In case you missed it, the WP’s Alexandra Petri wrote on the 7th
Advertisers learned something about Rush Limbaugh’s demographic this week. “Here we thought lots of pleasant, upstanding people were listening to and enjoying the rational things Rush had to say,” dozens of companies said. “Apparently not.” It turns out that people who really, truly still enjoy Rush Limbaugh’s show are — how do I put this? — jerks.
In her story, she claimed that his show picked up “, the site where you go to cheat on your wife, and another website that is explicitly for sugar-daddy matchmaking.” Rush called her out, saying “it’s an out-and-out lie complete with your b-i-itchy opinion in it, and it is untrue.” The same article basically stated that all Rush listeners were jerks (Dan Reihl has more).
Today, she is whining like a 5 year old told she can’t have a toy, and, unshockingly, uses the old liberal “it was humor” defense
….Whenever their ads claw their way onto a local radio station carrying Rush, Rush says, he contacts the relevant authorities immediately and has them pried off. To say that these are the companies he keeps would be misleading. They might like to be. But Rush has prevented them.
Still, the whole point of the piece was that the people most eager to be associated with Rush Limbaugh’s show are — well, advertisers seeking jerks. This has not changed.
Look, the longer this goes on, the less it sounds like an apology. And it should be.
So, instead, she doubles down
Speaking of jerks. Limbaugh listeners, I am sorry for calling you jerks yesterday. Yesterday I had no proof. I should have waited until today, when your phone calls and tweets (“Ivy league preppy elitist no talent hack”) gave me ample evidence.
See? It’s your fault that she lied and you called her out, Rush listeners.