUSED child molester, because—in his own words—“We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat.”

Better an ACCUSED child molester, apparently.

And then he goes on to attack Moore’s opponent, Doug Jones:

“I’ve looked at his record. It’s terrible on crime. It’s terrible on the border. It’s terrible on the military.”

Jones has no such “record.” He’s never even run for an elected office before. He was an effective prosecuting attorney. He has no record regarding the border or the military. So what is Trump babbling about?

Becuase you did’nt raise your son to be a Pajamma Boy


Correct. Donald Trump is supporting the election to the United States Senate of an ACCUSED child molester, because—in his own words—“We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat.”

You do understand the term “accused”, right? That means there has been no proof presented, no conviction, no reality. Simply and accusation. Or, are you implying that, going forward, all that has to be done in future elections is to make a salacious accusation against the opponent and they are expected to disappear? How do you see that as a healthy trend?

I can find an internet accusation that Obama killed his gay lover. What you are saying is that this is TRUE until proven otherwise. I suppose, under new liberal rules, Obama should be put under arrest until enough evidence is found, not to convict him, but to prove him innocent… and if the incident never happened, how exactly are you going to do that?

“We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat.”

Absolutely true. What’s more, we don’t need THAT liberal, Jones, there, someone that defends Klansmen and supports abortion right up to the moment of birth (aka “murder”). But, you again conveniently leave out the rest of Trump’s statement. Moore denies ALL the accusations. EMPHATICALLY. While the accused liberals are issuing confessions and apologies (rapidly accepted by the left, by the way), Moore is denying ALL charges and those charges are falling apart, one by one.

Again, you come down in full support of the liberal tactic of making unsubstantiated and provably false accusations against a candidate as a tactic to remove the candidate from competition. If that tactic is not denounced and discarded, it could destroy our electoral system, doing FAR more damage than your pretend collusion or Russian interference. Think that through, just a bit.

@Greg: Key word “accused.

You Dems have perfected the art of character assassination with baseless sexual misconduct claims…all while covering up the real sex offenders in your own rank.

You should focus on Weinstein, not the timed-B.S false accusation meant to throw an election because no one wants to vote Democrat any more.
This is the only way your party can win: with lies.

“Accused” is the key word because if some degree doubt didn’t exist, he wouldn’t even be on the ticket.

Why do you think his fellow republicans already in the Senate have been openly discussing ways to avoid seating him, if he’s elected? There’s been discussion about backing Jeff Sessions as a write in—from Mitch McConnell. They know this guy is toxic.

@Greg: Because Republicans traditionally run, screaming, from scandals of this sort (thus the allure to liberals to use it as a tactic) and some don’t want Trump’s agenda of purging the government of self-serving politicians to succeed.

But, what they think is immaterial compared to how the accuser’s stories are deteriorating, indicating Moore’s denials are factual.